After 8 years in a coma, on January 11, 2014, Ariel Sharon died.
I read his autobiography Warrior. It is a masterpiece. Without his realizing it, all of his battle strategies were right out of the Bible. I did a study in spiritual warfare from his battle strategies. The hand of Abba was on him all of his life and he might not have really known it until Abba set him aside to minister to his spirit.His first name was “Ariel,” which means “lion” in Hebrew. His friends nicknamed him “Arik.”
In my spirit I believe from Abba that this lion (Ariel) is with the “Lamb of Elohim” today.This is a prophetic picture of the Kingdom (Isaiah 11:6; 65:25). Today, January 13, 2014, is the funeral of Ariel Sharon.
I wrote Ariel Sharontwice when he was Prime Minister. The first time I wrote him, I gave him a prophecy from Elohim, telling him about his aligning to the warriors of old, and what the Elohim of Israel thought of him. I also asked him if Israel was doing anything to help the Chinese Jews be free to return home--if Israel was petitioning China to let them go.
In 1999, Abba sent me to home-base in Blagoveshchensk, Russia, to work with Operation Exodus in Far East Russia to help Jewish people there know they can come home to Israel. But, my mandate from Abba for this trip was to call out over the Amur River between Russia and Mainland China: “Let My People Go.” China had been systematically taking the ID cards of Chinese Jews, removing the word “Jewish,” and writing “Chinese” on the cards, so that Israel could not help them make aliyah.
I got a precious letter from Sharon thanking me, and telling me about his efforts for the Chinese Jews.
Abba put him on my heart to pray for him following a vision I had of him. I saw him sitting at his desk in the Knesset, tears flowing down his face. His eyes were filled with peace and joy. He had given his life to Messiah Yahushua and was free. Another intercessor friend of mine said she had the same vision.
Here is where he sat in my vision…in his office in the Knesset
Billye Brim, a Christian minister, had been sharing with him about Ezekiel 37:15-28. He was very attracted to that Scripture! On September 29, 2000, Yom Teruah, Tishre 1, (2001 on the Creation calendar) when he went up on the Temple Mount, it has been reported that he read Ezekiel 37.
On that day the second Intifada began. According to Jewish sages 400 years ago, that day began the second of the final three cycles before Messiah comes. Sharon was called “the father of the settlement movement.” Sharon was a tender-hearted man, a strong military man, yes, but he had a tragic life, having deep inner suffering, which caused his passions to run deep in caring for others. He believed strongly that Ezekiel 37 was coming to pass!
After a supposedly “accidental”overdose of his medicine, he had a brain hemorrhage and lapsed into a coma. He was rushed by ambulance (???) from his ranch to the hospital, which took nearly 2 hours. Then the news broke worldwide. [Why was not the Prime Minister of Israel flown by helicopter to the hospital?]
It was January 4, 2006. I heard the news of his condition on the radio.I sat on my bed in Texas crying. Abba strongly impressed on me to pray immediately, and to keep praying, which I did for a long time. He let me know that He had always had His hand on Ariel Sharon, and that he would find salvation.
After his death, January 11, 2014, this news came out (Times of Israel, January 11, 2014): ““`He was a hero,’ said Marina Lipschitz, the chief nurse treating him at the hospital. `Even at the end, he continued to fight like a lion… I am certain that he didn’t suffer,’ she added. She also praised his family, led by sons Omri and Gilad, for `never missing a day’ at his bedside since 2006. `They did everything to improve his situation.’ … `There were good and bad days’ over the years of his hospitalization. We were sometimes able to communicate with him in the earlier years,’ she said, `and even later there was communication via a raised eyebrow and a handshake. Toward the end, it was not clear that he was aware of what was going on around him,’ she said, `but in the earlier years he definitely was aware.’ ”
I believe Abba ministered to his spirit while he was in the coma. I strongly believe that he is safely home now with Yahuweh and Yahushua in heaven.
Others have expressed that belief also.
There were a few who knew of Sharon’s planto be put into action after the Gaza pullout--both good and very evil people. I remember all his tap dancing politically to keep from being pressured to harm the settlements. Via radio from Jordan, I heard U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, in July 2005, sayvia Artuz Sheva radio that removing Jews from Gaza was not good enough--they had to be removed from East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. Sharon’splanned strategy was the strategy of Samson in Gaza.The pressure on Sharon to conform to international pressure, especially from the U.S. President, was strong. There were factions within his own government who were threatening him to comply with America’s demands. Sharon knew his time was about up anyway. He had a “gun to his head” because he was not cooperating well with the “peace treaty.” He was accused misconduct, and Omri was accused of misconduct as part of international pressure. At that time, people were perplexed: What has happened to Sharon? -- He was the father of the settlements and now he is going along with forcing the people out of Gaza and some settlements in the “West Bank” (Samaria). There was nothing wrong with Sharon in his heart. It was just that his actions did not fit the Sharon the nation knew.
His almost secret plan involved a Samson-like strategy.Like Samson, he knew it would mean his death, but he wanted to go out fighting. [Judges 16 tells Samson’s story.] It is just that the secret plan leaked out. His enemies within the government had to stop him. The Gaza pull-out came and went, and America got the backlash with Katrina for their participation, both politically and militarily, in the pullout.
Remember that in 132 CE, as a result of the Bar Kochba rebellion, the Roman Emperor Hadrian re-named Judea and Samaria “Palestine,” after the enemies of the Jews, the Philistines, to mock them. He changed the name of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)to Aelia Capitolina, and plowed Jerusalem with salt. Sharon was robbed of the privilege of emulating Sampson against the “Philistines,”but the old warrior is at peace now.
Why do I believe that Ariel Sharon is a time-marker?
