Jo-Carroll Depot Local Redevelopment Authority

Infrastructure Committee

9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 17, 2012

18933 A Street, Savanna Depot Park

Savanna, IL

I. CALL TO ORDER: Committee Chairman Ron Smith called the meeting to order at

9:37 a.m. on Tuesday, April 17, 2012.

II. ROLL CALL was answered as follows: Present: Don Crawford, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson and Ron Smith. Absent: Steve Keefer. Other board members and staff present: Paul Hartman and Bill Wright, Mara Roche, and Ashley Bunn. Guests present: Tom Kamper (RVPR) and Tim Schoenig (WWTPO).



A motion to approve the March 20, 2012 Infrastructure Committee minutes was made by Bill McFadden, seconded by Bill Robinson. The motion carried by voice vote.

V. Executive Session: No reason for executive session.


A. Discuss water, sewer system, long-range plan –

1. Review expenses –Ashley Bunn reviewed expenses and revenues for March 2012 four months into the fiscal year. The total expenses for March 2012 including reinvestment costs were $3,768.14 and the total revenues were $332.24.

A motion to accept the water/sewer revenue/expense report was made by Don Crawford, seconded by Ron Smith. The motion carried by voice vote.

2. Next Steps – Mara Roche, Executive Director reported that she had sent an e-mail to Tom Lederle stating that the LRA had still not received a response from the Army regarding financial assistance with water/sewer maintenance items and delaying the transfer of the water/sewer system. Mara had also requested contact information for the new BRAC officials. Mara had not received a response from Tom but the local Army office had received correspondence from Tom requesting a possible visit to the depot on May 14th or 15th.

Chairman Smith reported that he has also been leaving messages with the Army regarding the letter that was sent from Phil and so far he has not had any response.

Mara reports that as of today she has not received any word from Phil on whether or not additional letter have been sent out to Representatives. Mara also has contacted Phil’s office and blocked off the tentative dates that Tom Lederle may visit.

Mara stated that the LRA is still waiting on an answer from the Carroll County State’s Attorney on whether they would be willing to put their portion of the tax dollars generated from the Savanna Depot Park into a separate fund that could be used for the operation and maintenance of the water/sewer system at the depot. Chairman Smith reports he will be contacting Utilities, Inc. because he has recently read an article that the company has been bought out and he will follow-up to find out if there is still any interest in taking over the water/sewer system at the depot.

B.  Review of Capital Improvement Projects

1.  Capital Improvements for FY ‘11

a. 244 Lift Station –Tim Schoenig reports that he has removed one of the old pumps and has lowered one in and is working on modification. Tim reports that one of the pumps has been taken to Midwest 3PL’s machine shop for the modification. Tim reports that the old pumps can be scraped out. The new aluminum plates have been picked up from Eastland Fabrication.

2. Capital improvements for FY 12

a. Road repairs over steam lines – Tim has fixed the water leaks in this location so there should not be any further issues in that area. The Committee agreed the steam line repair / fill is not a necessary CIP project for this FY and can be taken off the agenda due to confirmation that they steam line has not collapse and was not causing the road damage. It was all due to a water leak. The Committee asked if any road repairs needed to be completed due to the leak and Tim didn’t feel there were any needed.

b. McIntyre from Crim to Graham Circle – the Committee agreed this item can be removed from the agenda as a pending CIP project for FY 2012 because it is not feasible that it will be done.

c. Automatic Transfer Switch – The Committee agreed this item can be removed from the agenda as a pending CIP project for FY 2012 because it is not an item of high importance.

d. Effluent Pump and Motors at WWTF – Tim reports he contacted Gasvoda & Associates, Inc. and is waiting on a quote.

e. Water Tower Painting – tabled and pursuing financial assistance from the Army. Tim reports that he has contacted Eastland Fabrication for the new screen that is needed for the water tower vent. Chairman Smith requested the quote be secured by next meeting since this is an item of high importance. Committee Member Robinson stated that the cement at the bottom is chipping and also needed to be looked at in order to avoid larger costs in the future. Chairman Smith requested a quote on this item as well.

C.  Recommendations on capital improvements or maintenance items – NONE

D.  WWTPO prioritized list of maintenance items-quarterly review- The updated list was reviewed by the Committee. Mara stated that the vent assembly project at the water tower needed to be removed from this list and continue to be addressed under CIP projects. Upcoming projects for Tim to complete during the Spring/Summer of 2012 which are high priority include flushing the hydrants, road repairs by the 50’s series, road repairs by building 14, insulate WWTP ceiling, painting and insulating doors at 107, and water meter installation at Buildings 54 and 100.

Committee Member Robinson asked whether it would be feasible to do a survey to find water leaks, similar to what is going to be performed in Savanna. Chairman Smith suggested adding it to the prioritized list of maintenance items.


A. Monthly review of water analysis – the Committee reviewed the two reports.

B. WWTP Operator monthly report – the Committee reviewed the report.

C. WWTP Operator’s bill [Action required of over $2,500]. – Not over $2,500.

D. Riverport Railroad Correspondence – Ole Pace had not yet returned from leave. The Committee agreed to table this item until next month’s Committee Meeting. Tom Kamper stated that Riverport will be meeting with Rescar to confirm all the details of the Rescar expansion project. Riverport will build and supply the track necessary for the project. Rescar will be in charge of wiring and plumbing. The plumbing will hook up to the depot water/sewer system. Jo-Carroll Energy will be coming out tomorrow to determine what type of power is necessary. Tim will come out and determine where the water line should be laid. Tom reported that if the deed is not yet secured from the Army when the time comes to break ground the Army has implied they will give permission so that Rescar can proceed with the project on time. Tom stated that Rescar believes that this project should increase their production by 250 cars a month and would like to be finished with the project by July.

E. Set next meeting date – Next meeting is set for Tuesday, May 15, 2012

VIII. OTHER UPDATES: Tim Schoenig reported that McIntyre Farms had contacted him yesterday regarding the Hydrant Use Permit. McIntyre Farms had secured a permit for one day last year ($100 per day). This year he would like the hydrant use permit for a longer period of time and wanted to know if he could work out a deal with the LRA due to the volume and time span he would need the water. The Committee discussed the policy and whether the fee needed to be raised. The Committee agreed to put the hydrant use fee policy on next month’s Committee Meeting agenda for review.

Chairman Smith questioned Tim regarding Building 200 that is being leased by Jesse Spear and if a gas and oil separator had ever been installed. Tim stated that the building is no longer being used as an auto body repair shop and the gas and oil separator would only be necessary if that is what the building was used for. If cars are being stored overnight in that building then the separator would be necessary. Tim reports the sewer line in that area has been repaired and Tim inspected it.

Mara reminded everyone that the Crim Drive railroad track crossing will be closed on May 14th-15th and May 21st-22nd Access to the property will be through Whiton gate, the Army will issue keys. The crossing has been okayed for semis since Area 51 runs about 40 semis a day.



A motion to adjourn was made at 10:36 a.m. by Bill McFadden, seconded by

Don Crawford. The motion carried by voice vote.


Ashley Bunn, LRA Secretary