International Conference on Compressors and their Systems

5-6 September 2011

City University London, UK

Sunday 4 September 2011

18:00-20:00 Evening drinks reception and early registration at the Students’ Union, Northampton Square site of City University London.

Monday 5 September 2011: Day 1

08:45 Registration

09:20 Opening Address: Professor Paul Curran, Vice-Chancellor, City University London

09:25 Chairman’s Welcome: Professor Ian K Smith, City University London

09:30 Session 1 – Introductory Session

Chaired by Ian Smith

Keynote Address:

Competitive advantage through innovation

Jim Fairbairn OBE FIMechE CEng, Managing Director, Howden Compressors Division

Use of finite element and computational fluid dynamics analyses in the development of Positive displacement compressor simulations

J Sauls, Trane, USA

Successful trials of turbo-boosting of positive displacement compressors

A Alford, P Nichol, Corac Group Plc, UK

11:10 Coffee break

11:40 Session 2

Stream 1 – Turbo Compressors

Chaired by Keith Pullen

Design rationalisation for centrifugal turboblowers in the water industry

N Ahrens, Howden Process Compressors, Scotland

New multistage axial compressor and chiller development for water as refrigerant

H Madsbøll, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark

Investigation of the gas flow in the vaneless diffusers of the centrifugal compressors

M Kalinkevych, O Shcherbakov, O Gusak, V Ihnatenko, Sumy State University, Ukraine

Stream 2 – Heat Pump & Refrigeration

Chaired by Guy Hundy

Development of R744 two stage compressor for commercial heat pump water heater

H Sato, Y Kimata, H Mizuno, H Kobayashi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan

Theoretical and experimental analysis of the superheating in heat pump compressors

R Kremer, J N Fonseca, T Dutra, Embraco (Empresa Brasileira de Compressores), Brazil

Numerical prediction of turbulent flow and heat transfer in the suction muffler of a small reciprocating compressor

A Morriesen, T Dutra, E L L Pereira, C J Deschamps,Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

12:55 Lunch break

13:50 Session 3

Stream 1 – Reciprocating Compressors (Valves)

Chaired by Erich Machu

Industrial reed valve development using a virtual prototyping approach

W Lang, M Heimel, R A Almbauer, E Berger, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Accounting for backflow condition on effective force and flow areas of reed type valves

R Link, Embraco, Brazil; C J Deschamps, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Influence of suction valve parameter on volumetric efficiency and power loss - valve design chart

D Leray, Tecumseh Europe, France

Simulation of the flow through automatic valves of hermetic compressors by the immersed boundary method approach

TT Rodrigues, Whirlpool S.A. Embraco Compressors, Brazil; J L Gasche, State University of São Paulo, Brazil

Stream 2 – Refrigeration

Chaired by Amin Haghjoo

Theoretical studies of a fixed vane rotary compressor

K T Ooi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; C P Ooi, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Compressors performances with natural and low GWP refrigerants

H Arnemann, B Bella, N Kaemmer, Emerson Climate Technologies GmbH, Germany

Methodology of performance calculation of condensing unit thanks to the compressor

S Colmek, Tecumseh Europe, France

Thermodynamic assessment of an innovative suction muffler for hermetic reciprocating compressors

E Berger, M Heimel, W Lang, R A Almbauer, Graz University of Technology, Austria

15:30 Tea break

16:00 Session 4

Stream 1 – Reciprocating & Variable Speed Compressors

Chaired by Kim Tiow Ooi

Theoretical and experimental study on stepless capacity control system of reciprocating compressor

B Tang, L S Li, Y Y Zhao, L Wang, Hefei General Machinery Institute, China; C L Xie, China Nuclear Power Operation Technology Corporation, China

Energy saving in drives using ZCT ZVT DC-DC converters, PWM inverters in variable speed compressor applications

S Jahdi, M Fry, L L Lai, City University London, UK

Modal and vibration analysis of reciprocating compressor crankshaft system

B Y Yu, Q K Feng, X L Yu, Xi’an Jiao tong University, P R China

The design, manufacture and system integration of the control system for the Bu Attifel low pressure gas transmission compressors

W J Milligan, Howden Process Compressors; D K Harrison, B M Wood, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Stream 2 – Refrigeration

Chaired by Jack Sauls

Experimental performance of carbon dioxide compressor with parallel compression

B Bella, N Kaemmer, Emerson Climate Technologies GmbH, Germany

Enhancement of heat transfer rate in fractional horse power condensing unit

S Davuluri, V Tiruveedhula, N Munnangi, Tecumseh Products India PVT Ltd, India

The influence of refrigerant charge on the starting process of a small reciprocating compressor system

M Verardi, R Link, EMBRACO, Research & Development Group, Brazil; C J Deschamps, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

An experimental study of performances of bottle cooler using carbon dioxide as refrigerant

C S Kuo, W D Hsieh, H W Lin, Y T Shien, Y J Tang, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan

17:40 Close of day 1

19:00 Conference Dinner

The dinner will take place in the library of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, One Birdcage Walk, London. The grand oak-clad Elizabethan style library houses over 400 years of engineering publications and features stunning views over St. James' Park. Return transportation will be provided from City University London.

