Part 1 Programme details

Proposed titlePostgraduate Diploma in Fashion Buying and Management

Proposing School:School of Retail and Services Management
Nature and duration of programmeFull time over 12 months

DIT award recommended: Postgraduate Diploma in Fashion Buying and Managementwith classifications ofDistinction; Merit, Upper Division; Merit Lower Division; and Pass

Parallel award sought from other award bodyNone

Professional/external accrediting body None

Part 2 Programme background/structure


The proposed programme in Fashion Buying and Management has been devised and customised to the needs of the fashion industry, to reflect the educational requirements and learning opportunities necessary to succeed as a fashion buyer in today’s competitive environment. It comes at a time appropriate to meeting industry demand for Irish fashion buyers.

Programme structure:

The programme is modularised and will be delivered over two semesters full time. The work placement will take place during the summer months.

Minimum Entry Requirements:

Applicants must hold an honours degree at 2.2 or better (or equivalent) in any discipline.

The procedure for non-standard applicants is in accordance with the Institute’s postgraduate application procedures.

Student assessment:

In accordance with DITGeneral Assessment Regulations and Addendum in relation to the Modular Scheme.

Derogations from the General Assessment Regulations:None sought.

The Panel recommends that the work placement is assessed on a pass/fail basis.

Part 3 Validation details and membership of panel

Dates of Review Event19/20 November 2007

Validation Panel

Internal members:Bernard Skelton (Chair), School of Real Estate and Construction Economics, DIT Bolton Street; Deirdre Quinn, School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, DIT Cathal Brugha Street; Roger Sherlock, School of Marketing, DIT Aungier Street

External Members: Donald McFetridgeLecturer, School of Business, Retail and Financial Services, University of Ulster, Coleraine; Lorraine Egan, Senior Design Adviser, Enterprise Ireland, Dublin

Officer: Jan Cairns, Quality Assurance Officer

Part 4 Recommendations of Panel in relation to award sought

The Panel is pleased to recommend that Academic Councilapprove the programme, for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Fashion Buying and Management, at level 9 in the National Framework of Qualification, with classifications ofDistinction, Merit Upper Division; Merit Lower Division, and Pass.

The Panel commends the collaborative and multidisciplinary nature of the programme and the interaction with industry and international partners which was evident throughout. The Panel thanks the School for the frank and open discussions with the Panel and for the generous hospitality shown to it.

The Panel makes several recommendations in relation to the programme.

Strong recommendation

The Panel strongly recommends the appointment of a Programme Manager and Administrator to manage and co-ordinate the programme and in particular the work placement.


(a)The Panel recommends that the Programme Team develop a part-time offering of the programme and that this is reflected within the Programme Document, particularly in relation to the sequencing and delivery of the modules, assessment and the role of work-based learning. The Panel is happy to consider and recommend approval of the part-time programme, upon receipt of a revised Programme Document.

(b)The Panel notes that the programme objectives as currently presented within the Programme Document reflect a programme focused on the management of fashion buying rather than fashion management. The Panel recommends that the programme objectives be reviewed to reflect more accurately the programme title. The Panel also considers that the programme’s emphasis on fashion management as well as fashion buying could be strengthened, possibly through the addition of particular topics, for example critical path management and quality control, within existing modules, as well as the development of optional modules.

(c)The Panel recommends that a placement handbook be produced, based on those already in existence within the School, which provides information regarding the sourcing of placements and projects and the management, supervision and the assessment of the placement.

(d)The Panel recommends that the work placement module be assessed on a pass/fail basis and that the Programme Document be amended accordingly.

(e)The Panel recommends that the section within the Programme Document relating to the admissions process include details of the interview process and any associated criteria, to ensure that selection to the programme is clear and transparent. The Panel considers that this will be particularly important in the case of significant demand for the programme.

(f)The Panel recommends that the Programme Team review the learning outcomes for individual modules to ensure that they all reflect the appropriate level.

(g)The Panel recommends that the Programme Team review the reading lists within the module descriptors with a view to adding more recent and relevant material as well as more electronic resources, where appropriate.

(h)The Panel recommends that all modules are allocated codes according to the Institute’s procedures and that these are included within the module descriptors.

Other observations

(i)The Panel notes that, given the comparative lack of research in the fashion buying and management areas, there is an opportunity for the Programme Team to create a centre of excellence in this area, and it would encourage the Team to take the opportunity presented.

(j)The Panel would encourage the Programme Team to consider the further development of this programme into a Masters programme which broadens the focus of the programme.

(k)The Panel notes that the prepared reading lists for the programme have already been presented to the Library for acquisition.