Jeremy Buchholz

410 Rockford Rd.

Pierre, S.D. 57501

Jeremy has in-depth personal knowledge of Methamphetamine, including its manufacturing, distribution and use. Jeremy has served prison time and been associated with prison gangs as a result of his familiarity with this highly addictive and illegal drug.

Jeremy coauthored an in depth manual concerning all aspects of Methamphetaniines in 2002 with Mathias E. Stricherz, Ed.D of the University of South Dakota. They presented this information to the South Dakota Governor’s conference for Methamphetarnines and the staff and consumers at the Wakpala treatment center in Mobridge, S.D. Jeremy offers detailed information concerning his personal drug use and the dangers of Methamphetamines.

Jeremy presented to an assembly of students and teachers in the Onida, S.D. school district in 2002 concerning the dangers of Methamphtamines.

In 2004, he was asked to speak to the Mitchell and surrounding community school districts, the Alternative school, the town meeting and an assembly of teachers and counselors about drug use.

Jeremy was appointed by Governor Rounds in 2004 to serve on the Governors’s Statewide Methamphetamine Task Force for a term of 18 months.

Jeremy was the featured speaker in 2005 at the Pierre Brown Bag series for Sober Youthl Sober Communities.

Jeremy continues in his recovery and now leads a sober lifestyle. He works for Capital Area Counseling Service, Inc. in Pierre, S.D. as a case manager for adults who have serious mental illnesses. He provides in-service training to the Capital Area Counseling clinical staff and to staff at the Central South Dakota Teen Court.

Symptoms of methamphetamine use

Stage 1: Low Intensity Use

People who use meth in this stage are primarily adolescents, housewives, and shift workers. They do not necessarily become addicted to the drug, but use the drug for the following desired effects:

·  Stimulation

·  Weight Loss

Not all the users become addicted at this level, but with neuroadaptation of the drug, and increased amounts consumed, toxic effects are experienced:

·  Psychological disturbances

·  Dangerous Weight Loss

·  Severe Insomnia

With the abstinence of meth, the following syndromes are common:

Anergia: Decreased energy.

Anhedonia: Inability to experience pleasure, boredom: in contrast to the intense euphoria of the drug experience, sharpens the users dissatisfaction with the current state.


Endogenous: “comes from within” or background craving, feelings of dysphoria. Environmentally Cued: Immediate, catastrophic, overwhelming craving stimulated by objects, persons, and situations associated with prior drug use.

Stage 2: Binge Use


·  Aggression

·  Violence

·  Paranoia

·  Anxiety

·  Hallucinations

·  Hyperactivity

·  Weight Loss

Stage 3: High Intensity Use


·  • Extreme Weight Loss (50-1 00 lbs.)

·  • Severe Malnutrition

·  • Aggression

·  • Violence

·  • Belligerence

·  • Toxic Psychosis

o  Paranoia

o  Hallucinations

o  Hysteria

·  • Sleep Deprivation

·  Stroke

·  • Heart Failure


As you can see, the binge cycles that are being experienced today are truly terrifying, not only to the addicted user, but to afl those who come in contact with the user!

Source: National Drug Intelligence Center, US Dept of Justice


Lasts 5 - 30 minutes

Metabolism, blood pressure and pulse soar

Feelings of pleasure


Lasts 4 - 16 hours

False sense of confidence and power; user finishes other people’s sentences

Becomes argumentative


Lasts 3-15 days

User becomes hyperactive mentally and physically, avoiding sleep for days and becoming paranoid and delusional

Because meth is metabolized slowly, a large percentage of the drug remains in the user’s body Tolerance is developed quickly

User tries to keep the high by taking more meth, more often, rush grows less extreme with each use until the user can’t stay high


Lasts 4 - 24 days

No amount of meth will bring back the high the user craves

User is irritable and paranoid from not sleeping for days

User often behaves or reacts violently and is very dangerous to himself or herself and others

User often takes a depressant, such as alcohol or heroin, to ease the bad feelings


Lasts 1 - 3 days

User needs an incredible amount of sleep; the body’s epinephrine has been depleted, and the

body uses the crash to replenish its supply

The meth crash is more intense and longer-lasting than those of speed and cocaine.

In each successive cycle, the highs are not as high


After a person stops taking meth, withdrawal can last more than a month

The user becomes depressed, confused and restless. He or she experiences insomnia and severe craving, and may be suicidal

Taking meth at any time can stop the unpleasant feelings, so a high percentage of addicts return to abuse

Patterns of Abuse

Methamphetamine abuse has three patterns: low intensity (does not involve psychological addiction), binge, and high intensity. The binge and high-intensity abusers smoke or inject meth to achieve a faster and stronger high; the patterns of abuse differ in the frequency in which the drug is abused and the stages within their cycles.

The binge abuse cycle is made up of these stages: rush, high, binge, tweaking, crash, normal, and withdrawal

Rush (5-30 minutes)—The abuser’s heartbeat races and metabolism, blood pressure, and pulse soar. Experiences feelings of pleasure

High (4-16 hours)--The abuser often feels aggressively smarter and becomes argumentative.

