EPIC Bible College www.EPIC.EDU

Dr. Ronald W. Harden, President

email to: for complete notes.


Growing as an Evangelist in the Midst of Adversity, Part 1

Quenching the Fiery Darts

Ephesians 6:14-16 Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God’s justice protect you like armor. Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet. Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Let God’s saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God’s message that comes from the Spirit. C.EV.

Luke 2:52 Jesus became wise, and he grew strong. God was pleased with him and so were the people. C.EV.

Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom (in broad and full understanding), and in stature and years, and in favor with God and man. Ampl. Bible

Luke 2 regarding our Lord’s life:

–  Wisdom: ______

–  Stature: ______

–  Favor with God: ______

–  Favor with Man: ______

Developed like a Body- builder.

Four areas of possible phenomenal growth and maturity, the enemy’s attempts to weaken/ subdue us, as well as God’s answer.

I.  Wisdom – Mental (cerebral) – The Drive. The ______of knowledge.

A.  First private area is the foundation block

B.  Three areas

  1. Educating- the purpose of education should be to produce ______in life for the better.

a.  We need to have direct input from the ______.

b.  Right thinking produces right ______.

1.  Visualizing- ______.

  1. 1 Sam 3:1 b. (suffer loss, atrophy) Proverbs 29:1

2.  Planning- (establish ______developmental) goals

–  “Nike” Theology

C.  Lucifer’s Ludicrous Lying Lighted Lamps:

1.  ______-utter loss of ______to lose all hope, confidence or trust.

a.  II Cor. 4:8

b.  Psalm 88:15 COMBAT Despair by Psalm 89

2. ______- to draw or direct one’s attention to a ______.

  1. This dart of the devil can be a very subtle one, far often the distractions are not of themselves bad.

§  Matthew 14:30 COMBAT Distraction by 1 Timothy 4:15

II. ______- visible. The ______. The ______from knowledge.

A.  Second private area

B.  Three areas of development

1.  ______- Hebrews 5:11

  1. Flexibility b. endurance c. strength

2.  ______- eating the right foods

3.  ______- relieving (not ignoring) the pressures

C.  Two demented defense-depleting darts of the dysfunctional devil

1.  ______- to fail to meet the ______or hope of; not ______prepared or equipped.

·  COMBAT Disappointment by Romans 8:28

·  And Joel 2:21- 25

2. ______- a two- souled man

a. Matt. 6:24 b. Eph. 4:14 c. James 1:8

d. Indecisiveness= not really sold out to one or the other

·  COMBAT Doublemindedness with James 4:8 and Josh 24>:15

EPIC Bible College www.EPIC.EDU

Dr. Ronald W. Harden, President

email to: for complete notes.


Growing as an Evangelist in the Midst of Adversity, Part 2

Quenching the Fiery Darts

Luke 2:52 Jesus became wise, and he grew strong. God was pleased with him and so were the people. C.EV.

Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom (in broad and full understanding), and in stature and years, and in favor with God and man. Ampl. Bible

Luke 2 regarding our Lord’s life:

–  Wisdom: ______

–  Stature: ______

–  Favor with God: ______

–  Favor with Man: ______

I Wisdom – Mental (cerebral) – The Drive. The ______of knowledge.

II. ______- visible. The ______. The ______from knowledge.

III. ______- Spiritual (invisible)- The ______produced by His Word and Discipleship.

A.  This third private area takes an investment of ______and provides a ______to lead your life.

1. The greatest battles of our life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul. (What we do ______determines ______).

B.  Have the piranha’s pointed projectiles placed poison in your person?

1.  Disobedience- refusal or neglect to ______. Carelessness in attitude is the precursor of disobedience.

·  COMBAT Disobedience with 1 Sam 15:22, 23; Psalm 100:2

·  We need to say, “I would love too!”

2.  ______- to hold not to be ______; “faithless”

a.  The final form of “doubt”

b.  COMBAT by Heb 3:12

IV. Favor with man- Social (emotional). The ______.

A. This last area is precluded by proper development of the first three.

1. Living a life of integrity is when our ______habits reflect our deepest values.

  1. The Nasty Narcotics of the Narcissistic Nut:

1.  ______- To harm the reputation of others by ______.

  1. To defame someone is to forget Psalm 101:5

n  COMBAT defaming with Heb 6:10; Matt. 10:41-42

2. ______- to deprive of courage or ______. Col 3:21

  1. Discouragement is the second state of disappointment.

n  COMBAT Discouragement with 1 Sam 30:6

CONCLUSION: It is my prayer that you would allow the Holy Spirit to move directly upon and with great freedom in your heart and life. Should more than one of these 8 deadly “D”’s be evident in your life, please ask for God’s help in combating just one of them! The most important task is to begin with the easiest front that is being attacked and then branch out slowly and methodically, to combat each of the other “D”’s.

You will win, because, “Faithful is He who has begun a good work in you and He will bring it to completion”. Phil. 1:3-6.