So whats a few peanuts!



1) Put 100 ml of water into a pop can.

2) Record temp.

3) Place the peanut below can so the peanut will heat the can.

4) Light the peanut.

5) Record the temp once the peanut is completely burned.

6) Calculate the change in temp. by subtracting the initial temp (Ti ) from the final (Tf ). [(Tf ) - (Ti ) = ∆T]

7) Determine the number of calories in the peanut by multiplying the change in temperature by the number of ml of water in the calorimeter [ml of H2O X ∆T = ________ calories]. Now you have the number of calories in one peanut. To convert these to Calories, divide your number by 1000.


ml of Ti(°C ) Tf (°C ) Tf - Ti=∆T ml of x ∆T calories/1000 H2O (calories) (Calories)

Example 100 22 31 9 900 .9 ____ ____ ____ _____ ______ ______

Questions / Extensions: