Faculty Formal Board

Folder: / School Management
Sub-folder/s: / Committees\School Board Meetings 2013/14
Date of meeting: / 12 December 2014 12:00-1:00pm 11_3003

Part A

Operational Business

1.  Apologies (see end notes)
2.  Minutes of the last meeting 11.09.14 Notes
3.  Matters arising

Items from the Chair

1.  Welcome
The PVC welcomed the Board to the last meeting in 2014, and welcomed the new Student Union Representatives in their absence.


1.  Budget2014-15
The FOO gave an update on the budget. We are in a good position, having recruited very well and managed our costs prudently.
Over the last few months we have been recruiting both replacement and “New Blood” posts, the latter being a result of our healthy financial position.
Presentation Slides - Budget Update
2.  FRPD
The PVC gave an overview of the new Faculty Reporting and Planning Document (ie the successor to the SMRD). The main focus of the document is on departments. HoDs have to contribute sections and give a summary of key issues and action plans. This is followed by the Faculty’s strategic overview.
Key action plans from the Faculty overview are:
·  22 staff recruited in 2014-15
·  17 staff sponsored on Doctoral studies
·  Career development plans for Early Career Researchers (ECRs)
·  Average UCAS tariff of at least 337 for Home Undergraduate Students
·  50 Postgraduate Fast Forward Masters
·  Improved recruitment on lower recruiting programmes – Hospitality Management and Finance; Human Resources and Business Psychology
·  Action plans for NSS weaknesses
·  Work towards stretch KPI on Postgraduate academic outcomes
·  Continue to focus on Employment Outcomes
Presentation Slides - FRPD Overview.pptx
3.  HER Update
The PVC reported on the QAA HER. The last review was undertaken in 2009 with an outcome of ‘Limited Confidence’. The QAA HER runs on a five year cycle with our review in April 2015. A huge amount of preparation has been undertaken, involving preparing the institutional Self Evaluation Document (SED). The DLT will be coordinating Awareness Training for staff in readiness for QAA HER interviews.
The University have an interim-replacement for Professor Jarvis, DVC (who leaves the University at the end of December) Deputy Vice Chancellor, Colin Raban. His appointment is from December to Easter to support the preparation for the QAA HER. Colin has extensive experience of QAA reviews and is a very good appointment.
4.  Update on International Collaborations
The DIA gave an update on the Faculty’s International Collaborations. Income is broadly flat for 2014-15 though it would have grown had two significant partnerships not been discontinued. This year will see a reduction in collaborative partners from 22 to 17 in line with the University’s “Global Greenwich” strategy. To support future growth we are expanding the development of our programmes with our larger existing partners in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.
The Faculty will focus on a successful QAA outcome to enable our collaborations to grow in future. With less partners the Faculty are able to focus on closer staff engagement with our overseas students to enhance the student experience. There is now permanent University of Greenwich presence in East Asia, Raj Dass as Senior Link Tutor for International Collaborations
Intnl Update 2014.pptx
5.  Today’s Student -Faculty Learning Enhancement Role https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCJ46vyR9o
On 02.12.14 the Faculty appointed a Faculty Learning Enhancement Coordinator, Nola Stair. The principle behind this appointment is the role will coordinate curriculum development, work with departments, Employability Office and the Education & Development Unit.
In the absence of the Faculty Learning & Enhancement Coordinator this item was not discussed. It was agreed to bring forward to the February meeting.

Other formal matters/Any other business

1.  The Board noted and received the following Committee Minutes:
Faculty Research Degrees Committee FRDCBUS 27 June 2014 Notes
Faculty Research & Enterprise Committee 20 November 2014 Notes
Faculty Quality & Standards Committee 08 October 14 - Notes –
Faculty Student Experience Committee 22.10.14 Cancelled; 10.12.14 Awaited

Part B

Date of Next Meeting:

25 February 2015 11_3003 Stockwell Street
Apologies: DLT overseas; HoIBE CMS Interview Panel; S Clarke teaching; SU Reps – B Seddon, K Nikolov, N Hadziannis, L Obute;HoMET S/L;
Constituent Membership
JS / Jon Sibson / Pro Vice Chancellor / PVC
RM / Robert Mayor / Faculty Operating Officer / FOO
Directors / ST / Professor S Thomas / Research / DRes
CB / Professor C Birch / Enterprise / DE
JC / Dr J Cullinane / Learning & Teaching / DLT
CA / C Allen / Student Experience / DSE
NH / N Hand / International Affairs / DIA
BJC / B Curnow / Professional Business Engagement / DPBE
Heads: / AS / Dr A Stojanovic / Accounting & Finance / HAF
CC / Professor B Cronin / International Business & Economics / HIBE
PMc / Dr P McGurk / A/Human Resources & Organisational Behaviour / AHHROB
MdD / M De Domenici / Marketing, Events & Tourism / HMET
PI / P Ieromonachou / Systems Management & Strategy / HSMS
External: / SC / Sandra Clarke (Law) / Architecture, Computing & Humanities
SL / Shaun Lundy / Architecture, Computing & Humanities
Elected Members (3 year appointment)
Profs / SC / Professor S Corby / Human Resources & Organisational Behaviou
PLs / RD-V / Dr R De Vita / PL – MA/MBA, IBE Department
SL in Public Relations
NG / Dr N Garsten
ECR / RH / Dr R Hewett / Early Career Research
SUUG / Lydia Obute / Student Union Rep BA Advertising & Marketing
Nicholas Hadziannis / Student Union Rep BA Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Kamen Nikolov / Student Union Rep BA Hospitality
Beth Seddon / Student Union Rep - BA Events
In Attendance / M Montague / Executive Officer
A Brooks / SURep