- You must have current and valid AMA and Tri-Valley club card to fly. Your Tri-Valley membership card shall be placed on the appropriate pin while transmitter is in use.
- Transmitters shall have the AMA approved method of frequency identification and shall have the owner’s name and telephone number affixed to it.
- Pilots will not use the frequency for more than fifteen (15) minutes at a time. Including engine startingand run up.
- All transmitters at the field will be placed at the designated impound area.
- All spectators are to remain to the south of the fence at all times. No chairs allowed on the north side of the fence.
- All transmitters must carry a gold sticker and meet all specifications in accordance with AMA and RCMA 1991 gold sticker narrow band guidelines. All AMA legal aircraft channels will be available. The use of channel 20 is not permitted. The use of wide band (40khz) even channel receivers iscurrently allowed. However, you must take the odd channel pin on either side of your operating frequency.
- No more than five (5) frequencies may be in use at once. This means there will never be more than five (5) cards on the frequency board at any one time (Four (4) aircraft in the air and one aircraft in the ready or engine run up position). The only exception to this rule will be on Wednesday evening between 4:00 p.m. and dark, and on Saturday mornings from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. During these hours, there will be allowed six (6) aircraft in the air and seven (7) frequency cards on the board.
- Start engines with aircraft facing the runway. Pilots with aircraft requiring excessive run up time will be asked to move their aircraft to another designated area so as not to cause excessive blowing of smoke or debris around the spectator or flight line area. Double check throttle's position, and/or physically restrain aircraft while starting.
- Pilots must stay within designated positions at least twenty (20) feet apart while flying.
- Aircraft shall not take off directly nor taxi from the pit area. You must carry or walk the aircraft from the pit area to the taxiway. Aircraft shall not land toward the flight line or pit area.
- All pilots shall make sure not to fly over the flight line, pit area, spectator area or parking lot. Absolutely no flying to the south of the parking lot.
- Make certain field is clear for landing by calling out "Coming In!" or "Landing!" Novice and beginning pilots will have an experienced spotter to assist them while flying.
- After landing, taxi aircraft to taxi area, stop engine, then carry or walk aircraft to pit area.
- No flying while mower is in operation at the field.
- All aircraft are to be fitted with an effective silencer. All AMA guidelines concerning engine noise should be considered when equipping an aircraft with a silencer, muffler or tuned exhaust system.
- Tri-Valley club officers reserve the right to modify or amend these field regulations as they see fit temporarily for special events or contests. Any amendments to these rules may be made by the eventcoordinator or contest director.
- Guests of a current Tri-Valley member may fly at the field a maximum of three times during a normalflying season. The guest must hold a current and valid AMA card and be in the company of the sponsoring club member. This includes "walk-on" guests. Guests will be required to give up the frequency they are using when requested by a Tri-Valley member.
- Violations of field regulations should be brought to the immediate attention of the offending person and the board. Continued or flagrant violations of field rules may result in denial of club usage permanently.
- Operation of radio-controlled cars or boats at the flying site is not to be allowed.
- The asphalt runway is to be used for take-off and landings and shall not be used for performing aerobatics maneuvers. Keep all maneuvers well to north or either end of the asphalt strip.
- Hovering aircraft, Zagies, and park flyers shall be limited to the west-end of the field, south of the orange catch fence unless you are flying a normal pattern as the other planes.
- Flying a plane toward the pits to land is not permitted. This includes trying to catch the plane in lieu of landing.
- All other safety rules apply to entering the flying zone to retrieve your aircraft if others are flying overhead. Either wait, or have others fly "high cover" while you enter the field.
TriValley RC ClubPage 111/8/2018