Junior Great Books
Dear Parents of 2nd through 5th Graders,
The Junior Great Books program is coming soon! Junior Great Books is a reading program for students in grades 2 through 5. Discussion groups will begin January 18th for grades 2 and 3 and January 19th for grades 4 and 5.
Junior Great Books is a 9-week program, similar to a book club, where students are given an opportunity to read and discuss age appropriate short stories with an adult facilitator. The program uses a “shared inquiry” approach to learning which encourages students to search for meaning in stories and to consider and express many different points of view. The discussions help students increase their comprehension, interpretive thinking, and oral and written language skills.
The program is open to any student in grades 2 through 5 who wants to join. Groups of approximately 6-10 students will be formed by grade level. Spaces will be filled on a first-come basis. Students will use an anthology of grade-appropriate short stories, which have been selected by the Great Books Foundation for their ability to be interpreted in many different ways leading to interesting and informative discussions. Students are responsible for reading the weekly selection at home on their own or with their parents before each session.
PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO LEAD THE DISCUSSION GROUPS. PLEASE INDICATE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS FORM IF YOU ARE WILLING TO VOLUNTEER. All volunteers are provided with materials guiding them on leading discussions. MPS requires that all volunteers fill out a volunteer form, kept on file at school as well as a background check. The background check must be notarized and mailed in with a check for $5 by December 15TH. This form is kept on file for 9 years. For more information and copies of the forms, go to
Junior Great Books will start the week of January 19th, 2015. Discussions take place once a week for 9 weeks.
*Second and third grade groups will meet at the lower campus on Wednesday mornings from 8:40 – 9:25.
*Fourth and fifth grade groups will meet at the upper campus on Thursday mornings from 8:40 – 9:25. Transportation is not provided and students and their families are responsible for getting students to school.
If you would like your child/children to participate, please fill out the form below and return with $20 per child in cash or check (made out to LHCS PTA) to your classroom teacher on or before December 15th. Please register all students in your family who would like to participate on one form.
Student (Please Print): / Teacher / GradeParent/Guardian Signature:Printed Name:Date:Phone & email:
Please indicate if you would like to volunteer to be a Junior Great Books leader for your child’s group: Yes/No
Questions? Please contact Liz Shors: or (612) 401-7777/cell
Teachers: Please put completed forms in the Junior Great Books mailbox in the office. Thank you!