Coun 7912 Syllabus

Introduction to Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counseling

Coun 7912

Fall 2008

Wednesdays, 1-4 pm

205 Patterson Hall

Erin Martz, Ph.D., C.R.C.

119D Patterson Hall

University of Memphis

Phone: (901)-678-4820


Please note: email is the best way to communicate with me.You can expect a reply to your question within 24 hours during the business week (holidays and breaks are exceptions).

Office hours: Thursdays 1:00 - 4:00 pm (or by appointment)

Course description:

7912-8912. Introduction to Psychiatric Rehabilitation. (3). Psychiatric rehabilitation concepts and principles, techniques, history, treatment settings and modalities; emphasizing issues central to mental health consumers such as empowerment, the consumer movement, family intervention, cross-cultural issues, recovery and reintegration within the community. PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor.

The course is designed to increase the student's understanding of the field of psychiatric rehabilitation. An emphasis will be placed on the student's acquiring the knowledge base from which the techniques of psychiatric rehabilitation are being developed. Each student will be able to demonstrate his or her in-depth understanding of the facts, concepts, and principles underlying and guiding the growth of the field of psychiatric rehabilitation.

Students will be introduced to the philosophical and empirical bases of psychiatric rehabilitation, including an overview of programming models, service-system issues, current research in psychological disorders, and their treatment. Throughout the course, a focus will be placed on the consumer movement and cross-cultural issues.


  • Gain essential principles and knowledge of the field of psychiatric rehabilitation.
  • Gain exposure to the application of psychiatric rehabilitation in mental-health systems and programs.
  • Gain an understanding various programming models and service-system issues.
  • Gain knowledge relevant to understanding the consumer movement, recovery, integration within the community, and multicultural issues.
  • Become involved in the issues surrounding the lives of individuals with severe mental illness through exposure and experiences in the community.

Required Text:

Pratt, C. W., Gill, K. J., Barrett, N. M., & Roberts, M. M. (2007). Psychiatric

Rehabilitation, 2nd ed.Amsterdam: Academic Press. [ISBN-10: 0125644310]

Recommended Text:

**Fischler, G. L., & Booth, N. (1999). Vocational impact of psychiatric disorders: a guideline for rehabilitation professionals.Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publications. [ISBN: 083421251]

** Due to the price of this 1 book, a copy was put on reserve at the library. You can check it out from the Reserve room for 2 hours.


For your professional development/interest, the leading rehabilitation journals are:

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research

Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling

Journal of Rehabilitation

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Bulletin

Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin

Rehabilitation Psychology


Your requirements:

Attendance policy:

Because this class will have experiential components, as well as the expectation of interactive dialogues, then attendance should be top priority. Most people learn by repetition, challenging information, and application/practice of knowledge, which is why class attendance should be beneficial to you. Two excused class absences will be permitted. Anything over that number will affect your attendance grade.

In addition, if you hope to ask me for a letter of recommendation for doctoral studies or a job, it would behoove you to not only attend class regularly, but also to speak up! Your interest in learning this material will reflect on the professional that you are becoming. Some academic subjects are more interesting than others; but the parallel for counselors is that some clients will be more interesting than others. Thus, you should cultivate the ability to find something interesting in any material (or client). Bottom line recommendation: Treat this class as part of your current job of training to be a professional!

Your tasks:

Chapter presentation (10 points)

In order to make this class more interactive and meaningful, each student will select 1 chapter from either book and prepare a presentation not about the content of the chapter (because the professor will do that), but about the application of the material to professional work. You willprepare an outline of it (aim for 2-3 pages in an outline form)--use of power-points is encouraged--and then present the ideas/material in class for 15-20 minutes. You can make this presentation as creative as you want. Advice for those with fear of public speaking: Remember to concentrate on the information, not yourself. Also, get the class talking and involved!

Case study presentation(10 points)

You will interview an individual with a psychiatric disability, who has agreed to be interviewed and who has signed a consent form. This interview should last a minimum of half an hour. Then you will talk about the process and the results for 10-15 minutes in class (Note: names must be changed to protect confidentiality).

Case study report (20 points)

You will write up a report (5-7 pages, double-spaced) based on your interview. Use the following framework: present status (demographics, e.g.—gender, ethnicity, education), socioeconomic and family status, disability-related information, work history, short-term and long-term goals, and therapeutic challenges. You should not use first-person (e.g., “I”) in this report. (Note: client names must be changed to protect confidentiality in this report).

Field trip report (10 points)

You will find a facility that assists individuals with psychiatric disabilities and interview an employee for 10-15 minutes. You should actually visit the facility. Then you should write up your impressions and reactions in a minimum of 2 typed, double-spaced pages. Please use 1st person in this report—I want to hear what you were thinking and feeling during your visit (and why). Thus, minimize the facts in this report.


