Guidelines for the Preparation of Papers (extended abstract) for the NETTAB 2008 Conference Proceedings


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Abstract: These guidelines have been written using the NETTAB Template. Therefore your paper should look similar to this. Your paper should include a short abstract of about 100-150 words giving a brief account of the main points of the paper. Please use abstract style using Times New Roman 10 point. Your paper should be a maximum length of 3 pages including tables and figures.

Keywords: Please list main key words.

1.  Introduction – Use of Heading 1 style

The template provides defined styles in order to ensure that the conference proceedings will have a consistent quality. The first paragraph in each section should use paragraph 1 style.

The title of your paper must use the title style. The references should provide by a progressive numbers e.g. [1].

This abstract should provide the reader with a short overview of the main points of your paper. It should not exceed 150 words and should use Times New Roman 10 point.

Each main heading of your paper should use Heading 1 style.

The first paragraph in each section should use paragraph 1 style. Each subsequent paragraph should use paragraph 2 style and use the tab for the first sentence within that paragraph. Divide your paper into a number of sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion , Acknowledgments, References.

2.  Methods

Think carefully about how you are going to lay out your paper to ensure that it is easy for the reader to follow the chain of events.

Your paper should be a maximum length of 3 pages including figures. Please ensure that your paper clearly defines the issues that you are addressing. Remember that your project is simply the vehicle through which the information is gathered and it should not be the primary focus of the paper as the issues it is addressing are of more interest to the conference audience.

The draft paper that you submit to be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and must comply with the NETTAB template (this file, actually). The Committee will review it and provide feedback to authors.

3.  Results and Discussion

The Scientific Committee will determine if it meets the publication criteria to be included in the conference proceedings and if so it will be accepted as a Oral or Poster presentation. All the papers must be submitted online following the instructions on the Conference Website. .

4.  Acknowledgments

5.  References

[1] De Hoon, M., J., L., Imoto, S., Nolan, J., Miyano, S., Open Source Clustering Software, Bioinformatics Applications Note, Vol.20, no. 9, 2004, pp. 1453-1454.