MarburgStateSchool Newsletter

Principal : Kirrily Newton Ph: (07) 5464 4218 or Mobile 0477 749 447


Week 5 Term 2

Thursday 12th May2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Information for Parents/Caregivers

Our School Review – an opportunity to have your say!!

Our school is scheduled for a School Review from 19th to 20th May 2016.

The Department of Education and Training introduced new performance reviews for Queensland State

Schools in 2015. The reviews are conducted by the department’s School Improvement Unit.

The reviews do not rate or compare schools but provide independent and quality feedback to help schools

continue to improve outcomes for students. All schools have a review at least every four years. Key findings from the review are made available to parents and the community on the school’s website.

As part of the review, the review team would like to hear from our school community and I encourage

anyone who is interested to have their say. Your feedback is important and will help us continue to deliver a quality education for students.

Feedback can be provided to the review team by phone or in person. All feedback remains confidential.

If you are interested in speaking to the reviewers, or would like more information about the review

process, please contact the school office or email the review team at .

Further information about the reviews is available from the department’s website at:

Priorities for improving student outcomes in 2016

At Marburg State School our priorities for 2016 are as follows-:

  1. Whole school Reading improvement
  2. NAPLAN outcomes for Year 3 and 5
  3. Pedagogy- which is “how” we teach the Australian Curriculum.

Reading Improvement and how you can help your kids!!!

This term the whole school is participating in our Home-reading scheme. This means that every student will have a folder with a fiction or non-fiction reader to bring home every night. Parents are to sign the folder and can make comments on how their kids are going. In each folder is a set of questions that you may ask as or after they have read the book. The questions are on a doubled sided sheet attached to the folder. This program can only be successful if you participate in helping them achieve their goals and we appreciate it.We will keep you updated on the fantastic progress our students are making each term.

Parent Handbook

Just a reminder that most general information regarding day to day operation of the school is located in the Parent Handbook.

Enrolment Details

Please make sure to contact the office in regards to any changes with family and student contact details.

Chaplaincy at Marburg

Chappy Krystal is at Marburg State School every Wednesday from 8.30 until 3pm. Chappy Krystal assists in classroom learning and provides each class with a session from our “You Can Do It” program. This program focusses on Social and Emotional learning and the in Term 2 we will be exploring “Getting Along”.

Canberra Payments

All families of students participating in the Canberra excursion in July have been issued with a payment plan and invoices for payments. This plan is to assist with regular payments before the trip. Please take note of the amounts required and the dates to pay. Please note that there are several who have still not paid for End of April payment. As this payment plan was just a guide, please advise the office of any changes in your payments. This trip is not far away now! Thank you.


Well done to the efforts made by students in year 3 and 5 in NAPLAN testing this year. Remember that NAPLAN is a point in time and that what you are learning and achieving everyday in your classroom is important.

Cross Country

Congratulations to all students who participated in Cross Country last Friday and well done to those students who have qualified for district Cross Country- we wish you all the best for the day.

Marburg Show

Congratulations to Marburg for first prize in the school display at the show this year and to all of the outstanding entries by individual students in the areas of school work and art. Congratulations also to Ellse Witt for Champion Poster. Go Marburg SS!!

Prep-1 NEWS

Congratulations to all the students who entered the different categories in the Marburg Show. There were many winners in our class, but it is not about winning, it is participating and having fun creating art. Well done every one. The love of books, reading them by themselves, with a partner or with a group, is definitely a growing culture in our room. The Preps are now working on recognising more high frequency words. They will decode them, if possible, write them, make them and read them, lots and lots of times, so that they will be automatically recalled. The students are also constantly reminded to get their mouth ready for the initial sound, so they are ready to decode, not guess. Learning to read becomes exciting when you know your sounds and you can decode lots and lots of very hard words. The look on their faces when they realise what the words are that they have just decoded, is just fantastic. The Year One students are working towards achieving their reading goals for this term. They complete activities that help to increase their comprehension skills with every text they study. The Year Ones are also learning their number facts. It will take a far longer time for these facts to be retained in their long term memory, if they do not chant them as often as possible. The more the better. The students had a great time at the cross country run last Friday, even if they had to wait a while for their turn. Those students who returned to school had a tower building challenge in our classroom. They worked in groups of four to construct a tower using number rods. Good group working skills were used and great towers were built. So much fun with a few wooden rods. Until next time, Take care,Ciao Gail Ducci