For foundational understanding, please read carefully the article I wrote on January 10th: “2014: The Beginning of Ya’cob’s Troubles.”
From World Net Dailey, January 5, 2014:
“With the death of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon expected imminently, the prophecies of Israel’s venerated Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri’s are much in demand by the media. Why?
Kaduri announced to his followers that the long-awaited Messiah would not come until after the death of Sharon. He made the prediction two months before Sharon, still acting as prime minister, had a major stroke in 2006 that has left him in a coma ever since.
Information from WND January 5th, and January 11th, 2014:
…In 2006, not long after Sharon’s stroke, Kaduri, the most famous rabbi in Israel’s modern history, at 108 years old, died. He left a cryptic death note revealing the name of the long-awaited Messiah. His instructions were that a year afterhis death the note was to be opened.In 2007, the note was opened. It was reported to have been verified as authentic by some of Kaduri’s closest followers and then placed on Kaduri’s own website.
“The purported Kaduri message proclaimed that Messiah’s name was Yehoshua…It shocked the religious world. Shortly thereafter the furor began. The note immediately disappeared from Kaduri’s website. The media refused to report further on the matter.”
“`The only prophetic utterance of Kaduri concerning Ariel Sharon was that Messiah, would not appear until Ariel Sharon had died,’ said Carl Gallups. `Within a little over two months after speaking these prophetic words Sharon was in a coma and Kaduri himself died.’ ”The Kaduri prophecy did not name a specific time or date in which Messiah would be revealed--only that it would not happen until after Sharon had died.
“Many who have examined Kaduri’s prophecy have interpreted the urgent feel of it to mean that Messiah might appear very shortly after Sharon’s death,” said Carl Gallups. “This sense of urgency was strengthened by the fact that for several years prior to his death, Kaduri made several pronouncements of Messiah’s imminent return.”
Rabbi Kaduri
From Wikipedia:
The note in question, sealed to be opened posthumously
From Before It’s News, January 11, 2014
“The secret note said concerning the letters of the Messiah’s name:`He will lift the people and prove that his word and law are valid.This I have signed in the month of mercy,Yitzhak Kaduri.’
The Hebrew sentence (translated above in bold) with the hidden name of the Messiah reads:YarimHa’AmVeyokhiakhShedvaroVetoratoOmdim
The initials spell the Hebrew name…יהושוע[The Hebrew is yud, hey, vav, shin, vav, ayin – Yehoshua/Yahushua]derived from the same Hebrew root of the word `salvation’ as documented in Zechariah 6:11 and Ezra 3:2…”
[My note: According to Kaduri the second vav, between shin and ayin, mystically symbolizes “the secret of His power.” Yes, Kaduri was a mystic in many ways--he was a Hassidic Kabbalist. [This information comes from Carl Gallups’ book The Rabbi Who Found Messiah. I’m reading that book now.]
From WND: “Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia House ministry, says that in the book, Gallups “explodes one of the biggest bombshells of our lifetime. `The implications of these astonishing declarations from the most venerated ultra-orthodox rabbi in Israel impacts every one of us – not just those of the traditional Jewish faith.’ ”
“A few months before Kaduri died at the age of 108, he surprised his followers when he told them that he met the Messiah. Kaduri gave a message in his synagogue on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, teaching how to recognize the Messiah. He also mentioned that the Messiah would appear to Israel after Ariel Sharon’s death. *Other rabbis predicted the same, including Rabbi Haim Cohen, kabbalist Nir Ben Artzi and the wife of Rabbi Haim Kneiveskzy.
Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri was known for his photographic memory and his memorization of the Bible, the Talmud, Rashi and other Jewish writings. He knew Jewish sages and celebrities of the last century and rabbis who lived in the Holy Land and kept the faith alive before the State of Israel was born.
Kaduri was not only highly esteemed because of his age of 108. He was charismatic and wise, and chief rabbis looked up to him as aTsadik, a righteous man or saint. He would give advice and blessings to everyone who asked. Thousands visited him to ask for counsel or healing. His followers speak of many miracles and his students say that he predicted many disasters. When he died, more than 200,000 people joined the funeral procession on the streets of Jerusalem to pay their respects as he was taken to his final resting place.”
No, Kaduri did not become a “Christian!” Neither did he say that “Jesus” appeared to Him, or “Yeshua” either! He reported on seeing Messiah, who gave His Name as Yehoshua/Yahushua, meaning “Yahuweh is salvation.”
No, Kaduri did not “get born again,” or “saved,” as far as we know, but he definitely did not become Christian! He went on to teach the Hassidic Jewish interpretation of a human Messiah. No, Yahushua did go into the “plan of salvation” with Kaduri. Kaduri was a message-carrier to Messiah’s Jewish brethren! It was a time-marker message that He would soon return! Messiah most likely came to him because of the scope of Kaduri’s influence with His brethren, and also because Kaduri wanted to see the Messiah of Israel with such a passionately heart!
Author Carl Gallups asks: Would Israel’s Messiah appear to Rabbi Kuduri and give His Name? He reminds us of Messiah’s Damascus Road meeting with Sha’ul. For the purposes of Yahuweh, Yahushua knocked him off his horse, gave him His Hebrew Name, and spoke with him.Besides speaking to His dear set-apart ones, His disciples, Messiah often speaks and ministers to those who have influence in this world, those who impact others and impact history (His-story). He told Kaduri that His Name was Yahushua/Yehoshua -- Yahuweh is salvation. Yahushua’s native language was/is Hebrew. Sha’ul was astonished that He spoke Hebrew to him on the Damascus Road.
“Come Yahushua Come!”
Love, shalom, Yedidah, January 13, 2014