Harlandale High School
English I / English I Pre AP 2012-2013
Appropriate behavior and procedures are needed when a group meets to work toward a goal. Our goal is to work cooperatively through this course so that understanding and achievement can increase.
1. Be on time and ready for class. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings, and have materials for class. If you are not in your seat by the time the tardy bell rings, you will be counted tardy.
2. TREAT EACH PERSON WITH RESPECT AND DIGNITY. Loud, disruptive talking, shoving, name calling, teasing, punching, fighting, rude comments, and sexual harassment are definitely out of place in class. BE COURTEOUS: “yes” “no” “please” “thank you” “excuse me” “may I” “can I” etc. DO NOT USE PROFANITY. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
3. Respect all property (school property, personal property, someone else’s property). Do not throw/toss any object in the room. Leave trash on your desk/on floor until the end of class.
4. Follow the Harlandale High School Code of Conduct. The dress code is very clear. It is applicable anywhere on campus and at school activities, not just in classrooms. Cell phones, MP3 players, all electronic gadgets, sharpies, permanent markers, and other prohibited items are not allowed.
If you choose not to follow the rules, expect the following:
1. Teacher/Student Conference (1st intervention)
2. Teacher/Parent Phone Call (2nd intervention)
3. Teacher/Parent Conference (3rd intervention)
4. Referral to counselor (4th intervention)
1. Assigned Seating
You will be assigned a seat on the first day of school. If I ask you to move to another desk at any time, please do so without comment or argument. I will explain my reason for such a change.
2. Class Materials
Be prepared daily with all materials. Textbooks cannot be shared during individual work. Do not pack up to leave class until told to do so; the bell does not dismiss you, I do. Keep backpacks and purses off tops of desks.
3. Classroom Courtesy
Do not interrupt instruction (when teacher is talking) with sharpening pencils or disposing of trash. Raise your hand to be recognized before asking/answering questions.
4. Professional Appearance of Assignments
Writing must be legible to me. Look at your assignment/test with a critical eye. Make neat corrections or rewrite.
5. Returning to Class after an Absence or Suspension
When returning to class after an absence, a student must have an admit slip from the Attendance Office or the vice principal.
6. Make-up Work
It is your responsibility to ask what work you have missed the day you return to school. See me before or after school. You have a one day from the day you return, to turn in your assignment without it being late.
7. Late work
An assignment is late after I have collected it from the class. Make up work is late if it is turned in after its due date. A student has a total of four days to turn in an assignment, and after the four day the assignment is no longer accepted. (First day full credit, second day -10 points, third day -20 points, and forth day -30) Pre AP/GT students will have two days to turn in an assignment: First day full credit; Second day -30 points.
8. Retesting
If you score below a 70 on a test, you may schedule a time to retake the test. Note: Pre AP outside reading retakes will be assigned on specific dates.
9. Restroom Passes
Request a restroom pass QUIETLY when I am not giving instructions. Campus procedures do not permit hall passes at certain times. Two restroom passes per six weeks will be given every six weeks if people begin to abuse restroom privileges. A restroom pass lasts 3 minutes.
Student and Parent Acknowledgement of Rules and Procedures
Please sign and return this sheet by Friday, August 31, 2012.
I have read and understood the rules and procedures for English I. I make the commitment (promise, responsibility) to attend class and to adhere to rules and procedures that have been stated for maximum instruction and learning.
Student’s Name ______
Student’s Signature ____ Date
I have read and understood the rules and procedures for English I. I understand that if I have any questions, I can leave a message for Mr. Rubio at 989-6746 from 7:50-8:10 am and from 3:50-4:10 pm or e-mail at .
Parent/Guardian’s Name ______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___ Date
Please write your concerns or comments. Also, please write phone numbers (home, pager, work, or cell phone) where I can reach you during the day, 8:00am until 4:00pm. Indicate whether these phone numbers are for mother, father, or guardian.
Home Phone number ______
Cell Phone number ______
Father Mother
Work Phone number ______
Father Mother
e-mail ______
Father Mother
Thank you for your cooperation,
Ms. Francesca Hesbrook
HARLANDALE: a family working together to provide a high quality education where all students graduate to become productive and successful citizens for the 21st century.
Nondiscrimination Act
In accordance with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Harlandale Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, military status, color, national origin, age, sex, disability or any other basis prohibited by law. Title IX Coordinator is Magda Reynolds, 7026 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78214-2997, (210) 921-4349. Section 504 Coordinator is Denise Stavinoha, 934 Flanders, San Antonio, TX 78211, (210) 921-4700.
De acuerdo con el título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles del año 1964, el Título IX de la Reforma Educativa del año 1972, el Artículo 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación del año1973 y el Título II de la Ley de los Estadounidenses con Discapacidades del año 1992, el Distrito
Escolar Independiente de Harlandale no discrimina por motivos de raza, religión, estado militar, color, nacionalidad, edad, sexo, discapacidad ni por ningún otro motivo prohibido por la ley. La coordinadora del Título IX es Magda Reynolds: 7026 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78214-2997, (210) 921-4349. La coordinadora del Artículo 504 es Denise Stavinoha: 934 Flanders, San Antonio, TX 78211, (210) 921-4700.