Laura Nice
1170 Patricia Dr.
Chico, CA 95926
Ph.D.University of York, England
English, 2005
M.A.University of York, England
Modern Literature and Culture, 1850 to the Present
English (degree granted and deferred), 2001
B.A.University of California, Berkeley (Honors)
English and History, 2000
Place and Memory in the Poetry of Michael Longley and Seamus Heaney
I examine the works of two significant contemporary Northern Irish poets whose work has never been meaningfully compared. Through a study of the relationship between place and memory, I suggest that their poetry is marked by a delicate interplay between the realms of the particular, national and universal, thus approaching communal and literary concerns from uniquely personal angles.
External examiner: Bernard O’Donoghue, Fellow and Tutor in English
Wadham College, University of Oxford
Internal examiner: John Roe, Senior Lecturer, University of York
Advisors: Professors Lawrence Rainey and Hugh Haughton
Humanities; Nineteenth-, twentieth-, and twenty-first-century American and European prose and verse; Women’s Studies; Gender Studies; Postcolonial writing and theory; Composition; and Film.
California State University - Chico, lecturer, 2007-Present
Humanities 400: Seminar in Humanities (capstone course)Spring 2010
Humanities 401: Senior Thesis (one thesis student)Spring 2010
Humanities 489: Internship (three student interns)Spring 2010
Humanities 222: Arts and Ideas, ModernSpring 2010
Humanities 398/International Studies 298: International FilmsSpring 2010
Women’s Studies 333: Women InternationallySpring 2010
Humanities 222: Arts and Ideas, ModernJanuary 2010
Humanities 401: Senior Thesis (one thesis student)Fall 2009
Humanities 489: Internship (five student interns)Fall 2009
Humanities 222: Arts and Ideas, ModernFall 2009
Humanities 401: Senior Thesis (two thesis students)Spring 2009
Humanities 489: Internship (five student interns)Spring 2009
Humanities 222: Arts and Ideas, Modern (two sections)Spring 2009
Humanities 222: Arts and Ideas, Modern (two sections)Fall 2008
Humanities 222: Arts and Ideas, ModernFall 2007
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, lecturer, 2006-2007
Introduction to the Humanities, Baroque to PresentSpring 2007
The English Novel, 1850-PresentSpring 2007
Introduction to LiteratureSpring 2006
University of York, England, lecturer, 2002-2005
American Literature to 1910 Spring 2005
Historical Approaches: American Literature to 1910 Spring 2004
British Literature 1900-1950 Fall 2003
Writing in English: 1950 to the Present Fall 2002
Modern Irish Poetry (taught with Hugh Haughton) Summer 2002
Participant, Humanities and Fine Arts Online Bootcamp (Spring, 2010)
Panelist, Humanities Center Roundtable on “Beauty and Evil,” CSU Chico (April, 2009)
Copy-Editor, freelance (2008-09)
Edited a philosophy manuscript by a non-native English speaker for publication.
Copy-Editor, Ruthless Editing, Green Bay (2006)
Edited several large manuscripts for publication at major university presses, including two books for Cambridge University Press.
College of Humanities and Fine Arts (2008-Present)
Member of the Strategic Planning Committee (2008-09)
Humanities Program, CSU Chico (2007-Present):
Humanities Major Advisory Board (2008-Present)
Exploring grant possibilities for Humanities Program (in progress)
Exploring possibility of offering a CSET study session for Liberal Studies students in Humanities 222 with Jeanne Lawrence (in progress)
Faculty representative at Preview Day (2009-2010)
Discussions of curriculum reform with Chris Jochim, external reviewer (2007)
1078 Gallery (2008-Present)
Member of the Board of Directors
Membership Coordinator
Members’ Show Organizer
Literary Committee Member
Intern Coordinator (approximately 8 interns per semester)
Juror, 1078 International Film Festival (2009-Present)
Bloomsday, Chico (2008-Present)
Committee member and author (Blue Room Theatre)
University Film Series, CSU Chico, film introduction (2008-Present)
The Last Picture Show (2010)
The History Boys (2008)
The Importance of Being Earnest (2008)
Girls, Inc., Northern California (2008)
Community action facilitator for 15 girls (ages 12-14) in Red Bluff, CA
F. R. Leavis Research Bursary (2002, 2004)
British Association for Irish Studies Postgraduate Award (2002)
Dean’s List, University of California, Berkeley (1999-2000)
Alumni Association Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley (1996-2000)
Languages: French (reading) and Spanish (reading)
Research:Extensive research conducted at major archives: Special Collections, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University; and British Library
David Coury, ChairAeron Haynie, Chair
Humanistic Studies DepartmentEnglish Department
Theatre Hall 331Theatre Hall 331
UW - Green Bay UW - Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311Green Bay, WI 54311
Lawrence Rainey, ProfessorJed Wyrick, Chair
English and Related LiteratureDepartment of Religious Studies
University of YorkCalifornia State University, Chico
Heslington, York, YO10 5DD239 Trinity Hall
EnglandChico, CA 95929-0740