Animal Rights – Teacher's Guide


In this activity students will learn about animal rights and how animals are used to test household products and cosmetics. In pairs or groups they will investigate companies that are or are not using animals to test their products. They will be asked to find out about the Israeli laws for animal rights and experimentation. They will identify Israeli companies that produce household products or cosmetics and write a letter to one of them inquiring about their policy for testing and experimenting on animals. At the conclusion they will prepare a lesson or activity for younger students to make them aware of animal rights and what they could do to support them.

Students can access all the Internet sites for the Interactive Activities by clicking on Students' Area in the ECB On-line homepage, then click on:

·  Interactive Activity links - The links to the Internet sites are listed under the names of the activities.
- or -

·  Elementary, Junior High, High School. Choose their coursebook.


Proficiency (Grades 10-12)


Two 45-minute lessons or more

Group Size

Pairs or groups

Students' Prior Knowledge

The students can ...

... present and backup an opinion.

... search for specific information using the Internet.

... debate a subject he/she has researched.


The students will be able to ...

... interact and respond appropriately in conversation.

... give and receive information using accurate language and vocabulary.

... follow arguments of expository texts.

... cope with information that contains little or no redundancy.

... organize thoughts and ideas using discourse markers with accurate use of language.


Brainstorm with the students what they know about testing and experimenting on animals, by asking then the following questions.

What animals are used for testing and experimenting?

What types of products are tested?

Do they know of any companies in Israel or abroad that test on animals?

Are they familiar with the laws about animal testing and experimentation?

Tell the students that they are going to learn how animals are used to test household products and cosmetics. Divide the class into groups of four or five students. Ask the students to read and answer some questions about the history of animal testing and alternatives to animal testing. You may send the students to the Internet or print the necessary articles from:

All for Animals at

Click on Student / Teacher Resources.

Read the article History of Animal Testing to complete Activity One

Read the article Alternatives to Animal Testing to complete Activity Two

Once the students have finished the worksheets, give them the following charts:

a. List of companies that don't test on animals

b. List of companies that test on animals

Graphic photos of animals used in product tests see

To complete the charts they should click on Resources for Students page in the All For Animals site. Click on the link with a name similar to the name of their charts.

The students should write information regarding the name of the company, its location, Internet site, and its products. They should only list companies that have links to an Internet site. They should follow the links and find at least five additional products the company makes that they believe are tested on animals. Ask the students to list products they find on these lists which are sold in Israeli supermarkets.


Choose one of the following:

·  Prepare a debate. The group of students which researched information which favours animal testing should prepare specific examples and evidence to support this. The group that researched information against animal testing should prepare the information to support their position. They will then conduct an informal debate of the subject of animal testing.

·  Prepare a lesson or activity for children in order to make them aware of animal rights. Help them understand the following: Why do animals need rights? Who abuses them and why? What can be done to support these rights?

·  Prepare a school campaign about "Animal Rights Awareness" including suggested in-class activities for the homeroom lesson.

·  Prepare a petition (or letters of complaint) to send an Israeli company that test products on animals or a local supermarket that sells these products. The petition should include the name of the product(s) this company produces that the students believe are tested on animals.

·  Prepare a petition to send to a local supermarket asking them to stop selling a product that is tested on animals. In the petition or letter explain why testing on animals is unfair and cruel.

Student's Worksheet

Animal Rights - History of Animal Testing: Activity One

To find the Internet site you need to complete this activity

·  Go to: ECB Online:

·  Click on Student's Area

·  Click on Interactive Activity Links or look for your course book.

·  Find the activity: Animal Rights

·  Use these Internet sites to help you.

Answer the following.

  1. This newsletter deals with animal testing by companies that produce:

a.  a. diseases

b.  b. medicine

c.  c. dishwashing soap

d.  d. solar energy

2. Fill in the missing word(s).
The first known experimentation on animals was as far back as ______.

Another word for this experimentation is ______.

3. Fill in the missing word(s).
Descartes believed that if animals ______, then they probably
______feel pain or ______.

4. Did Bentham agree with Descartes' statement? Yes / No.

What phrase in the second paragraph tells you this? ______

5. What caused the Food and Drug Administration to pass a law which had
cosmetic companies begin testing cosmetics on animals?

6. What animal is usually used in the Draize test? ______
How is the test performed? ______

7. What does the name LD50 mean? ______

8. What type of organizations emerged as a result of these experiments?

9. Fill in the missing word(s):

Revlon and Avon ______testing their products on animals in
1989. They were the ______major U.S. companies to do

Student's Worksheet

Animal Rights - Animal Testing Alternatives: Activity Two

To find the Internet site you need to complete this activity

·  Go to: ECB Online:

·  Click on Student's Area

·  Click on Interactive Activity Links or look for your course book.

·  Find the activity: Animal Rights

·  Use these Internet sites to help you.

Answer the following.

1.  Is there a law which states that products made for personal care must be tested on animals?

2.  List four reasons why an alternative to animal testing would be better.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

3.  According to this article why don't companies use these alternatives?

4.  Fill in the missing word(s).
In 1979 Revlon ______thousands of dollars to ______research to look into an ______to animal testing.

5.  What reason is given for an increase in animals testing as new methods for alternative tests are being researched?

6.  Choose four alternative tests mentioned in the article and fill in the chart below.

Name of Test / What does it test? / How does it test?

7.  According to the article, why isn't anesthesia used on the animals during testing?

8.  Do you think that this is a good reason not to use anesthesia? ______Why?

9.  List two recommendations from the article that consumers can do to show their support for using alternative testing methods?

Student's Worksheet

Animal Rights – Companies That Test on Animals: Activity Three - 1

Name of company / Location / Internet site / Products / Products found in Israel Yes / No
Arm & Hammer
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
Clairol, Inc.
Elizabeth Arden, Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Procter & Gamble

Animal Rights – Cruelty-Free Companies: Activity Three - 2

Complete this chart with information found at: All for Animals

According to the Internet site, an asterisk (*) is placed by a company which ______and a plus sign (+) is placed by a company which______.

If the company does not have an Internet site, write 'no site'.

Name of company / Location / Internet site / Products / Products found in Israel Yes / No
Aloe Vera of America
Aramis, Inc.
Astonish Industries
The Body Shop, Inc.
Chanel, Inc.
Estee Lauder