Vermont Team Excellence Awards

2011-12Beta Test Program

Judges Application

Submission Deadline: October 24, 2011

2011Beta Team Competition

December 2011

Training Location:

VA MedicalCenter, 215 North Main Street, Bldg. 44, White River Jct., VT

Judging Location:

VT Council for Quality, 480 Hercules Drive, Colchester, VT

Vermont Council for Quality


Vermont ASQ

480 Hercules Drive

Colchester, VT05446

Phone: 802-655-1910

Fax: 802-655-1932


Web Site:

Judges Application


  • Training in the Vermont Team Excellence Award criteria can be applied to improve teams in your own organization
  • Team judge training can be put to use if your organization chooses to develop an internal process to recognize high-performing teams
  • An opportunity to witness the work of outstanding teams from across the region
  • The privilege of helping to select the teams to be showcased as finalists at the VCQ Recognition and Award and Ceremony and the one organization that qualifies to compete in the International Team Excellence Award

Minimum Qualifications:

  • You should have some team process experience either as a team member, leader, facilitator, or in another type of team role.
  • You must have strong written and oral communication skills.
  • Your organization must be willing to support and expense the time you invest in the judging process.

Judges Responsibilities:

  • Complete the Team Excellence Award Judges Application (this form) including the attached Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Statement. Submit these documents to VCQ.
  • Travel, lodging and subsistence expenses are the judge’s responsibility.
  • Judges will attend a one hour orientation webinar in early November and be assigned 6 hours of pre-work.
  • Session #1: One day training on Dec. 1stwill focus on the Team Excellence Award criteria, the scoring conventions and tools, the practices required for consensus, and preparing a feedback report. Location: VA MedicalCenter, 215 North Main Street, White River Jct., VT
  • Session #2: One-two weeks after the Dec. 1st training, Judges will work in panels, will score and reach consensus on one or more team presentations, and assist in preparing a written, objective feedback report for each applicant team scored. Location: VCQ Office, 480 Hercules Drive, Colchester, VT
  • Completion of the feedback report requires additional work after the judging session.


Judges will be asked to complete a pre-work assignment prior to the Dec. 1st training. The criteria and other materials will be e-mailed to you or available on the VCQ website Judges must familiarize themselves completely with these materials and complete the assigned pre-work prior to the designated training date (Dec. 1). Judges will be expected to review one (or more) presentations and provide assistance in the preparation of the feedback report.

Judges Training Requirements:

  1. Participate in orientation webinar
  2. Participate in person at the Judges training on Dec. 1st at the VA Medical Center
  3. Participate in person at judging session 1-2 weeks after training at VCQ Office
  4. Review the 2011-12 Team Excellence Award Criteria, Judges score sheet, and consensus documents
  5. Review the Team Excellence presentations
  6. Score the presentations using the scoring template
  7. Complete feedback report comments
  8. Optional: Attend the VCQ Spring Award Ceremony

Judge Information:

Name Title


Please indicate your preference to receive information from us:


Phone Mobile Email

Please rate your experience in the following:

Novice / Experienced / Expert
Seven Quality Tools (i.e., cause-and-effect diagrams, check sheets, control charts, histograms, pareto charts, scatter diagrams, stratification)
Broad expertise and experience in quality improvement methodology
Analytical skills
Verbal skills
Writing skills
Work as a team member

1. Have you served as a National or State Baldrige Examiner before? Yes No

Where - Program Name: Years:

Highest Team Position Held: Leader Asst. Leader Member No Experience

2. Have you served as a Team Excellence Award Judge before? Yes No

Where - Program Name: Years: Lead Judge? Yes No

3. If you are applying as a first-time judge, briefly describe(150 words, max.) your qualifications to serve as a team judge. Do not attach additional information.


4. Every judging panel will need at least one laptop computer. Would you be able to bring a laptop computer for use at the judging session? Yes No

If you have any questions please call VCQ at 1-802-655-1910, e-mail:

Team Excellence Award

2011-12 Beta Test Program

Board of Judges

Conflict of Interest Statement

Judges and team competition committee members will avoid placing themselves in a situation where their personal interest may, or appears to, conflict with the best interests of the Team Excellence Awards. This restriction applies not only to obvious conflict situations where an individualis directly involved in both sides of a transaction, but also in more subtle situations. For example, if a judge or committee member has a close relationship with a person dealing with the organization, the true independence of that judge or committee member may be subsequently challenged. If an actual or perceived conflict exists, the judge or committee member may be required to prove the intrinsic fairness of the challenged transaction to avoid liability.

Judges or committee members should heighten their sensitivity towards conflict issues. Because individuals frequently do not focus on perceived conflicts, frequent inquiries and reminders concerning potential conflict situations are suggested.

Where a potential conflict is identified, thejudge or committee member with the conflict should be removed from the panel reviewing the team application. For example, if a judge or committee member has a team in the competition they must refrain from any decision, judging or interaction with the team that could be perceived as unfair.

In summary, when an actual, perceived or potential conflict is identified by any person, the following steps should be taken:

  • Precisely identify the actual, perceived or potential conflict;
  • Fully disclose the conflict to the committee, and;
  • Develop an appropriate response, including where necessary disqualification from voting and discussion, disclosure to the members of the organization or other remedial action.

Also, judges and team competition committee members agree to keep confidential all Team Excellence Award applicant information pertaining to team identities, scoring processes, finances, etc.

I agree to abide by the above information.

Type Name Date


2011-2012 Team Excellence Award Application1