Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Neurobiology
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
Tsinghua University, China / B.S. / 1993 / Biology
Columbia University, New York / Ph.D. / 1998 / Neurobiology
A. Positions and Employment
1993 – 1998 Graduate Student, Columbia University, New York, Thesis advisor: Dr. Richard Axel
1998 – 2003 Postdoctoral Associate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA. Postdoctoral Mentor: Dr. Marc Tessier-Lavigne
2003 – present Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC
2004 – present Assistant Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC
Professional Memberships
1999 – present Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2003 – present Member, Society for Neuroscience
Honors and Awards
1989 – 1993 Outstanding Student Scholarship, Tsinghua University, China
1993 Distinguished Graduate Award, Tshinghua University, China
1998 Distinct Thesis Honor, Columbia University, New York
1998 Postdoctoral Fellowship from Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2004 Alfred P. Sloan Scholar
2004 Klingenstein Fellow in Neuroscience
2004 Whitehall Foundation Award
2007 McKnight Scholar Award
B. Selected peer-review publications (in chronological order)
1. Mombaerts, P. Wang, F., Dulac, C., Vassar, R., Chao, S.K., Nemes, A., Mendelsohn, M., Edmondson, J. and Axel, R. (1996) The molecular biology of olfactory perception. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Qualitative Biology, V LXI: 135-145.
2. Mombaerts, P., Wang, F., Dulac, C., Chao, S.K., Nemes, A., Mendelsohn, M., Edmondson, J. and Axel, R. (1996) Visualizing an olfactory sensory map. Cell 87: 675-686.
3. Wang, F., Nemes, A., Mendelsohn, M. and Axel, R. (1998) Odorant receptors govern the formation of a precise topographic map. Cell 93: 47-60.
4. Bulfone, A., Wang, F., Hevnor, R., Anderson, S., Cutforth, T., Chen, S., Meneses, J., Pedersen, R., Axel, R. and Rubenstein, J.L.R. (1998) An olfactory sensory map develops in the absence of normal projection neurons or GABAergic interneurons. Neuron 21: 1273- 1282.
5. Lin, D,M., Wang, F., Lowe, G., Gold, G.H., Axel, R., Ngai, J., and Brunet, L. (2000) Formation of precise connections in the olfactory bulb occurs in the absence of odorant-evoked neuronal activity. Neuron 26: 69-80.
6. Graef, I.A.*, Wang, F.*, Charron, F., Chen L., Neilson, J., Tessier-Lavigne, M., and Crabtree, G.R. (2003).Neurotrophins and netrins require Calcineurin/NFAT signaling to stimulate outgrowth of embryonic axons. Cell, 113: 657-670. (*These two authors contributed equally to this work)
7. Grieshammer, U., Ma, L., Plump, A.S., Wang, F., Tessier-Lavigne, M., and Martin, G.R. (2004). Slit-2 mediated ROBO2 signaling restricts kidney induction to a single site. Developmental Cell 6 (5): 709-717.
8. Wang, F. (2004). Steering Growth Cones with a CaMKII/Calcineurin Switch. Neuron 43 (6): 760-762.
9. Zhou, X, Babu, J.R., da Silva, S., Shu, Q., Tani, T., Oliver, T., Tomoda, T., Graef, I.A., Wooten, M.W., and Wang, F. (2007). Ulk1/2-mediated endocytic process regulates filopodia extension and branching of sensory axons. PNAS 104 (14): 5842-5847.
10. Hodge, LK, Klassen, M., Han, B., Yiu, G., Hurrell, J., Howell, A., Rousseau, G., Lemaigre, F., Tessier-Lavigne, M., and Wang, F. (2007) Retrograde regulation of trigeminal sensory neuron identities and face map formation by target derived signals. Neuron 55: 572-586.
11. Hasegawa, H., Abbott, S., Han, B., Qi, Y., and Wang, F. (2007). Analyzing somatosensory axon projections with the sensory neuron-specific Advillin gene. J. Neurosci. 27(52): 14404-14.
12. Hasegawa, H., and Wang, F. Visualizing TrkC-expressing touch and proprioceptive sensory endings using HS3ST-2-PLAP mice. (2008). J. Comp. Neurol. 511(4): 543-556. PMCID: PMC2577232
13. Que, J., Wilm, B., Hasegawa, H., Wang, F., Bader, D., and Hogan, BL. Mesothelium contributes to vascular smooth muscle and mesenchyme during lung development. (2008). PNAS. 105: 16626-16630. PMCID: PMC2567908
14. Kessler, J., Hasegawa, H., Brun, S.N., Yang, Z.J., Dutton, J.W., Wang, F., and Wechsler Reya, R.J. N-myc alters the fate of preneoplastic cells in a mouse model of medulloblastoma. (2009). Genes & Dev. 23(2): 157-70. PMCID: PMC2648542
Book Chapter
1. Graef I.A., Crabtree, G.R., and Wang, F. (2006). Calcineurin/NFAT signaling in development and function of the nervous system. In Transcription Factors, ed Thiel G., pp353-378.
2. Wang, F. (2008). “Pathfinding:Axon Guidance: Building Pathways with Molecular Cues in Vertebrate Sensory Systems.” The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, edited by Larry Squire et al, Elsevier, 2008.
C. Teaching
Cell and Molecular Biology (Neuronal development)
Concepts in Neuroscience (Developmental neurobiology part)
Seminars in Cell Biology (small RNAs: biogenesis and mechanisms of biological functions)
Cell Biology of Nervous Tissue (lectures as part of Medical School course on Cells and Molecules)
D. Research Support:
5 RO1 DE016550 (PI: Wang) 04/05/2005-02/28/2010
Trigeminal mechanisms underlie distinct orofacial pain
McKnight Scholar for Neuroscience (PI: Wang) 07/01/2007 – 06/30/2010
Molecular and Genetic Analyses of Mammalian Touch Sensation
5RO1 DE019440 (PI: Wang) 07/01/2009-06/30/2014
Control of trigeminal touch sensory circuit assembly
5RO1 DA028302 (PI: Wang) 07/01/2009-06/30/2014
Genetically encoded probes for neuronal activity and plasticity
Recently Completed:
Alfred P. Sloan Scholar Award (PI: Wang) 09/16/2004 – 09/15/2006
Whitehall Foundation (PI: Wang) 07/01/2004 – 06/30/2007
Neural circuit development in the mouse trigeminal system
Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund (PI: Wang) 07/01/2004 – 06/30/2007
Neural circuit formation in mouse trigeminal sensory system