Manager’s Meeting Minutes 1/25/2018

Things that were discussed during this meeting:

  1. There is no more metal bat league in the Atlanta MABL. All teams will play wood bat. The existing AL metal and AL wood will merge into one AL wood bat league. The NL wood will stay the same, and the 25+ wood will stay the same. The AL wood and the NL wood will still play interleague games against each other this upcoming year.
  2. The Tainos will be moving up to the 25+ wood bat league.
  3. The Gwinnett Tigers will be coming back and moving up to the 25+ wood bat league. Also, the Pasters will be joining the league as well.
  4. All league fees must be collected up front ahead of time. February is the time that fees need to be collected because that is when the league incurs its expenses and coaches are asking to be paid. The new rules with the late fee is in place to help managers collect fees early.
  5. The season will not start until the weekend after Easter because a lot of high school coaches have asked us not to start until after the start of April.
  6. We will keep the league insurance again this year. It has been used in instances of bad injuries, and it is only a cost difference of about $100 per team or $7 per person.
  7. League fees will be $275 per player this year with all the policies that Don outlined in the sheet he sent out in the beginning of the year.

Things that will be discussed at next meeting:

Tournament Info:
  1. Next meeting will be on Thursday, February 8th. If enough league fees are collected before February 8th, then Don may cancel this meeting. Don will make the call about canceling the February 8thmeeting by Sunday, February 4 (Super Bowl Sunday).
