Key Stage 3 design and technology – project based SMSC aspects.
Year 7
Christmas Stamper / Sp – imagination and creativity involved in designing logos and ergonomic handles.Sp – issues associated with Christmas beliefs and imagery
Trinket box / Sp- imagination and creativity involved in designing suitable surface decoration for their box based on the work of Kandinsky.
C – reflecting on the work of Kandinsky and applying his style to a modern products.
C- responding positively to artistic opportunity.
Spaghetti measure / Sp – enjoyment and fascination in learning about Alessi design.
Sp– imagination and creativity involved in designing suitable shapes for the spaghetti measure and the packaging for them.
Sp – fascination of use of laser cutter.
M – reducing material wastage. Reducing the chance for wastage by laser cutting the various hole sizes (as opposed to Forstner drilling).
So – discussions during product analysis. Awareness of Italian design.
C – responding to the influence of current design. Exploring the work of contemporary designers.
Key Stage 3 design and technology – project based SMSC aspects.
Ice scraper / Sp - imagination and creativity involved in designing suitable shapes for the ice scraper and the packaging for it.Sp –fascination of learning about other products and how they have been made.
M – offering reasoned views when in discussion during criteria analysis exercise.
So – discussion skills when carrying out analysis work in groups.
C – awareness of who they are designing for – left handed/right handed/ possible disabilities etc.
Pantograph / Sp – sense of fascination when seeing how the mechanism can copy/enlarge/reduce drawings.
M – reducing wastage and increasing productivity through the use of production jigs.
C – awareness of how the mechanism was or is used in society – e.g. electrical train contact.
C- understanding of how mechanisms are used in every-day life and how they have been handed down from past cultures.
C- awareness of how technology has moved on for similar tasks, but how a past design like this can still be useful.
C – understanding of how industry in our culture relies on skilled workers making products to accurate drawings produced by others. Pupils experience this by making identical products from the same drawing.
Night light / Sp - imagination and creativity involved in designing suitable shapes for decorated front panel of the night light.
Sp - sense of fascination in learning more about how electronic circuits work.
M – the effects of using standard components in terms of increased accuracy and reliability and reduced costs and wastage.
So – designing for the needs of others – in this case the needs of young children
Key Stage 3 design and technology – project based SMSC aspects.
Year 9
Chair design / Sp - creativity involved when designing an imaginative solution to a chair design.Sp – fascination when learning about the vast range of designs produced by past and current designers.
M- the needs of people. How are the needs of those not in the 5th-95th percentiles met?
M – use of materials and material combinations. Renewable materials/recyclable materials/material wastage.
M- improving manufacturing efficiency through use of production jigs.
So – opportunities for discussions in analysis activities.
So – comparisons of working as a ‘one-off’ producer and as part of a team in the ‘batch’ production.
C – learning about past and current design within this country and other countries.
C- opportunity to research into past and current designers.
Game and electronic dice / Sp - imagination and creativity involved in designing suitable shapes for decorated front panel of the night light.
Sp - sense of fascination in learning more about how electronic circuits work.
Sp – fascination involved with learning about how circuits can be programmed to respond to different inputs.
M – designing suitable rules for their games and being able to justify them.
So – product based discussions about the design of games.
C- reflecting on the design of past and current games.