Explicit Phonics Lesson for EW, OO
Phonemic Awareness Warm-up
o Teacher names things that smell. If it smells bad, say “ooo”.
o skunk, garbage, dirty diapers, dead fish, dirty socks
o soap, candles, roses, cookies baking,
Spelling pattern and decoding
· Show the variant vowels EW and OO, and chart with EW and OO words. (cover the vowel variant)
o Chart words:
grew blew threw screw
spoon cuckoo snoop loose
Practice blending and spelling
· Tell children you are going to pass out cards with EW and OO words. They should find the vowel variant and highlight it with tape. Read the card silently. Share with a partner.
· Read cards as you collect them. Make sentences with any unfamiliar words.
o raccoon, boot, balloon, toolbox, spoon, pewter
o pool, loose, crew, flew, stew, new, shampoo
o moose, goose, chew, knew, cashew, curfew
o buckaroo, undo, review, bamboo, outgrew
o cartoon, mushroom, noodle, broom, igloo
o boost, harpoon, bloom, booth, moon
Dictation and composition
· Use white boards to write sentences with EW and OO words.
The igloo had a big room.
It is cool in the pool.
I will cook stew in my new pot.
Apply the lesson
· Read literature with –oo and –ew words.