LWSF Reaching for Success Grant Evaluation

Like all foundations, the Lake Washington Schools Foundation reports to its donors on the effectiveness of how funding is spent. The Foundation is dependent upon our grant recipients to evaluate the success of their school grant. Our ability to obtain future funding for grants is impacted by the quality of the grant evaluationsreceived. Data and quantitative analysis are the best sources for program evaluations, but descriptions and anecdotal stories can also demonstrate program effectiveness. Please complete and return this evaluation to the Foundation via email at or intra-district mail upon completion of the grant program, but no later than June. Failure to return evaluation or late evaluations will impact your school’s eligibility for future grants.

Name and title of Person completing evaluation:

School Name:Grant Number and Title:

Number of students impacted? Grade level(s):

How many staff members participated in your project?

Insert the CIP goal stated in your grant application (response to application question #2)

In response to application question #2, you explained your expectations for how your project would help your school meet its CIP goals. Did the project provide the help you anticipated?

Application question #6 requested a list of expected outcomesyou expected from your project. Please list those specific outcomes and discuss the evaluation an/or measurement tools you used to evaluate your project and the outcomes you observed. Please provide samples of the quantitative data or summary report to support your project evaluation (e.g. tables, charts, graphs, spreadsheets).

Please describe how the outcomes described above helped your school meet the CIP goal identified in your grantapplication.

Describe an ‘ah ha’ moment or give a story that will illustrate to the Foundation’s donors the value of your project.

Are there any changes you would recommend to this program/project?

Will your school be applying for same or similar project/program in the future?

In response to application question #7 you indicated how you would acknowledge your Lake Washington Schools Foundation grant in your school community. List when and how the acknowledgement was done.


Evaluator signaturePrincipal Signature


Print evaluator namePrint Principal name

Date ______