
Aacademic sceptics 181

accessus (introduction), medieval 284

Actium, battle of 13, 44, 92

addressees, poetic 152, 175, 186, 206

Alcaeus 41, 50, 57

Alexandrianism 66

Almond, Maureen 352

Alphanus of Salerno 289

Alsop, Anthony 321

apostrophe (address) 149

Archilochus 2, 40, 52, 104

Ariosto 305

Aristippus 180

aristocrats, young 24

Arnold, Matthew 331

Ars Poetica 142

dating of 32

Renaissance reception of 300

Auden, W.H. 344

Augustan poets, contemporary 86

Augustus 15, 21, 60, 79, 89, 130, 137, 201, 256

Bacchus 215

Bentley, Richard, edition of Horace 312

Bion 159, 188

Boethius 274

bowdlerisation 209

Brutus 3

Bunting, Basil 348

Byron, Lord 325

Caecilius Epirota, Q. 78

Callimachus 67, 106, 108, 112, 116, 191, 194,240, 250

Canidia 8, 115, 166

Carmen Saeculare 98, 196, 223

dating of 20

Carolingian transmission 278

carpe diem, slogan 151, 173, 237

Catullus 75, 85, 109, 118, 192, 262

Celtis, Conrad 301

civil war 93

Cleopatra 22

Clough, Arthur Hugh 332

commentaries on Horace

ancient 271

medieval 286

countryside, nature 227

Cynicism 160, 167

DanteAlighieri 298

death, presentation of 59

deixis 153

diatribe 122, 161, 170

Dowson, Ernest 338

editions of Horace, ancient 273

elegy, Latin 88, 252

Epicureanism 132, 139, 162, 168, 172, 184, 187, 213, 221, 233, 236

epigram, Hellenistic 73

epinician (literary genre) 64

EpistlesBook 1 100, 134

dating of 19

EpistlesBook 2 103, 135, 255

dating of 28

Epodes 105

dating of 4

epyllion 76

Fitzgerald, Edward 335

Florus 29

friendship 198

Frost, Robert 346

gender 218

genre, poetic 245

Gray, Thomas 318

Heiric of Auxerre 279

Hellenistic poetry/aesthetics 65

Hesiod 70

hetairai 210

Hipponax 53, 111, 117

Homer 125, 243

homosexuality 224

Hopkins, Gerard Manley 336


ancient editions of 273

bowdlerisation in reception of 209

commentaries on, 271, 286

future fame, own predictions of 47

imitations of 299, 311, 330

life of 1

physical appearance of 35

self-representation of 37, 54, 120, 195, 220

style of 258

temperament of 36

translations of 308, 329

and wine 208

and women 216

Housman, A.E. 339

hymnic form 193

imagery, poetic207, 260

imitatio (literary imitation) 145

initiation/inspiration, poetic 71, 238

Janus, temple, closures of 31

Jerome and pagan literature 285

Jonson, Ben 306

Juvenal 267

Keats, John 327

Kipling, Rudyard 340

letter-form, ancient 136

letters, philosophical, ancient 138

life/art analogy 249

literary criticism 142, 242

Longley, Michael 350

love, desire 155, 217, 219

Lucilius 82, 123, 140, 246, 253, 265

Lucretius 84, 163, 239

MacNeice, Louis 345

Maecenas 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 23, 43, 69, 91, 110,121, 129, 141, 165, 179, 200, 204, 205, 225, 226, 234


magister bibendi (sympotic president) 211

Marbod of Rennes 297

Marvell, Andrew 322

‘mean’, the 214

Mercury 39

Metellus of Tegernsee 290

metres, poetic 55, 107, 148, 259, 268

militia amoris (love as war) 49

Milton, John 319

mouse, town and country 229

music, medieval 281, 287

Naulochus, battle of 42

Neoptolemus of Parium 143

Newbolt, Henry 341

OdesBooks1–3 56, 99, 147

dating of 18

OdesBook 4 99, 147

dating of 22

Ovid 264

Owen, Wilfred 342

paean (literary genre) 62

Panaetius 158, 182, 183

panegyric 90, 95

Parke, John 313

Parthians 27

patronage 199

perfectionism 251

Persius 266

Petrarch 282, 292, 299

pharmakos (scapegoat) 113

Philippi, battle of 96

Philodemus 74, 131, 144, 164

philosophy 128, 154, 156

Pindar 61, 63, 248

Plautus 80

poet’s position in society 257

politics 8, 127

polyeideia (generic variety) 72

Pope, Alexander 323

Pound, Ezra 347

Prior, Matthew 320

Propertius 68, 263

Prudentius 272, 276

readers, audience 254

reception of Horace

in Carolingian writers 288

in medieval writers 293, 294, 295

in Oxford and Cambridge in 18th cent. 316;

in prose fiction 311

in20th cent. 343, 349

in21st cent. 349

inVictorian writers 328

See also under individual authors

recusatio (poetic refusal) 30, 247

religion 190

Roman Odes 94, 197

Rossetti, Christina 337

Sabine estate 12, 25, 38, 45, 202, 203, 228, 230,241

Sandys, George 307

Sappho 58

Sarbiewski, Casimir 314

Satires 119

dating of 5

dialogue technique in 126

Saxo Grammaticus 201

school curriculum 280, 283

Seneca 269, 275

Sextus Amaricius 296

Shakespeare, William 304

Skelton, John 302

Smith, Charlotte 324

Spenser, Edmund 303

sphragis (seal-poem) 17, 47, 48

Statius 270

Stoicism 133, 169, 171, 185, 189, 232

structure, poetic 262

symposium 156, 174, 209, 235

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 333

Terence 81, 87

Thackeray, William 334

Tiberius 97, 102

time and space, presentation of 150

translations of Horace 308, 329

Urban VIII, Pope 315

Valerius Cato, P. 77, 83

Virgil 6, 26, 146, 212, 244

Wedde, Ian 351

wine 208

women 216

Wordsworth, William 326

Wyllys, Benjamin 317