

Held Wednesday 24th March 2010, Kintore Arms Hotel, Inverurie


Professor V Maehle, Dean, RGU, (Chair)

Mr S Dustan, CHP General Manager

Mr M McEwan, CHP Planning Lead

Ms J Rees, Clinical Lead, CA LCHP

Ms S Strachan, AHP Lead Rep

Ms A Findlay, Patient Rep, SA LCHP

Ms G Gray, HR, Aberdeenshire Council

Mr I Powell, Project Manager, Elderly Redesign

Mrs A Taylor, General Manager, NA LCHP

Mr R Paton, Patient Rep, NA LCHP

Ms L Taylor CHP Lead Nurse

Mrs L Meldrum, Senior Communications Officer

Ms P Maclachlan, Head of Community Care, Aberdeenshire Council

Mr A Young, Third Sector

Cllr Nelson, Aberdeenshire Council

Cllr G Saluja, Chair, Social Work & Housing Committee

Cllr A Grant, SNP Group Representative, items 1 – 6 only

Cllr R Stroud, Chair, EL&L, Aberdeenshire Council

Cllr A Robertson, Chair, Policy & Resources Committee

Professor Maehle extended a welcome to everyone, in particular Cllr Nelson and Glenda Gray.
Apologies noted from:
Cllr M Humphrey, Dr Robin Gatenby, Dr R Liddell, Dr S Wilkinson, Dr A Palin, Ms R Vilar, Ms S Melrose, Ms F Francey, Dr M McCrone, Mr R Johnston
Accepted as an accurate record of discussion.
Joint Equipment Store
Cllr Robertson requested an update on the current situation regarding the Joint Equipment Store. Mr Dustan reported that a meeting was due to take place on the 24th March,at which it was hoped to reach agreement on the Service Level Agreement to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. It is hoped that the target date of mid April could still be achieved. Mrs Strachan reported that training of staff has commenced across Aberdeenshire.
Professor Maehle wished to extend congratulations to Mr Sandy Dustan on his secondment to the post of General Manager, Aberdeenshire CHP, following Mr Stuart’s secondment to the post of Acting Assistant Chief Executive. Mr Stuart now provides support to the organisation to enable it to identify efficiency savings to help NHS Grampian provide a balanced budget over the coming years. Mr Dustan will cover the CHP General Manager role in addition to the work he was previously responsible for.
Mr Dustan went on to update the Committee on the work ongoing around the proposed new structure of the CHP, and which has already been shared with the Committee. However, now that NHS Grampian has asked all sectors to look at their management structures, work on the CHP redesign has been placed on hold in order that all proposals can be looked at across Grampian. Each Sector has been asked to present proposals to a panel of senior executives, with Aberdeenshire CHP meeting with the panel on 29th March. Currently there are 8 workstreams looking at each speciality within NHS Grampian, with the first of these meetings concentrating on senior executive level posts.
The basis for the redesign within the CHP is two fold – firstly, the re-alignment of area structures around the current local authority based area structures and secondly, to become more effective and enable savings targets to be achieved.
Although concern was expressed that there may be a reduction in service, Mr Dustan emphasised that as a result of the redesign, services provided will be more consistent and equitable across the Shire. There will also be more effective community planning and improved health improvement links. By using the Scottish Government approved tool entitled “The Productive Community”, it has been demonstrated that a better standard of service can be provided using less funding. The use of this tool has already been discussed at various fora with local authority representation inclusion, e.g. Older Peoples Strategic Outcome Group. Initially the tool will be used in 3 test sites, one within each CHP, following which a decision will be taken on whether or not there is merit in using this system. Within Aberdeenshire CHP, Stonehaven has been selected to use the tool. Mr Dustan emphasised any decision regarding the use of the tool will be a Grampian wide based decision, however if approved for use, how this will be implemented will be devolved locally.
Following the re-alignment of the structures around existing local authority structures, it will enable the area managers (currently locality managers) to become much more involved in the business of Aberdeenshire CHP and have a more direct link to the decision making process. Area managers will also be expected to have an Aberdeenshire wide responsibility for taking forward some of the major workstreams, e.g. rehabilitation and enablement. The use of the current Knowledge Skills and Framework system within NHS G will be used to determine that staff have the necessary skills to allow them to carry out the roles and if appropriate, identify any training needs required.
It was suggested that in order to keep the CHP Committee fully appraised of the work around the re-structure of the CHP, that a briefing process, similar to that used to inform staff around Swine Flu, be adopted. Mrs Meldrum undertook to liaise with Messrs Dustan and Stuart to agree a way forward. It was also pointed out that the CHP had commenced looking at its operating structure well before the request by NHSG for all sectors to do so. / LM/SD/JS
