Our Lord's Day May 14, 2017
Happy Mother’s Day
Morning Worship
Prelude Organist
Call to Worship #457 “Lord, Be Glorified” Congregation
Opening Prayer Pastor
Welcome & Announcements Pastor
Fellowship Chorus #386 “The Family of God” Congregation
Fellowship Time
Hymn #504 “God, Give Us Christian Homes” Congregation
Tithes and Offerings Ushers
Children's Message
Hymn #507 Congregation
“Would You Bless Our Homes and Families”
Choir “Praise You”
Scripture II Timothy 1:1-7 Pastor
Sermon “Genuine Faith” Pastor
Invitation Hymn #277 “Take My Life, and Let It Be” Congregation
Benediction Pastor
Mother’s Day Offering
Since 1923, the Mother’s Day Offering has helped patients with serious financial needs pay their hospital bills in the name of Christ’s love. Facing burdensome hospital bills they are responsible to pay, but struggling under financial hardships, they have nowhere to turn for assistance. God’s love becomes very real when they receive a letter from Baptist Hospital that says, “Your hospital bill has been paid by compassionate and mission-minded North Carolina Baptists in the name of Jesus Christ and His love. Every dollar of every gift helps patients pay their hospital bills in a ministry of benevolent care. The needs have risen sharply as the economy suffers, leaving many patients without jobs or adequate health insurance.
Opportunities of the Week
High School & College Grads…please turn in your information today at www.pbcmarshville.org and click on Forms then click on Graduate Form. Thank you.
10:00 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning Worship
Ingathering for Mother’s Day Offering
VBS Meeting immediately following worship.
No Evening Services
11:00 AM WMU Meeting in Classroom
7:00 PM Adult Bible Study, Mission Friends, GA,
RA in FLC, GiC, Youth
Next Sunday
Church Conference; AWANA Awards Night
Welcome Visitors
Your presence today is a blessing. Thank you for choosing to worship with us. Please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering plate or hand it to the Pastor. We pray your visit today meets your spiritual needs and you will choose to come again. May God Bless You.
Nursery Workers
Today: Lauren & Kaylee Duke
Next Week: Lauren Davis & Mindy Jenkins
Children's Church Workers
Today: Kathy Brock & Jill Aldridge
Next Week: Jennifer & Avery Selby
Deacon of the Week: Phillip Bowers
Next Week: Brian Helms
Prayer List
On Going: Helen Anthony, Loree Evans, Albert Lowery,
Alexa RaeAnn Melton, Mary Pagan, Christi Phillips,
Mamie Rummage, Teresa Scott, Dex Stanley, Don Taylor,
Marilyn Tucker, Willie Watts
Stewardship/Enrollment Report: May 7, 2017
Weekly Required: $ 7,376.46
Weekly Received: $ 8,318.63
Requirement to Date: $ 258,176.00
Received to Date: $ 261,022.56
Sunday School Enrollment: 223
Total Present: 166
Sunday Night: Awana, Discipleship Training & Youth Enrolled: 123
Total Present: 73