Joint Information Environment (JIE)

Integrated Dictionary (All View-2 (AV-2))

Development Guide

January 10, 2014

Version Number 0.5

Prepared By:

Joint Staff J6

Deputy Director, Cyber and Command, Control,

Communications and Computers Integration

Architecture Integration Division

Distribution D. Distribution authorized to Department of Defense and U.S. DOD contractors only for Administrative or Operational Use. 10 January 2014. Other requests for this document should be referred to Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Staff J6, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20318-9999.







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1.  Purpose

This document provides guidance and direction to architects, analysts, engineers and other developers within the Department of Defense (DOD) to ensure the consistent development of terms and their definitions used in integrated dictionaries supporting Joint Information Environment (JIE) architectures.

2.  Scope

  1. This guide provides standardized procedures for developing JIE Integrated Dictionaries (AV-2). This standardization will assist with the comprehension, analysis and synchronization of DOD architectures. This standardization enables the efficient importation of data into the Joint Staff J6 Warfighter Mission Area - Architecture Federation and Integration Portal (WMA-AFIP), a common access portal for the DOD community (NIPRNet URL: https://sadie.nmci.navy.mil/jafe/; SIPRNet URL: https://ssadie.spawar.navy.smil.mil/sjafe/).
  2. This JIE Integrated Dictionary Development Guide provides direction on the expected data elements[1] and structures to be used in developing AV-2s supporting JIE architectures. The Guide also provides AV-2 development process details, and a quality assurance check for JIE AV-2 development and integration into the WMA-AFIP.

3.  Integrated Dictionary – All View 2 (AV-2) Description.

  1. The AV-2 presents definitions and sources of all terms used throughout the architectural data and presentations. The AV-2 ensures consistency of terminology and definitions across the populated views and artifacts[2]. A simple "dictionary of terms" (i.e., a glossary only) is not sufficient to meet the AV-2 requirements. A complete description of the AV-2 is located on the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) website: http://dodcio.defense.gov/DoDAF20/DoDAF20_av2.aspx.
  2. JIE architectures are very complex. A properly constructed AV-2 is an instrumental tool for architects, analysts and engineers to use in the analysis, auditing and quality assurance of an architecture. It ensures the consistency and synchronization of data elements across other architecture projects, as well as providing the means to trace architectural data to authoritative sources. Additionally, the AV-2 facilitates the continued development, validation, maintenance, and reuse of architecture data throughout the JIE community, thereby achieving efficiencies and saving development time.

4.  AV-2 Structure: Tabular.

  1. The AV-2 presents all the data elements in the architecture as a hierarchy along with a text definition and its authoritative source. Authoritative Sources are discussed in more detail in Paragraph 8. The most common file formats used are Microsoft (MS) Word/Excel applications or tools that are compatible with the MS suite. The preferred AV-2 format is an Excel spreadsheet or DoDAF MetaModel (DM2)[3] compliant Physical Exchange Standard (PES) export due to the ease of import/export into the WMA-AFIP database, audit capability and analysis.
  2. The most commonly used method for organizing the AV-2 is by ordering the elements alphabetically by name in a single table. In highly complex architectures with thousands of elements, organization by DM2 architecture element type is sometimes used to provide a more structured AV-2 to support analysis purposes (see Paragraph 5.b(4) below).

5.  AV-2 Integrated Dictionary Data Fields

a.  Table 1 below lists required and recommended data fields. Required fields are mandatory for the following reasons:

(1)  The data is critical to the identity, context and definition of the architecture element.

(2)  Analysis of the architecture cannot be conducted in the absence of this data.

(3)  Synchronization across the architectural community.

(4)  Ensures standardization that produces efficiencies in architecture development.

b.  The required data fields are:

(1)  Information Security Classification Markings (ISCM) – markings derived DODD 5200.01 DOD Information Security Program: Marking of Classified Information, Vol 2, 24 February 2012, change 2, 19 March 2013; three of the required data elements must have associated security classification markings: Element Name, Element Definition, and Authoritative Source.

(2)  Element Name – textual identification of the element

(3)  Element Definition – text description of the element that provides context and understanding of the elements’ purpose in the architecture.

(4)  Architecture Element Type – the logical grouping of architecture types that are mapped to the DM2 concepts (e.g. Performer, System, Activity, Resource Element (not all inclusive list)).

  1. Elements in an architecture are indicated by their DM2 element type. Each element has an associated metadata[4] that includes a name, definition, where used, and an authoritative source.
  2. Additional metadata for an element is based on the DM2, as well as the inter-relationships its architecture has with other architectures. For example, the metadata for an Organizational Unit element may also include the Military Service of the unit assigned and mission role.
  3. The DM2 is open to adding element types that are not described in fundamental DM2 concepts. If an element type is used that is not described in the DM2, provide traceability to the DM2 concept whenever possible (i.e. Element Type of “communication system” is traceable to “system”).

(5)  Authoritative Source – reference information that the element definition derives from. See Paragraph 8 for a description of acceptable Authoritative Sources.

(6)  Where Used – list all architecture views/artifacts in a project that use the element, e.g., CV-2, OV-1, SV-2

c.  Recommended data fields listed in Table 1 provide amplifying information that is not critical to the overall analysis of the architecture, but these fields provide information that assists developers and analysts with the management of the architecture data.

(1)  Element Acronym or Short Name

(2)  Element Unique Identifier

(3)  Authoritative Source Reference Location

(4)  Authoritative Source URL

Product: JIE AV-2
Data Field / Data field definition / Recommended / Required
Element Name Security Classification Markings / Security Classification of Element Name / Required
Element Name / Name of the element / Required
Element Definition Security Classification Markings / Security Classification of Element Definition / Required
Element Definition / Authoritative Source or text description of the element / Required
Element Acronym or Short Name / Either a designation formed using the initial letters of element name or a condensed “short name” for longer titles. If acronym is available, include it. / Recommended
Element Unique Identifier / Unique alpha-numeric identifier for the element / Recommended
Architecture Element Type / A logical grouping of architecture types. These types are mapped to DM2 concepts behind the scenes of the WMA-AFIP portal. If extended from an existing DM2/DoDAF element type, show mapping to appropriate DM2/DoDAF type (i.e. System/Communication System) / Required
Authoritative Source Security Classification Markings / Overall security classification of the Authoritative Source
/ Required
Authoritative Source / Reference information for the Authoritative Source. Full Name/Instruction number/web page title/etc… of authoritative source. See Paragraph 6 for description of Authoritative Sources. / Required
Authoritative Source Reference Location / Location/URL of the Authoritative Source on the internet, NIPRNET or SIPRNET. / Recommended
Authoritative Source URL / The http or https location of the authoritative source. / Recommended
Where Used / All products in the Project that use this architecture element (e.g., CV-2, CV-6). If there are multiple products of a particular DoDAF view type, provide specific view/artifact used in. / Required

Table 1 - AV-2 Data Fields

d.  The JIE AV-2 Example Format (Annex A) provides an example of current elements listed in a tabular format. This example provides sample data from the current JIE Integrated Dictionary. The example also reflects current issues complicating the reuse of data in the development of integrated architectures. As more elements from future AV-2s are imported into the JIE Integrated Dictionary, the dictionary will continue to mature and improve in usefulness.

6.  Procedures for Building the Integrated Dictionary (AV-2)

Figure 1 depicts the development process for AV-2 that will be imported into the WMA-AFIP JIE Integrated Dictionary.

Figure 1: Integrated Dictionary Generation in JIE

  1. Step 1: Compile a List of Elements with Definitions from Draft Architecture Views/Artifacts. Compile a list of elements used/to be used in the architecture with the appropriate definitions and sources of those definitions. Ensure that all elements used in the architecture (i.e. organizations, operational activities, systems functions and services) are included in the AV-2 (Table 1 contains specific attributes to be included for each element).
  2. Step 2: Compare AV-2 list of elements to JIE Integrated Dictionary. Compare the list of elements in the developed AV-2 to elements found in the JIE Integrated Dictionary. The JIE Integrated Dictionary is continuously evolving, with regular data updates that increase its value to the user community. Community input improves the dictionary’s datasets, providing greater traceability, accuracy and reuse of data in the development of DOD architectures. The JIE Integrated Dictionary is located on the JS J6 WMA Architecture Repository: https://sadie.nmci.navy.mil/jafe/arch_projects/jie_tools.aspx?Tab=1

(1)  For classified architectures or those architectures that must reside on the SIPRNet, the JIE Integrated Dictionary containing all classified elements is located in the SIPRNet JS J6 WMA Architecture Repository: https://ssadie.spawar.navy.smil.mil/sjafe/arch_projects/jie_tools.aspx?Tab=1

(2)  Does the element exist in the JIE Integrated Dictionary? Determine if the JIE Integrated Dictionary element/term matches the element/term for the developed AV-2. If the element and definitions match, continue to Step 3.

