Joanne Denney Memorial Scholarship
(Prefer applicants pursuing teaching degrees but open to all students continuing higher education.)
Mrs. Joanne Denney had been an elementary teacher at Mediapolis Schools (1 year) and at Danville Schools for 37 years. She especially loved teaching 1st graders as she felt she was able to impact their formative years and instill a love of learning in them, plus they were so curious and funny with never-ending hugs. Although she retired in 2007, up until two years ago, she served as a substitute elementary teacher for Mediapolis Schools. Joanne lived in the local area to be close to her grandchildren, who attended Mediapolis Community Schools. She believed strongly in family, community and education.
Her desire was to impact student’s lives, contribute to the community, help shape the next generation, and inspire students to seek a higher education. This scholarship is being given in her honor to continue the incentive of making a difference in student’s lives and giving back to your community.
Value of the Scholarship: The amount of the scholarship is $250.00, for onegraduating Mediapolis senior with academic potential and financial need. Preference will be given to those pursuing a degree in teaching, either elementary or secondary education.
Eligibility: Any graduating senior from Mediapolis Community High School who wishes to attend an accredited university, college or community college.
Basis of Selection: GPA of at least 2.5
School and Community Activities
Complete Application
Senior Picture
Selection: The final selection will be made by the Joanne Denney family.
Date of Award: The scholarship will be awarded to the recipient at the Mediapolis High School Scholarship Awards Night.
Payment: A check will be sent to the college of the recipient’s choice AFTER the successful completion of one semester (January 2018).
Applications must be turned in to the high school counseling office by April 28th.
Joanne Denney Memorial Scholarship
Information on this page must be printed or typed. Please feel free to include additional school/biographical information sheets with your application. Be sure they are attached to the application. Students may use and attach computer printouts. Be sure to include the questions as well as the answers and make sure your name is on all pages if you choose to use this option.
Candidate Information:
PARENT’S NAMES:Father:Occupation:
Number under 18 years of age:
Number over 18 years of age:
Academic Information:
Cumulative High School GPA for first seven semesters of high school:
Class Rank:ACT Score (if applicable):
High School Honors Received:
College or university you plan to attend:
Intended Major(s)or Program of Study:
Financial Information:
Financial circumstances as they apply to your education: What financial obstacles have you or are you facing that might hinder your future education? While financial need will be considered, it will not necessarily be the primary qualification.
Estimated College Costs (One Year):
List either your estimated family contribution (EFC) from the latest FAFSA you filed or your parent’s adjusted gross (AGI) income on their last tax return.
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Joanne Denney Memorial Scholarship
1. Career you plan to pursue with brief explanation of your reasons for selecting this career
(50 words or less).
2. What extracurricular school activities have you participated in while in high school? List
offices held and honors/awards received.
3. What community activities have you participated in while in high school? List offices held
and honors/awards received.
4. Part-Time Work Place (if applicable)
Name of business/organization:
Number of hours each week:
5. What leadership roles have you held or participated in?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
7. Is there anything else we should know about you?
8. Write 1 or 2 paragraphs about “how you feel a teacher influences the lives of others.”
I verify that the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Student SignatureDate
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