in cooperation with
Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Institute of History,
Centre of History and Theory of National Education
Annual Conference of the International Society for History Didactics:
Cultural and religious diversity
and the implications
for history education
Conference venue: Conference Hall of the “Kazan-Hermitage” Exhibition Centre
(Inside of Kazan Kremlin)
Kazan, 25-27 June, 2012
Conference Programme
08.30 – 09.00 / Registration
09.00 – 10.00 / Welcome speeches
Prof. Dr. Andrey Pominov, Deputy Minister of Education and Sciences of Tatarstan Republic
Prof. Dr. Dzhavdet Suleymanov, Vice President of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. Rafael Hakimov, Director of Institute of History under Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp, President, International Society for History Didactics
10.15 – 12.15 / Session 1: Intercultural Dimensions in Textbooks
Chair: Marat Gibatdinov
Discussant: Elisabeth Erdmann
10.15 – 10.55 / Harry Haue, History Education from Chauvinism to Cultural Competition in Schleswig – Comparison of German and Danish Textbooks from 1850s and the 1980s
10.55 – 11.35 / Anu Raudsepp, Mare Oja, Image of the Other in the History of
Estonia on the Base of Textbook Analysis
11.35 – 12.15 / Arja Virta, Perspectives on “Other Cultures” in Finnish History Curricula and Textbooks, 1970–2010
13.30 – 15.30 / Session 2: Religious and Cultural Aspects in History Education
Chair: Markus Furrer
Discussant: Oldimar Cardoso
13.30 – 14.10 / Wolfgang Hasberg, Religious Dimension of History Education?
14.10 – 14.50 / Susanne Popp, Intercultural History Education and the Risk of ‘Culturalism’
14.50 – 15.30 / Paul Van de Pitte, Culture and Religion from French Revolution till Today Between ‘Enchantment’ and ‘Disenchantment’ (Culture et religion, de la Révolution française à aujourd’hui entre ‘enchantement’ et ‘désenchantement’)
19.00 / DINNER
Tuesday 26.06.2012
09.00 – 11.00 / Session 3: Cultural and Religious Diversity – General Aspects (I)
Chair: Susanne Popp
Discussant: Arja Virta
09.00 – 09.40 / Markus Furrer, The Views of History in Pluricultural Societies – the
Case of Switzerland
09.40 – 10.20 / Oldimar Cardoso, The Laws 10.639/2003 - 11.645/2008 and the
Teaching of African and Indigenous Culture in Brazil
10.20 – 11.00 / Urte Kocka, Globalizing History Topics in the Classroom as a Way for Dealing with Increasing Global Diversity?
11.15 – 13.15 / Session 4: Perspectives from Russia and Tatarstan (I)
Chair: Harry Haue
Discussant: Markus Furrer
11.15– 11.55 / Marat Gibatdinov, History Education in Multicultural Societies and Interreligious Dialogue (Tatarstan Experience)
11.55 – 12.35 / Aleksey Bushuev, Contemporary History for Modern Generation: Schoolchild’s Historical Consciousness Formation Specificity in Post-Soviet Russia
12.35 – 13.15 / Ilnara Hanipova, Teaching the Knowledge of Social Sciences and the Education of the ‘New Man’ in the 1920s and 1930s in Tatarstan (Vermittlung von gesellschaftswissenschaftlichem Wissen und die Bildung des ‚neuen‘ Menschen in Tatarstan in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren)
14.20– 16.00 / Session 5: Perspectives from Russia and Tatarstan (II)
Chair: Oldimar Cardoso
Discussant: Marat Gibatdinov
14.20 – 15.00 / Alfiya Gallyamova, Cultural Orientations of Tatars in Russia at the Soviet Period.
15.00 – 15.40 / Konstantin Zamyatin (University of Helsinki), The Teaching of History and Languages in the Light of Russia’s Nation-Building
16.00 – 18.30 / Guided tour to the Kazan Kremlin
Parallel Museum Visits
18.30 / Meeting of the Board of the ISHD
19.00 / DINNER
Wednesday 27.06.2012
09.00 – 11.00 / Session 6: Textbook Analysis: Political and Religious Aspects in European Perspective Chair: Arja Virta
Discussant: Harry Haue
09.00 – 09.40 / Elisabeth Erdmann, Crusades and Peaceful Co-existence in the
Near East? And what do Current History Textbooks Tell?
09.40 – 10.20 / Michael Wobring, Picturing Islam in European History Textbooks, 1970-2010
10.20 – 11.00 / Cristina Maia, Textbooks and the Cold War. A Comparative European Study, 1980–2000
11.15 – 13.15 / Session 7: Cultural and Religious Diversity – General Aspects (III)
Chair: Elisabeth Erdmann
Discussant: Wolfgang Hasberg
11.15– 11.55 / Joan Pagés, Edda Sant, Antoni Santisteban, A History Education Research in Order to Innovate the Historical Teaching and Learning
11.55 – 12.35 / Sebastian Barsch, Boundaries of Integration – Deaf Culture and the Resistance to Oral Societies. Historical Emergence of a Desired
Inequality and its Value for History Education
12.35 – 13.15 / Semih Aktekin, The Views of History Teachers Towards Controversial and Sensitive Issues in Turkey
13.30 – 15.00 / General Assembly of the Members of the International Society of History Didactics (ISHD)
15.00 – 15.30 / CLOSING SESSION
16.30 – 18.30 / Guided City Bus Tour (optional)
16.30 – 18.30 / Parallel Museum visits
Thursday 28.06.2012
Guided Day Tour to the Medieval city Bulgar (museum, archeological site and cultural reserve)
Guided Day Tour to the Sviyazhsk Island (museum and cultural reserve)
Poster Presentations
Guli Shervashidze, Madona Mikeladze, History: Derangement of the Past or Motion towards Freedom and Respectable Co-Existence?
Marina Tsyrenova, Irina Ayushieva, The Value of Project Actıvıtıes ın Hıstory Educatıon. Experıences of Internatıonal Educatıonal Projects in Ulan Bator, Mongolıa, 2009-2011
Nadezhda Archebasova, The Colony of Sarepta as a Model of Successful integration of Central European Culture and Cultural Borderlands of Russia (18th -19th centuries and now)
Oleg Sinitsyn, History Education and School History Textbooks: Challenges of our Time
Ilsia Fokeeva, Regional and Ethnocultural Components of Education (History and Social Studies Subjects)
Ludmila Chvanova, Development of Global Thinking on the History and Social Study Lessons
Gulshat Mustafina, Anton Ermoshin, The Experience of Religious Education in the Pre-revolutionary Secular Schools through the Challenge of Modern Multireligious Society
Albert Valiakhmetov, Russian History in the Modern Czech History Textbooks
Nakia Chibinova, The results of educational project: “Gymnasium as the multicultural centre”
Reseda Horaskina, Teaching history of Tatarstan on the non-humanitarian departments of University
Milyausha Gaynanova, Sadri Maksudi's methods of teaching in history education in Turkey (1925-1943)
Conference hotel: Suleiman Palace Hotel (Peterburgskaya St., 55)
Local organizer: Marat Gibatdinov, Head of the Centre of History and Theory of National Education, Institute of History under Tatarstan Academy of Sciences;
Tel. + 7 92767 00210
E-Mails: ,
Official language of conference:
English (simultaneous English-Russian translation will be provided)