Hello Everyone,

Wow what a show! The school won their exhibit and some of students won individual prizes for their school work. The student’s faces lit up when they were handed their winnings for their chosen work. The range of available competitions is quite staggering for such a small town and I would encourage everyone, seniors and youngsters, to consider entering an item next year to support the efforts of our local show society.

In our integrated unit we have looked at how different cultures treat their elders, and the importance that these people play in indigenous Australian culture. Festival and traditions have also been researched with some students displaying a mature attitude of tolerance and understanding beyond their years. Next we will be studying food and how its collection is influenced by the environment.

NAPLAN has been completed for another school year. Our current year two and four students will shortly begin their preparation for next May, when it will be their turn to sit the national standardised tests. Well done to all who participated this week. Results generally arrive in September and will be distributed at this time.

The students are slowly working toward their term goals across Literacy, Numeracy and Socialisation. These are reset at the beginning of each term and evaluation of progress happens within the last week of each term. As the students have chosen a friendship goal some of this evaluation occurs as reflection. Other goals are more easily monitored through spelling, maths and detention records.

We have begun to monitor our fitness levels with the students using ‘The Beep Test” as their measuring device. This test requires them to run a certain distance, back and forth, in time with a beep. The beep begins slowly but speeds up as the number of laps builds. The students are enjoying the challenge with the focus being on personal improvement rather than competing against others.

Please add a comment to your child’s home reader folder as they finish each book. This allows us the best opportunity to satisfy your child’s interests and reading ability as we regularly swap readers for them. Until next time Marina K.

4-5-6 NEWS

Well hello to all the parents of students in year 4/5/6 and we hope you have had a wonderful fortnight.

In English– During the last two weeks we have continued to work on structure and emotive language used in persuasive text. Our focus has been on 3 main elements as follows-:

  1. Opening statement- to introduce the topic or question
  2. Evidence based argument with multiple expanded reasons
  3. Summary statement- re-iterating their view/opinion.

We have been working together on modelled text and have covered thought-provoking questions such as –“Homework- what is the point” and “A four day week??”

Students plan and construct their persuasion/argument and share with their target audience.

Design and technology will allow students to design and present their own advertisement for a sporting goods product of their choice. This assessment will consist of both a written and oral presentation to the class. An important part of English is sharing and oral speaking and as suchstudents are given opportunities for this to occur in classrooms throughout our school every day.

In week 6 through to 9 we will have the pleasure of hosting a pre-service teacher- Miss Lana Belcher who will be observing and teaching in our room. Lana will be teaching 2 units of work in our classroom- an English unit on “Animated story production” and an introduction to Economics- with a focus on planning and budgeting for a school fete. We are very excited to have Lana in our classroom.

Mathematics- This term our focus will be on fractions and decimals/ revision of operations/ 3D shapes and dimensions/ problem solving and the connections mathematics makes to the real world every day. We have been looking at the relationship between fractions and decimals and the link that has with concepts such as money, time and measurement.

Homework- This term our continued focus is on spelling and reading for weekly homework, this is outlined each week. Homework is given out on a Monday and is to be returned on the Friday each week. Parent supervision of homework is necessary for success for each student. Thank you in advance.

Regular homework consists of the following-:

  1. Spelling – review every night and learn- parents to sign every night
  2. Sentences- students choose 5 words from their list and write a sentence for each
  3. Reading- A reading worksheet/home reader- parents to sign for home reading
  4. Maths revision worksheet- focus from the previous week

If at anytime you have any questions regarding your child’s progress please feel free to contact me at school or by email-

A reminder to check the date claimers each newsletter as there are many events during the term.

