The Music as Muse—Pictures at an Exhibition

Nevada City, CA, June 11, 2013—How music translates to color is a fascinating subject. And it was only natural that when Nevada City contemporary painter LeeAnn Brook first listened to “Pictures of an Exhibition” that a full image came to mind.

Brook will be painting live behind a partition on stage the night of the concert, while being projected via video onto a large screen for optimum viewing. The painting will take shape in front of the audience’s eyes while listening to pianist Alexander Korsantia along with Maestro Gregory Vajda and the Music in the Mountains orchestra.

“After listening to this composition for many hours, the notes and phrases became colors and textures of paint in my mind. The bold, forthright prelude became rich browns, siennas with undertones of purple and alizarin. The delicate passages of staccato transitions became soft cerulean blues and turquoise with accents of cadmium red, while I saw the ending crescendo culminating in brushstrokes of the unexpected” commented Brook in preparation for the evening’s painting.

With the entire composition being 35 minutes, the painting will be done in an expressionistic style in response to the music. Loving the spontaneity of this performance, Brook has long dreamt of painting in front of a live audience. Being a painter for over 40 years and frequently doing demonstrations in her Nevada City painting workshops, along with being a seasoned public speaker, no holds are barred.

“I know it sounds strange, but I love not knowing what will happen. Art is spontaneous as well as thought out at the same time, just like music. There is a certain amount of trust and magic that happens when interpretation takes place in the moment. I really look forward to the alchemy of this evening” comments Brook.

At the end of the evening there will be an artist’s reception where the painting may be bid on at a silent auction. Brook has donated 40% of the proceeds of the sale of the painting to Music in the Mountains, in memory of longtime art lover and Music in the Mountains board member and patron Marion Gallagher.

LeeAnn Brook has a studio in Nevada City open by appointment. Her work was most recently accepted in a statewide landscape competition at the Santa Cruz Art League as well as the 2013 California State Fair. More of Brook’s work may be seen at


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For press inquiries or to request images please contact:
Cristine Kelly / (530)265-6173 /

Music in the Mountains inspires and connects people of all ages through extraordinary classical music performances, community engagement, and music education.