Dr Hall spoke to the paper drawn up as a result of discussions at the June CHP Committee Meeting, where it had been requested that a follow up report be provided. The paper was to provide reassurance that work is progressing well, and outlined numerous key issues that are being taken forward. Practitioner Forums are being set up to share key information and multi agency training may also be provided (as previously) to inform front line staff of the services available. The Committee was asked to agree the recommendation that reports are submitted on a twice yearly basis. There was some discussion about reporting specifically for H&H but given the target set for local authorities by the Scottish Government for 2012, Cllr Robertson felt that reporting of this issue should remain every 6 months.
Currently only young people under 25 are regarded as a priority, although it was noted that there are many “hidden homelessness” figures that are not being recorded. Work ongoing between HIO and local authority has potentially identified suitable accommodation within Fraserburgh and this may help to alleviate the problem particularly in NA LCHP.
It was requested that the authors of all future reports coming to the Committee should include up to date figures, targets to be met by Scottish Government, outcome measures and impact made.
With regard to the Health & Homelessness Report, it would be useful if information from bothHealth and Local Authority was incorporated.
Ms Maclachlan subsequently provided the following statistical information –
389 households are recorded as homeless in Aberdeenshire. This includes families, single persons, couples without children. Of this total, 156 households include pregnant women or dependent children.
141 of the total number of homeless households are in bed and breakfast accommodation. The remainder are living in temporary accommodation or hostel accommodation.
Following discussion of the plan at the December Committee Meeting, the CHP was now more outcome focussed with links to other groups/plans having been incorporated. Comments from the Health and Community Care Strategic Partnership Group (HCCSPG) have also been taken on board. The CHP Plan is still incomplete and will remain so until the Grampian Plan has been finalised in April 2010.
It was pointed out that Podiatry had been omitted under the AHP section of the Plan.
It was recommended that the Plan be used to monitor the performance management process by way of exception reporting of issues to the Committee and that “good news stories” should also be included. However, given that the CHP Committee only meets 4 times annually, it was agreed that the whole plan should be performance managed at each Committee Meeting. It was further agreed that the CHP Committee Agenda would be confirmed using the Agenda setting meetings and the HCCSPG Meetings. Identified lead staff will be asked to attend the meetings as appropriate to provide regular updates.
Dr Hall spoke to her paper highlighting conclusions and recommendations from the Health Inequalities Workshop held in September 2009. One constraint to allow the CHP to take work forward is the issue of capacity, particularly evident in our current lack of capacity to progress work of the Fraserburgh initiative although much of the supporting work is being progressed. It was noted that it is important to strike a balance around both national and local priorities and that perhaps a split approach is required to be taken.
It was agreed that it was important to progress the Fraserburgh initiative and that work should be carried out to identify how near /far we are from achieving this and what resource is required to make this happen. Cllr Anne Robertson offered support to help progress the initiative, suggesting that the CPP may be able to support. Ms Maclachlan will also check to see if there is any capacity to fund this initiative via the CPP budget. / PMacL
Dr Hall spoke to the paper regarding the JHPP, developed jointly with 3 local authorities, as a result of the Public Health (Scotland) Act 2008. The plan will run from lst April 2010 to March 2012 during which time there will be regular reporting on the achievements within the Plan. Queries were raised with regard to the inclusion of mental health, wellbeing issues and Dr Hall agreed to feed this back to Dr Howie.
Anyone wishing to submit comments should feed these back to Dr Helen Howie by the end of April -
Cllr Robertson reported on the recently approved Health and Safety and Wellbeing Strategy presented at the Policy & Resources Committee and which focuses very much on absence, reasons for absence and stress related issues. / JH
Professor Maehle then closed the meeting by thanking Mrs Janice Rees for her valuable contribution to the work of the CHP Committee, andwishing her well in her forthcoming retirement.
9th June 2010, Kintore Arms Hotel, Inverurie, 1.30 – 4pm.