Binge (3-15 days)--The abuser maintains the high for as long as possible and becomes hyperactive, both mentally and physically.

Tweaking--The most dangerous stage of the cycle. See page 7.

Crash (1-3 days)--The abuser does not pose a threat to anyone. He becomes almost lifeless and sleeps.

Normal (2-14 days)—The abuser returns to a state that is slightly deteriorated from the normal state before the abuse.

Withdrawal (30-90 days)—No immediate symptoms are evident but the abuser first becomes depressed and then lethargic. The craving for meth hits and the abuser becomes suicidal. Taking meth at any time during withdrawal can stop the unpleasant feelings so, consequently, a high percentage of addicts in treatment return to abuse.


• increased alertness

• sense of well-being

• paranoia

• intense high

• hallucinations

• aggressive behavior

• increased heart rate

. convulsions

• extreme rise in body temperature (as high as 108 degrees which can cause brain damage and death)

• uncontrollable movements (twitching, jerking, etc...)

• violent behavior

• insomnia

• impaired speech

• dry, itchy skin

• loss of appetite

• acne, sores

• numbness


• disturbed sleep

• excessive excitation

• excessive talking

• panic

• anxiousness

• nervousness

• moodiness and irritability

• false sense of confidence and power

• delusions of grandeur leading to aggressive behavior

• uninterested in friends, sex, or food

• aggressive and violent thoughts

e severe depression


• fatal kidney and lung disorders

• possible brain damage

• depression

• hallucinations

• disorganized lifestyle

• pemianent psychological problems

• violent and aggressive behavior

• weight loss

• insomnia

• behavior resembling paranoid schizophrenia

• decreased social life

• malnutrition

• poor coping abilities

• disturbance of personality development

• lowered resistance to illnesses

• liver damage

• stroke

• death

Methamphetamine Slang Terms


222 (Chicago) Cheese Gas

Agua Chicken Flippin Gear or Get Geared Up

Albino Poo Chikin or Chicken Gemini

Aiffy Chingadera Glass

All Tweakend Long Chittle Go

Anny Chizel Go Fast

Anything Going On Chiznad Go-ey

Bache Knock Choad Go-Go

Bache Rock Clavo Go-Go Juice

Bag Chasers Coco Gonzales (Like the cartoon

Baggers Coffee “Speedy

Barney Dope Cookies Goop

Batak (Philippine Street CR (California Central Valley) Got Anything

Name) Crack Whore Grit

Bato Crank Is ‘Walk” & Coke Is Gumption

Bato-(Philippine Street “Talk. Gyp

Name) Crankster Gansters Hawaiian Salt

Batu Kilat (Malaysia, it Cri,Cri (Mexican Border in Hank

means shining rocks) Southwest Arizona) High Speed Chicken Feed

Batu or Batunas (Hawaii) Criddle Highthen

Batuwhore Cringe Hillbilly Crack

Beegokes Critty Hippy Crack

Bianca Crizzy Homework (This is because

Biker Dope Crotch Dope homework is generally done

Billy, or Whizz, (Britain - after Crow on paper which had lines)

a cartoon character in a kids Crunk Hoo

comic called Billy Whizz who Crypto Horse Mumpy (Tampa,

seemed to be always on the Crystal Meth Florida)

stuff!) Crystalight Hydro

Bitch Cube Hypes

Biznack Debbie, Tina, and Crissy Ice

Blanco Devil Dust Ice Cream

Blizzard Devils Dandruff Icee

Blue Acid Devils Drug Ish

Blue Funk, (Southwest Area Dingles Izice

of SD Ca.) Dirt Jab

Bomb Dirty Jasmine

Booger Dizzy D Jenny Crank Program

Boorit-Cebuano (Filipino D-Monic or D Jetfuel

Street Name) Do Da Jib

Boo-Yah! (Southwest Area of Doody Jib Nugget

SD Ca.) Doo-My-Lau(H.B.) Jinga

Brian Ed Dope Juddha

Buff Stick Drano Juice

Bugger Sugar Dummy Dust Junk (San Diego)

Buggs Dyno Kibble

Bumps Epimethrine Killer

Buzzard Dust Epod KoolAid

Caca Eraser Dust Kryptonite

Candy Ethyl-M Lamer

Cankinstien Evil Yellow Laundry Detergent

CC Fatch (Mexican Border In Lemon Drop

Chach The Southwest Arizona Area) Life

ChaChaCha Fedrin Lily

Chalk Fil-Layed Linda

Chalk Dust Fizz Wizz Lost Weekend (Bay Area SF)

Chank Gackle-a Fackle-a Love

Cheebah Gak Low

Lucille Satan Dust Sweetness

M Man Scante (Hispanic Population Swerve

Magic in Southern California) Syabu (pronounced “shabu” -

Meth Scap SE Asia)

Meth Monsters Schiep Rock Ta’doww (Southwest Area of

Methaine Scooby Snax SD Ca.)