Chapter presentation10 points

Case study presentation10 points

Case study written report20 points

Field trip report10 points

Midterm20 points

Final20 points

Attendance 10 points

Total100 points

A= 90-100 points

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= Below 60

Note: Graduate students at University of Memphis are only permitted to receive one C grade. The instructor may provide make-up assignments in case of emergency (written proof will be required). Otherwise, an incomplete grade will be given.

Course schedule

8/27/08: Welcome. Introductions. Syllabus overview.

Basic introduction to psychiatric rehabilitation

First-person perspective.

Learning about the DSM-IV

9/3/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 1

First-person perspective.

Learning about the DSM-IV

Video segments

Choose chapters for presentations

9/10/08:Read for today: Pratt, ch. 2

First-person perspective.

Learning about the DSM-IV

Video segments

9/17/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 3

First-person perspective.

Learning about the DSM-IV

Video segments

9/24/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 4

Read for today: Fischler, ch. 1

Video segments

10/1/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 5

Read for today:Fischler, ch. 2

Case study presentations

10/8/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 6

Read for today: Fischler, ch. 3

Case study presentations

10/15/08: Midterm (in-class) (Pratt, Fischler, DSM material)

10/22/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 7

Read for today: Fischler, ch. 4

Case study presentations

10/29/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 8

Read for today:Fischler, ch. 5

Case study presentations

11/5/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 9

Read for today:Fischler, ch. 6

Case study presentations

Written case study due.

11/12/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 11 (skip ch. 10)

Read for today: Fischler, ch. 7

Case study presentations

11/19/08: Read for today: Pratt, ch. 12 and 14 (skip ch. 13)

Speaker from Clubhouse

Case study presentations

11/26/08: No class—go on your fieldtrip visit and write report.

12/3/08: Last class. Review of material.

Field trip report due.

Finish case study presentations, if necessary.

If finished, we will watch some video vignettes and discuss.

Course evaluations are now completed on-line.

Final exam (take-home) passed out.

12/10/08: Exams are due by 5:30 pm today. You may turn in the exam as soon as you have completed it. The instructor will email you that she has received the exam if you did not turn it in directly to her (e.g., you put it in her mailbox in 113 Patterson). You can obtain your grade by the online system; individual grades will not be emailed to you.

Americans with Disabilities Act: The University of Memphis does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and the operation of any of its programs and activities, as specified by federal laws and regulations. The student has the responsibility of informing the course instructor (at the beginning of the course) of any disabling condition, which will require modification to avoid discrimination. Faculty are required by law to provide "reasonable accommodation" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels.

Written Assignments and Academic Misconduct:

Professional honesty:

Your work should always be your own. If you have any doubt whether you should credit someone for an idea, then simply cite the person’s name and the date. This will protect you from the possible accusation of plagiarism. Dishonesty in various aspects of academic life can have harsh consequences, including expulsion, which may block you from continuing elsewhere the career training that you are currently in.

All written work submitted must be the student’s original work and conform to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) available online and via their publications. This means that any substantive ideas, phrases, sentences, and/or any published ideas must be properly referenced to avoid even the appearance of plagiarism. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full or clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency in the selling of term papers of other academic materials. It is the student’s responsibility to know all relevant university policies concerning plagiarism. Any documented cases of plagiarism can and will result in dismissal from the course with a failing grade, and may result in other more serious sanctions by the College of Education.

Your written work may be submitted to Turnitin.com, or a similar electronic detection method, for an evaluation of the originality of your ideas and proper use and attribution of sources. As part of this process, you may be required to submit electronic as well as hard copies of your written work, or be given other instructions to follow. By taking this course, you agree that all assignments may undergo this review process and that the assignment may be included as a source document in Turnitin.com's restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents. Any assignment not submitted according to the procedures given by the instructor may be penalized or may not be accepted at all. Please refer to the University’s “Code of Student Conduct” for actions that may result from student academic misconduct

Teaching Philosophy

In addition to what I stated above, I would like to briefly explain how I viewthe process of learning:

  1. [1st round of learning] The student reads the assigned chapter outside of class.The student writes down or marks anything that needs clarifying or any questions that are triggered by the reading.
  2. [2nd round of learning] The professor leads a review of the reading in class and triggers dialogue from the material. The purposes of class-time, after reviewing the material, include: to clarify what is important to understand about the material, to connect the material to people’s professional experiences, and to expand/deepen the understanding of the material.
  3. [3rd round of learning] The student takes a quiz or test over the information.
  4. [4th round of learning] The student takes a comprehensive exam for the MA degree.
  5. [5th round of learning] The student takes a national exam for certification or licensure.