(3)  If the element definition is found but does not match or is not relevant to the specific project being worked, determine if a variant[5] definition exists in the JIE Integrated Dictionary that meets the element definition requirement (for example, a “tank” could be listed as a “container” in the existing dictionary). If it meets the requirement, proceed to Step 3.

(4)  If the element or suitable variant does not exist in JIE Integrated Dictionary, ensure all AV-2 information is developed in the required format and filled out in the AV-2 (Name, Acronym, Definition, Authoritative Source, and Where Used). Continue to Step 4.

  1. Step 3: Validate Authoritative Source Information associated with the element. Ensure the existing definition is still valid[6] in the original Authoritative Source.

(1)  If definition is not valid, provide updated information for the Authoritative Source to be used with the definition. (Ex: The version of the original Authoritative Source has been updated since original element was imported in the JIE Integrated Dictionary – CJCSI 6212.01B is superseded by current CJCSI 6212.01F.)

(2)  If no authoritative source is listed, provide source of the definition (See Paragraph 8 below). All definitions are required to have an authoritative source.

  1. Step 4. Place the new element with definition and metadata in the AV-2. With due diligence completed, the element is ready to be included in to the Project’s AV-2 as a new or updated instance.
  2. Step 5. Submit AV-2 for inclusion in the JIE Integrated Dictionary. The new definition will be imported into the JIE Integrated Dictionary upon formal submission of the overall architecture package.

7.  Quality Assurance Check

Ensure that the AV-2 information (Name, Acronym, Definition, Authoritative Source, and Where Used) is filled out and verify the following items are validated in the completed AV-2:

  1. The dictionary elements have individual security classification markings for element names and definitions.
  2. Every element has a full name (not just an acronym)
  3. The element is defined
  4. The element definition has an Authoritative Source
  5. The element identifies where it is used (which views) in the architecture

8.  Authoritative Sources for JIE Architectures

  1. Authoritative Source. An Authoritative Source is a recognized or official data production source with a designated mission statement or source/product to publish reliable and accurate data for subsequent use by customers. An Authoritative Source may be the functional combination of multiple, separate sources.
  2. Many of the architecture products being developed in DOD require the use of Authoritative Sources for information that may not meet the strict guidelines for authoritative sources. This includes future and conceptual architectures, analysis of alternatives, etc.

(1)  The Authoritative Sources used in DOD architecture development efforts will have established pedigrees that represent operational, system, and technical perspectives of relevance to the enterprise architecture development efforts.

(2)  The pedigree of an Authoritative Source is established by acceptance from a governing organization, domain acceptance of a standard practice, policy directive, etc. They are typically promulgated by a sanctioned organization for use by an enterprise or domain.

(3)  Traceability to Authoritative Sources shall be maintained by the developers in their respective architecture development environments to ensure requirements traceability across the enterprise. Architectures and elements published to the Enterprise Level for re-use must provide traceability to an Authoritative Source in the AV-2.

(4)  Changes to Authoritative Sources can impact elements and definitions found in architectures, potentially requiring changes to the overall architecture. It is the responsibility of the data owners to assess and ensure the accuracy of all Authoritative Sources used in the Project Development area for projects submitted for publishing to the enterprise level.

  1. Confidence Levels. The Architecture Integration Division, Joint Staff J6, has established confidence levels to assign to the Authoritative Sources to provide users an indication of the quality of the information source. Dependent upon the governing organization from which the Authoritative Sources is derived, one of three confidence levels will be applied: High, Medium, or Low.

(1)  High Confidence. A High confidence level is reserved for those DOD Program Websites, Official DOD Websites with established document control environments. This also includes current, approved DOD Directives, Instructions, Manuals, Joint Doctrinal Publications, Chairman’s Instructions and Manuals. One example of an Authoritative Source with a high confidence level is signed and approved documentation in the Joint Doctrine, Education, Education, and Training Electronic Information System (JDEIS) website.