Until next time Mrs N.


We have managed to pack a lot into our Thursdays and Fridays in the last fortnight.

In Science, we have built sandcastles to examine the effect of water as an agent of erosion. In our investigation, we applied our understanding of fair testing and we concluded that water is an effective agent, and the more water applied, the greater the erosion.

In History, we have started to learn about the secondary settlements of Colonial Australia as more convicts and free settlers travelled from England in the early 1800s. In Geography, we are beginning to learn about the human impacts on naturalenvironments and the impact of natural disasters in environmentson people.

We are looking forward to having Miss Belcher working with us over the next few weeks.

We have all worked so hard, we can have this Friday off. Mrs B.

Superstar Awards

Prep/1-Classroom –

Playground -

All students over the last 2 weeks

Year 2/3-Classroom - have been working hard at their learning. Playground -

Specific awards will resume again in week 6 due to

Year 4/5/6-Classroom – Cross Country and the Show Holiday

Playground -


Coming up in May is Chappy Week, which is all about raising funds and awareness, and celebrating Chaplaincy in schools.

For this year’s Chappy Week event we are going to have a Silly Socks Day.

So on Wednesday the 18th of May, come to school in free dress, with silly socks.

Your silly socks are to be the main focus of your outfit.

We request that you bring a $2 donation, which will go towards the continuation of the Chaplaincy program in our school.


Lote is on the move, with more support and a new curriculum coming into play this year some time.

I have just attended a 2 day conference in Brisbane attended by many language teachers, as well as 47 school principals from Qld.

The new (revised) approach is student centred. i.e.; about them, home, school, town and the environment around us in every language taught in Queensland.

We could be regarded as a leading school in L.O.T.E. as we have German from Prep. to Yr. 6 included. Many schools are seeking newly available funding to do the same.

Watch this space...Bis zum naechsten Mal Aufwiedersehen


A huge thanks to all who came and helped out at the Marburg show, who donated baked goods and ingredients, and who helped set up and pack up! We banked over $5,887, expenses were $2,662, so profit of $3,225 was made for the school. It was an exhausting couple of days for some, but made worthwhile by its great success! It was an excellent opportunity to meet some new faces, and help out our kids by raising money for the school. Thanks again to those who came down and helped prepare, assemble, and sell burgers – we couldn’t have done it without you!

We have 10 dozen fresh eggs leftover from the show – if you would like to purchase a dozen at $2 each, please contact Jo Campbell on 0400 340 526.

Chicken Strips and Chips Day is coming up on the 20th May. Please fill in the order form included in this newsletter, and return to the P & C box outside the office by Tues 17th May.

Our next fundraisers coming up are the Chocolate Drive – pickup on 3rd June, and Poets in the Park on 4th June. More details to come in the next newsletter!

We now have a Facebook page! This page will be used for communicating information on upcoming events and notices from the P & C committee to parents. It is a closed group, so please request an invite to the “Parents And Friends Of Marburg State School” Facebook page.

Our next P & C Meeting is on Friday 27th May, 2016 in the hall after parade commencing at approximately 9.30am. If there is anything that you would like to be brought to the table at our next meeting, please contact the P & C on email , contact any of the executives on the below numbers, or drop a note in the P&C Box outside of the office. All Parents and Caregivers are most welcome. Hope to see you all there!

President: Sam Platell – 0418 733 638

Vice President:Kellie Donohue – 0458 380 354

Secretary:Monique Meier – (07) 5464 4218 (school office hours)

Vice Secretary:Kathy Witt - 0427 588 317

Treasurer:Jo Campbell – 0400 340 526


Marburg State School P & C


Friday 13th / Ipswich Show Holiday
Tuesday 17th / Orders/money in for Chicken strips day
Wednesday 18th / Silly Socks Day- Chaplaincy
Thursday 19th /Friday 20th / School Review
Friday 20th / Chicken strips and chips day
Friday 27th / P & C Meeting 9:30am