Press Release

Observation ofcervical cancer prevention awarenessweek( 26 Nov-2 Dec, 2017)

In Bhutan, cervical cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women, with an estimated incidence of 20/100,000 women population. More than halfarediagnosed in late stage leading to high mortality. The peak incidence is between 40-49 years. The morbidity and mortality associated with this cancer has impact not only on the life of these women, but also on their families.

Cervical cancer is still the most common cancer referred for radiation. This is a cancer that is not only curable if diagnosed early, but is also preventable if detected early, with availability of good screening program. Pap smear is a proven method for cervical cancer screening. Where this program exists, and is of good quality, it has brought down morbidity and mortality due to cervical cancer to a large extent.

In Bhutan, National Pap Smear Screening Program was established in October 1999, but went nationwide only in 2006. The target population for Pap smear is all women (who are or were sexually exposed) between 25 to 65 years of age regardless of HPV vaccination status. Visual Inspection with Acetic acid (VIA) is also being done to women between 30 to 45 years of age as an adjunct method to Pap smear screening. Despite the free screening services available at BHU and Hospitals, incidence and mortality due to cervical cancer did not change significantly over the past years. Lack of awareness among women among other reasons could be the contributing factors Thus, there is need to create awareness in the country on Pap smear screening services in the country toencourage women to avail this services.

  1. Objectives of observation of the week: Why Cervical Screening Awareness week?

In Bhutan only 45.5% of women aged 20-59 years had undergone a Pap test at least once in their lifetime even though 76% of them were aware of it(NHS, 2012).The most common reason cited for not doing Pap test was “never heard about it” (35.3%). The other commonly cited reasons included “painful/embarrassment” followed by “too young/too old” despite all respondents falling in the recommended age category of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, through cervical cancer prevention week various means can bedesigned to encourage women to get screened for cervical cancer for early detection, treatment or referral. The week will be observed from 26 Nov-2 Dec, 2017

  1. Plan of action for the observation of cervical cancer prevention awareness weekfrom 26 Nov-2 Dec,2017

Conduct Pap smear/Colposcopy camp at high burden area under Trashigang and Chukha District. The Pap smear and advocacy camp will be conducted in Bongo and Darla Gewog under Chukha district. Women aged 25-65 will be screened with Pap smear. Women will also be provided with colposcopy services. In addition, women will be advocated on cervical cancer risk, prevention, symptoms and early treatment.

The Pap smear and colposcopy camp is high burden area of Trashigang has already been conducted on 21st November, 2017 as a part of this week.

  1. Audiovisual on BBS

An audiovisual awareness program on cervical cancer will be screened on BBS during the week

  1. SMS alert

A SMS alert will be send through B-mobile to people of twenty districts with cervical cancer prevention messages.