Patient Participation Meeting
Monday28th April 2014, 7pm


Pauline Drummond / Allan Weare
Andrew Fairhurst / Christine Sims
Alan Taylor / Lois Emm
Brenda Anderson / Elaine Snow
John Pimblott / Ian Robson
Dr Claire Laband / Elizabeth Parry
Suzanne Green / Anne Langford
Glenys Runciman / Kokila Lane


  • Anna Dormer
  • Mark Summers
  • Ingrid Pattje


  1. Update from meeting with Tessa Munt
  2. Update on transportation problems for patients
  3. The PPG move from Practice led to PPG led
  4. Communication within and outwith PPG/ practice website
  5. 2014/15 Action Plan
  6. AOB

Reviewed minutes of 24th February- the minutes were accepted as a true representation of the meeting.

1. Meeting with Tessa Munt

John Pimblott highlighted to the group the content of the meeting with Tessa Munt on 24th February. Separate minutes/summary document, including agreed action points,have been provided by PPG and are attached to this email.

CMC informed PPG that a new company has been set up by GP practices in Somerset called Somerset Primary Healthcare which we hope will provide a defence strategy to attempt to reduce risk of losing future income when tendering contracts comes into place in Somerset in April 2015. Tender documents are anticipated to be being released by local authority in summer 2014.

2. Transport Issues

It has been recognised that there is a lack of joined up thinking between Primary Care and Secondary Care (i.e. Hospitals) about how best for patients to move between services. Suzanne Green and Elizabeth Parry have done some fantastic work to understand what is going on now and have also attended the North Somerset meeting on transportation recently. They have put together a document which is attached as a separate document for information. Once they are finished their work it is hoped that CMC will circulate on our website. Suzanne will inform CMC when ready to be released.

Suzanne then briefed the PPG as to knowledge so far:

Mendip Community Transport is available to CMC patients as is Sedgemoor Community Transport. These have been confirmed as appropriate to our patients by Suzanne. Suzanne explained that Mendip Community Transport is desperate for volunteer drivers. Any patients who are interested must contact them directly to express interest as the practice cannot process this.

Elizabeth Parry described a scheme in place in North Somerset being funded by CCG whereby practices could refer. Action- PMD to contact Somerset CCG and understand whether or not a similar scheme is intended to be introduced.

Dr Laband explained that here (at CMC) a major problem our patients comment on is about the lack of help to actually get to the surgery as well as to the necessary hospitals.

Lois Emm explained that the local Cancer Support Group have also members that will take patients to WSM hospital for cancer appointments but that they struggled to get to the other more further afield hospitals.

John Pimblott explained that he was aware that Rural Community Action Website have a transport policy but unaware of the details. Action- John is to investigate further and report back on details.

PPG felt it necessary to express our concerns regarding transportation concerns to Somerset CCG formally. They also felt that PPG has a role in communicating to patients about the issues and to try and encourage other patients to register to help as driver volunteers etc. It was felt that an approach to Cheddar Gazette may be a way forward to increase awareness. Action- PMD to discuss with Suzanne/ John contacts at Gazette and perhaps facilitate a meeting.

3. Move towards PPG led PPG meetings

It was agreed to move the PPG towards a patient driven collective rather than the result exclusively of the practice. Our action plan agreed at February meeting will form the starting point for agendas going forward from July meeting onwards.

PPG nominated John Pimblott as Chair of PPG and this was accepted. A meeting will take place between PMD and John on 25th June to discuss priorities, agenda’s going forward etc. Action- PMD to contact PPG/VPPG members to ensure satisfied for email addresses to be passed over.

Kokila and John together will deal with minutes from July meeting onwards.

PPG reassured that CMC doctors and Manager remain committed to PPG and will support throughout however just want ideas/ actions to be driven by patients rather than solely the practice. A very positive approach was discussed and a way forward agreed. Numbers of PPG members attending meetings is increasing all the time and hope to keep this going.

4. Communication via website

PPG were very happy with practice website and links are excellent in their view. PMD will make sure that Hayley Browning who does all the data work for the website is aware of the positive feedback. CMC will continue to ensure paper copies of minutes and actions etc. are still available to those patients not on line.

Should there be other links/ documents necessary then please continue to talk to Pauline about the website.

5. 2014/15 Action Plan

PPG reminded that approved action plan is on the website under the PPG tab for future reference and this will be updated as necessary throughout the year.

6. AOB

1. Do Not Attend patients-

Brenda Anderson explained ongoing frustrations with DNA patients as when recently at surgery 2 people didn’t turn up and so other patients lose opportunity for appointments. PMD explained ongoing work as agreed last year continues and that regular ‘offenders’ is reducing and we continue to monitor but acknowledges the frustrations that we all feel.

2. People Hub via NHS England

Kokila Lane highlighted to the group that Personal Health and Care Budgets are being discussed via People Hub on line and that other patients may wish to familiarise themselves with the introduction. PMD confirmed not aware of Somerset position on this at this time. Practice aware of the introduction but not briefed on details as yet therefore assuming not in place with any patients here at this time.

3. Cancer Support Group

Lois explained that they are linked to the hospice at Weston and they have taken advantage of some training and offer Companion Sitting Service. The group is also available to help with basic practice help e.g. washing/ ironing and shopping should patients need their assistance.

Date of next meeting- Monday 14th July at 7pm