Dear Parents,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your child(ren) to this outstanding school. There’s a “buzz” about this place. Governors are proud of the school, staff and their achievements, but most importantly, we know that the children love coming to this school and that’s what makes Yatton Infant School so special. We, the Governing Body, recognise our duty to ensure high standards and to achieve our academic targets; this is an important part of our work but of equal importance is to ensure that children leaving this school do so with self-confidence, high self- esteem and an excitement for their future.
It takes an enormous amount of determination, effort and teamwork to be an outstanding School, not only by those employed here or those providing strategic direction and leadership, but also by you! The support you give to your children and the school is a major factor in the success of Child and School. In the past, parents have contributed through their involvement as Governors, as members of the School Association, voluntary help in the school and most significantly as parents who spend time with their children – reading, writing and showing interest in their child’s development.
Our Infants School Mission Statement is “To be an “Outstanding” School, that’s always improving, where all children achieve their academic potential & develop their personal and social skills in a safe, supportive, happy, and nurturing environment. Where children make friends and develop the confidence to believe in themselves & their own ability to “make a difference”.
With your help & support, we believe we can achieve our mission.
Mark Harding
Chair of Governors
Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Harding
Clerk to the governing body: Mrs Lyndsey Sprod
Address: c/o Yatton Infant School,
High Street, Yatton,
North Somerset,
BS49 4HJ
Dear Parents
Welcome to Yatton Voluntary Controlled Infant School. I have great pleasure in giving you a copy of our latest School Prospectus, I hope you find it of use and interest. Your child is important to us. We build on the firm foundations you have created in your child’s early years and enjoy working with you to maintain that momentum. We work hard to help children develop a love of learning and strive to provide a rich and broad curriculum. Above all we want your child to be happy, to feel secure and enjoy coming to school. Once again, this year has been a very successful one. We are very proud of all our achievements.
When your child commences his or her education with us, we all enter into a partnership for the benefit of your child, a partnership that relies on everyone’s cooperation. Therefore communication is vitally important. To aid this communication process, myself and my staff operate an ‘open door’ policy whereby we endeavour to make ourselves available to parents whenever humanly possible, though a call to make an appointment will always be appreciated.
Education is a two-way process and your involvement, encouragement and support will always be most welcome. Finally it is my firm belief that it is every child’s entitlement to receive the best education possible and it is my very real intention, and of my staff and the governors of Yatton Infant School to provide that standard of education for your child.
Miss Jo Keeble – Executive Headteacher
Our School Mission Statement is:
An “Outstanding” School, that’s always improving, where all children achieve their academic potential & develop their personal and social skills in a safe, supportive, happy and nurturing environment. Where children make friends and develop the confidence to believe in themselves & their own ability to “make a difference”.
Aims and Values
The Staff & Governors of Yatton Infant School are firmly committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where:
· Children love to come to School.
· Children are happy, considerate, supportive of others, caring and respectful.
· Children are valued and develop the confidence to believe in themselves & their own ability to “make a difference”
· Children make friendships that can be strong and lasting.
· Children achieve their academic potential through a stimulating, creative, fun and imaginative indoor and outdoor curriculum, which enriches and challenges every child.
· All children’s achievements are recognised .Not only by National measures & Ofsted, but also the staff, parents, carers and the children themselves to foster and raise self-esteem and a sense of pride .
· The School develops and strengthens its partnerships with the local community, parents, Yatton Junior School, Cluster Schools – All working together with a shared vision towards common goals.
· Children can be children. Children can and should play – indoors and outside.
· Every member of staff can’t wait to get to work.
The School:
The School is situated in the heart of Yatton sharing a campus with Yatton Voluntary Controlled Church of England Junior School. Most pupils come from Yatton; others travel from nearby hamlets and villages. The school has voluntary controlled status. This means it is under the control of the Local Education Authority, with links to the Richard Durban CharitableTrust. The Trust, set up in the 18th century to educate ‘the poor of Yatton’, provides two Foundation Governors for the governing body. It also donates a small sum of money, up to £500, each year.
The Infant School shares a campus with Yatton Junior School. In April 2011, after many months of work, the two schools were federated to form The Federation of Yatton Schools. Federation means that the two schools have a strong commitment to work together for the best of all the children throughout the whole primary age-range. We share a Governing Body and vision whilst respecting and celebrating the ethos of both schools. This is a new and exciting venture for both schools and we hope that you will be proud to be part of our new federation.
We welcome visits to school from prospective parents and pupils. The school is arranged in 8 classes. The standard number of pupils for each year group is 75. Under present legislation we are not allowed to exceed this number. In accordance with the Local Education Authority’s Admissions Policy, children are able to start school in September of the school year in which they become five. Most children are admitted at this time. 4 year olds may be admitted at the start of the term of their fifth birthday. All children must start school the term following their fifth birthday. All new children in the Reception classes attend school on a part-time basis during the first few weeks. This is to allow them to slowly build up their experiences in the new surroundings called ‘School’.
Admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities:
We welcome children with disabilities. We are proud of the care and support we give, to enable all children to take their place within our school community. Our school building provides excellent facilities and has been carefully designed to allow disabled access to all areas.
The School Day:
Morning Session: 8.55am – 12.10pm
Afternoon Session: 1.20pm – 3.20pm
Children are registered as late if they arrive after 9.00am or 1.20pm (if they have gone home for lunch). School gates are locked at 9.05am.
Encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and others. . .
The school building & facilities:
The school, rebuilt in 1999, is a beautifully designed building catering for the needs of children today. It has 8 classrooms and all have direct access to the play areas. Each classroom is light and airy and well equipped.
We have a fantastic playground (developed in 2007), designed by the children and part funded by our hard- working Parents Association. There is a designated Foundation Stage playground with climbing frames and sandpit. In Key Stage 1 there is; an adventure playground, Active Zone, bikes and scooter zone, quiet zone and garden area. The new playground ensures all children have a happy, energetic playtime.
School Safety and Security:
The school is a secure environment. At the start of the school day the children are handed over directly to their class teacher and returned to the person collecting them at the end of the day. Once school has started the playground gates are locked and access to the building is through the main entrance controlled by the School Office. There is twenty-four hour CCTV surveillance of the school premises. The Health & Safety Committee make regular Health and Safety checks. Fire practices and alarm checks are carried out regularly.
Extended Schools:
The staff aim to provide a range of extra-curricular
activities for the children. These vary from year to year,
but for example, this year we have provided Science,
Maths, Gardening, Country Dancing, Choir, Music, Makaton
and Multi-sports.
The Federation also runs a successful Breakfast Club and
After School Club for both Infant and Junior School
. . . and for their learning and their environment
Promoting high standards . . .
Classroom Organisation & Management:
Concepts and skills are gained by first-hand experiences and great emphasis is placed on ‘hands on activities’, especially in the Reception classes. Knowledge and understanding is developed using a wide range of information, resources and materials. Teachers work together, within year groups and across the school, to plan the curriculum. Each teacher carefully differentiates it to match the needs and abilities of their particular class.
A variety of teaching methods will be used. Sometimes teachers will address the whole class; sometimes work with small groups or individuals. The method of teaching will vary according to the needs of the child and what is being taught
SATS Teacher Assessment Results July 2010
W / 1 /2C
/ 2B / 2A / 3 or aboveYatton Infant School – Speaking & Listening
/ 2% / 11% / 70% / 17%National Results – Speaking & Listening
/ 2% / 11% / 65% / 21%Yatton Infant School – Reading
/ 5% / 6% / 6% / 22% / 11% / 50%National Results – Reading
/ 3% / 12% / 12% / 23% / 24% / 26%Yatton Infant School – Writing
/ 3% / 22% / 8% / 23% / 17% / 27%National Results – Writing
/ 4% / 15% / 21% / 28% / 20% / 12%Yatton Infant School - Mathematics
/ 2% / 6% / 6% / 11% / 27% / 48%National Results – Mathematics
/ 2% / 9% / 16% / 26% / 27% / 20%Yatton Infant School – Science
/ 2% / 6% / 66% / 27%National Results Science
/ 2% / 9% / 67% / 22%. . . so that children can learn successfully
Provide a rich and balanced curriculum
We aim to provide a curriculum that is interesting, relevant and fun; we want children to love learning. All our teachers work hard to provide learning opportunities that encourage children to learn new knowledge but also develop Key Skills for Learning. Key Skills for Learning are the tools that children need to develop to become life-long learners.
Key Skills for Learning
Creative Thinking Skills
Learning College:
The Learning College was developed 2 years ago as a way of providing children with a wide variety of learning experiences chosen by them. The children tell us what they would like to do and from their ideas we put together a list of up to 15 courses that run for 6 Wednesday afternoons. The children then choose again from that list of courses and we try as far as possible to grant them their first or second choice. This happens three times per year and is very popular. Over the past two years, the courses have included: karate, netball, tennis, cookery, sewing, jewellery making, animation, music and songs, drama, country dancing and “making animals”. The children join together in mixed year groups of no more than 15. This is a really magical time in the schools and as one of the learners said “I really love Wednesday afternoons!”
. . . encouraging Creativity
Acknowledging the solid foundations from children’s early years . . .
Foundation Stage Curriculum:
The Foundation Stage Curriculum aims to provide learning opportunities that will underpin all future learning. It starts when a child becomes three years old and continues until the end of the Reception Year. Your children have already learnt a great deal by the time they start in our school and so we seek to provide them with every opportunity to deepen their understanding and extend their learning. Well-planned play is a key way in which your child will learn with enjoyment and challenge during this time. The Foundation Stage Curriculum is organised into six areas of learning – personal, social and emotional development; language and literacy; mathematical development; knowledge and understanding of the world; physical development and creative development. It is expected that by the end of the Reception Year your child will have attained the Early Leaning Goals in each area.
National Curriculum - Key Stage 1