Tuesday 6 September 2011: Day 2

09:30 Session 5 - Manufacturing

Chaired by Nikola Stosic

Use of a unique tool for manufacturing screw compressor rotors of the various configuration, centre distance and helix angle

J Nietcho, D Buckney, Howden Compressors Ltd; Nikola Stosic, Ahmed Kovacevic, City University London, UK

Method for the correction of localised lead errors during screw rotor manufacture using CNC grinding machines

D W Davey, P Keay, G Yates, Precision Components Ltd, United Kingdom

Developments in the productive grinding of screw rotors and other helical parts in response to user feedback

C S Holmes, PTG Advanced Developments, Holroyd, UK

11:10 Coffee break

11:40 Session 6

Stream 1 – Screw Compressors

Chaired by Graeme Cook

Evaluation of various turbulence models in predicting screw compressor flow processes by CFD

M Kethidi, A Kovacevic, N Stosic, I K Smith, Centre for Positive Displacement Compressor Technology, City University London, United Kingdom

Experimental and theoretical investigation of screw machines as vacuum blowers

A Nikolov, K Nadler, A Brümmer, Technishe Universitat Dortmund, Germany

Numerical optimization of an injection volumetric expander for use in waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycle

S Declaye, S Quoilin, V Lemort, University of Liège, Belgium

Stream 2 – Scroll & Turbo Compressors

Chaired by Cesar DeChamps

Development of high efficiency scroll compressor

M Chikano, Y Yanagase, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd, Japan; M Matsunaga, K Tojo, Shimizu Air Conditioning Works, Hitachi Appliances Inc, Japan

Scroll compressors and intermediate valve ports

P Ginies, C Ancel, D Gross, Danfoss Commercial Compressors, France

Study of IGV and rotor interactions in a cooling axial fan

A Ghenaiet, S Khalfallah, Applied Mechanics EMP, Algeria

12:55 Lunch break

13:50 Session 7

Stream 1 – Screw Compressors

Chaired by Andreas Brummer

Fluid dynamic and thermodynamic modelling of multiphase screw pumps, operating on the threshold of an exclusive gas compression

K Räbiger, Leistritz Pumpen GmbH, Germany

Consideration of clearances in the design of screw compressor rotors

D Buckney, Howden Compressors Ltd., UK; A Kovacevic, N Stosic, City University London, UK

Performance prediction methods for screw compressors

M A Heiyanthuduwage, S Mounoury, Howden Compressors Limited, United Kingdom; A Kovacevic, City University London, United Kingdom

Rotor enhancement for improved screw compressor performance

E Mujić, K Hossner, K Feller, BITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH, Germany

Stream 2 – Turbo Compressors

Chaired by Joost Brasz

The design of vaned diffusers of centrifugal compressors based on the given velocity distribution

M Kalinkevych, A Skoryk, Sumy State University, Ukraine; O Obukhov, A Smirnov, JSC Sumy Frunze NPO, Ukraine

OMNI turbo - a high efficiency, nested two-stage impeller

A Alford, Corac Group Plc, UK

Optimisation of the high vacuum side channel pump

A Shirinov, S Oberbeck, Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Germany

The TurboClaw® compressor for engine downsizing by twin-charging

K R Pullen, City University London, UK; S Etemad, W E Thornton, Dynamic Boosting Systems Limited, UK; J Villegas, AVL Powertrain, UK

15:30 Tea break

16:00 Session 8

Stream 1 – Screw Compressors

Chaired by Ahmed Kovacevic

Reduction of pressure loss in suction flow passage of oil flooded screw compressors

K Chiba, T Nozaki, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Japan; Y Kamiya, H Tanaka, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co. Ltd., Japan

A new approach to three-dimensional intermesh clearance calculation

D Richter, H Müller, K. Nadler, A Brümmer, Technishe Universitat Dortmund, Germany

Finding condition for effective super charge on oil-free screw compressor

H Kameya, Ishinomaki-senshu University, Japan ; M Ishikawa, Hitachi Ltd, Japan; T Saito, Hitachi Plant Technologies Ltd, Japan

Stream 2 – Rotary Compressors

Chaired by Melanie Rigby

Design limitations and flexibilities of the revolving vane compressor

A Subiantoro, K T Ooi, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Blade Compressor™: geometry, performance and applications

C Hudson, Lontra Ltd, UK

17:15 Closing Remarks: Professor Ian K Smith, City University London

17:30 Close of Conference

Organising Committee

Chairman, Ian Smith, City University London

Amelia Brunt, Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Graeme Cook, Howden Compressors

Chris Holmes, Holroyd

Guy Hundy, Aleph Zero

Ahmed Kovacevic, City University London

Rowan Lord, City University London

Ivor Rhodes, ACE Cranfield

Melanie Rigby, Gardner Denver/CompAir

Geof Soar, Consultant

Nikola Stosic, City University London

International Organising Committee:

Ian Bennett, Shell Global Solutions, UK

Cesar Deschamps, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Mitsuhiro Fukuta, Shizuoka University, Japan

Yuri Galerkin, St Petersburg University, Russia

Amin Haghjoo, Ingersoll Rand, Germany

Liansheng Li, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Erich Machu, Consultant, Austria

Kim Tiow Ooi, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore

Jack Sauls, Ingersoll Rand/Trane USA

Supporting organisations