Methandfriend Scud Talkie

Methandfriendsofmine Scwadge Tasmanian Devil

Methanfelony Shab Tenner

Methatrim Sha-Bang The New Prozac

Methniood Shabs (San Francisco) The White House

Method Shabu Tical

Nazi Dope Shamers Tina Or Teena

Ned Shards Tish - Shit Backwards (C.V.

Newday Shit Calif. area)

No Doze Shiznack, Shiznac, Sciznac Tobats

Nose Candy or Shiznastica Toots

On A Good One Shiznit Torqued

Patsie Shiznitty Trippin Trip

Peaking Shizzo Tubbytoast

Peanut Butter Shnizzie Snort Tutu (Hawaii)

Peel Dope Shwack Twack

Phazers Skeech Twacked Out

Phets Sketch Tweak

Philopon (East Asia) Ski Tweedle Doo

Pieta Skitz Tweek (A Methamphetamine

Pink Sky Rocks Like Substance)

Poison Sliggers Tweezwasabi

Poop Smiley Smile Twiz

Poop Out Smuif Dope Twizacked

Poor Mans Cocaine SmzJ Ugly Dust

(Philippines) Snaps Vanilla Pheromones

Pootananny Sniff Wake

Powder Snow, Motivation (Colorado Way

Powder Monkeys Springs, CO) We We We

Powder Point Space Food Whacked

Project Propellant Spaceman White Bitch

Puddle Spagack White Ink

Pump (Bay Area SF) Sparacked White Junk

Q Sparked White Lady

Quick (Canada) Sparkle White Pony (Ridin’ the White

Quill Speed Racer Pony)

Rachet Jaw Spin, Spin, Spin White

Rails Spinack Who-Ha

Rails Spindarella Wigg

Rank Spinney Boo Xaing

Redneck Heroin (Atlanta) Spinning Yaaba (Thailand)

Richie Rich Spishak YAMA (Pattaya, Phuket, Ko

Rip Spook Samui And Bangkok)

Rock Sprack Yammer Bammer

Rocket Fuel Sprizzlefracked Yank

Rocky Mountain High Sprung (Mississippi) Yankee

Rosebud Spun Ducky Woo Yay

Rudy’s Squawk Yead Out

Rumdumb Stallar Yellow Barn

Running Pizo Sto-Pid Zingin

Sack Styels Zip

Sam’s Sniff Sugar Zoiks

Sarahs Suger Zoom



Amp Cristy Basehead

Blue Belly Glass Battery bender

Crank Hanyak Cluckers, Chicken-headed

Crystal Ice Clucks

La Glass (pure meth with no L.A. Crack heads

cuts) Quartz Crackies

Speed Crankster or Cranker

White Cross Coorknobers (Nova Scotia)

White Crunch Fienda







Go Go Loser


Jibby bear



Loker or Lokers

Neck Creature

Shadow People

Sketchpad or Schetchers



Sketch Cookie

Sketch Monster

Spin Doctors



Tweekin/The Go




Ampin Psychosis

Amped Ring Dang Doo

Bache Knock 2 Rock Rollin or RoHin Hard

Bachin Scattered

“BOB’ as in discombobulated Schlep Heads

Buzzed Sketching

Cranked Up Spin-Jo

Crank Whore Jamie Speeding

Feelin Shity Sparked

Foiled Spracked

Fried Spun

Gakked Spun Monkey or Spun Turkey

Gassing Stoked

Geeked Talkie

Geekin Twacked

Gurped Tweeked

Heated Twisted

Jacked Wide Open or Awake

Lit Wired

Ripped Worked

Pissed Wooop Chicken

Pumped Zipper



Crank Craters - sores on your face caused by meth

Tooter - the straw used to snort

Paper - a quarter gram

Teenager - 1/16 gram

Needles - called points, rigs, slammers

Paraphernalia - medical supplies or utensils

Tina Or Teena - name derived from the fact that meth is commonly bought in sixteenths of an ounce packages (aka ‘baggies)

1 ounce = 28.34952 grams

Eightball - (eighth of an ounce) = 3.5 grams (dealer absorbs the .34952 grams)

Pepsi means crank

Pepsi One means Crystal

Coke means coke



Many people may be unaware that they’re living near a meth lab. Here are some things to look for:

·  • Unusual, strong odors (like cat urine, ether, ammonia, acetone or other chemicals)

·  • Residences with windows blacked out

·  • Renters who pay their landlords in cash (Most drug dealers trade exclusively in cash)

·  Lots of traffic - people coming and going at unusual times: There may be little traffic

during the day, but at night the activity increases dramatically

·  • Excessive trash including large amounts of items such as: antifreeze containers,

lantern fuel cans, red chemically stained coffee filters, drain cleaner and duct tape

·  • Unusual amounts of clear glass containers being brought into the home

·  • Presence of the following items could indicate the existence of a meth lab:




Toluene/Paint Thinner




Camp Stove FuellColeman Fuel

Starting Fluid

Anhydrous Ammonia


White Gasoline




Iodine Crystals

Red Phosphorous

Black Iodine

Lye (Red Devil Lye)


Muriatic/Hydrochloric Acid

Battery Acid/Sulfuric Acid

Epsom Salts