Digital Strategy 2016-2020– Action Plan
Action Plan to accompany the Digital Strategy for Education, 2016-2020; this Plan to be reviewed and updated
termly by the Digital Teaching and Learning Sub-committee
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GOAL 1: To build and maintain a shared understanding of the needs and priorities of the collegiate UniversityGoal / Description / Primary Stakeholder(s) / Liaison / Actions / Timescale
1.1 / Create “Digital Advocates” at the local level / DTLS / UIS /
- The DTLS agreed to develop a network of individuals to engage in discussions, share understanding and influence development. This network should be closely tied with the teaching and learning needs of the Directors of Teaching subject area with clear pedagocical benefit and suggest that Directors of Teaching would be the primary conduit for these type of queries and activities.
- GV wrote to Directors of Teaching
1.2 / Create support mechanisms for Digital Advocates / DTLS / UIS, CCTL /
- Agree shortlist of possible mechanisms, for discussion Michaelmas DTLS
- Consider role of the CCTL, possibly to incorporate Advocates and/or digital developments into regular networking events
1.3 / Actively seek to obtain information about current technology being used at the local level / UIS / Advocates, CCTL /
- Through the support mechanisms established in 1.2 above, the Teaching & Learning Services Team will collate information on technology being used in faculties, departments and colleges, and will provide a regular update to DTLS
1.4 / Create a mechanism within which evidence of pedagogical benefit can be reviewed and disseminated within the Cambridge context. / CCTL / UIS, DTLS /
- Collect case studies demonstrating benefits to the Cambridge community of different approaches and/or technologies; these case studies may be previously-funded or newly-commissioned projects related to teaching and learning
- The CCTL steering committee receives the Minutes of theDTLS, in order to discuss pedagogical benefit of proposed or completed projects, assist in prioritisation, and agree areas of particular interest or focus for each Committee.
1.5 / Liaise with CUSU, the Graduate Union, and CCTL to consult students about their expectations and learning needs / UIS / CCTL, CUSU, Grad Union / Continuous engagement with the UIS Teaching & Learning Services Team, the CUSU Education Officer, the Graduate Union President, and the co-Directors of the CCTL about existing and potential methods to engage students / Ongoing
GOAL 2: To support students throughout the learning cycle
Goal / Description / Primary Stakeholder(s) / Liaison / Actions / Timescale
2.1 / Liaise with colleges, faculties and departments to consider how technology might better support prospective students in understanding what studying at Cambridge may entail / CCTL and UIS / Admissions Offices, Student Registry, Advocates /
- Via the Advocates, and through liaison with the CAO and GAO, information to be sought on current ways in which prospective students are supported and possible areas for further support
- Provision of case studies (if appropriate) for the CCTL website
By end of Lent 2017
2.2 / Consider the ways in which technology can support the transition from school to University, and between different levels of University study / CCTL and UIS / GBEC,
Admissions Offices, Institute for Continuing Education /
- Via the Advocates, and through liaison with the CAO and GAO, information to be sought on current ways in which students are supported in transition
- Review of the Transkills information and University Skills Portal
- Provision of case studies (if appropriate) for the CCTL website
- Via liaison with ICE, information to be sought on current ways in which technology supports continuing education students, non-award-bearing courses, or potential areas for improvement
By end of Lent 2017
By end of Easter 2017
2.3 / Consider its policies on archiving of material in Moodle and other systems / UIS / GBEC, University Library /
- Review of current archiving procedures
- Seek guidance from the University Library, the Legal Support Office, the Student Registry, and Educational & Student Policy on responsibilities and requirements
Throughout 16-17
GOAL 3: To ensure quality and equity of the student experience
Goal / Description / Primary Stakeholder(s) / Liaison / Actions / Timescale
3.1 / Strive to provide access to appropriate resources 24/7, whether in or out of Cambridge / UIS / GBEC, CCTL, Libraries,
Advocates /
- Establish Service Level Agreements for all relevant information services, setting out the availability requirements of those services
- Seek guidance from Legal Services Office (particularly re: copyright licencing requirements and reporting)
- Consider gaps in provision and potential to address
Ongoing, pending outcome of pilots
By end of Michaelmas 2017
3.2 / Strive to ensure existing and developing technologies address accessibility issues for disabled students / UIS / GBEC, DRC, CCTL /
- Review, in liaison with DRC, compatibility of current systems with standard adjustment packages for disabled students
- Provide guidance for consideration of accessibility issues as part of the development of methodology for pilot projects in 5.2 below
- Keep under review, in conjunction with development of the Information Services Strategy, development and promotion of site licences for assistive technology.
(subject to progression of action in 5.2) By end of Easter 2017
Ongoing as necessary
3.3 / Undertake a pilot project on the use of computerised examinations / UIS, Board of Exams, DTLS / GBEC, CCTL /
- Identify scope of the pilot, assign project manager, and agree timescale
- Contact faculties and departments to invite participation
- Pilot runs
- Report on outcomes to DTLS
3.4 / Strive to ensure that the student experience is not affected by access, cost or information literacy issues in the introduction of new technologies / UIS, DTLS / GBEC, CCTL /
- Consider training requirements or production of ‘how-to’ guides for students and staff
- Provide guidance for consideration of barriers to access in pilot projects, linked to work in 5.2.
(subject to progression of action in 5.2) By end of Easter 2017
GOAL 4: To provide maximum effectiveness and efficiency of resource for students, staff, and collegiate University administration
Goal / Description / Primary Stakeholder(s) / Liaison / Actions / Timescale
4.1 / Maximise the benefits to be gained from centrally-supported systems / UIS & CCTL / Advocates /
- Raise awareness of current systems – UIS Teaching & Learning Services Team and CCTL
- Continued development of Service Catalogue
- Information circulation through CCTL, and/or dedicated events around digital systems
- Dedicated presence of digital systems on CCTL website (linked to Goal 1.4 above)
- Link to Advocate support group
- Keep integration of systems at the forefront – UIS Teaching & Learning Services Team
- Review communication links within UIS, between and within teams working on different projects
- Where appropriate, develop methods of communication with Faculties/Departments about ongoing projects in UIS
- Create good practice guides for current systems – UIS Teaching & Learning Services Team and CCTL
- Review current provision and, as appropriate, identify areas where improvements could be made
- Consider update schedule and/or document control.
Created for Oct 16
Complete by May 2017
Ongoing as appropriate
Complete by May 2017
Complete by May 2017 (further action asappropriate)
4.2 / Ensure that University work is underpinned, as appropriate, by the most up-to-date and innovative methodologies and technologies / UIS / Advocates, CCTL, DTLS, GBEC, Student Registry /
- Linked to work done under 1.3 above, and development of the wider Information Services Strategy, UIS will work with relevant bodies to review current practice and suggest integrations and innovations where appropriate
4.3 / Provide a ‘menu’ of possible solutions to meet academic need / UIS / DTLS, CCTL /
- Review Service Catalogue to determine how this type of information could/should best integrate
- Discuss with CCTL possible areas of academic need, and determine method of continuing information sharing
- Initial draft ‘menu’ produced for comment and review by DTLS
During Lent term 2017
End of Michaelmas term 2017
4.4 / Consider the University’s operational infrastructure and continually review where changes may support practical or day-to-day operational activities / UIS / DTLS /
- Linked to work done under 4.1b above, UIS will increase communication between and within teams.
- As part of the general review of the Information Services Strategy, UIS will consider how best to approach review and support ‘enabling’ technology, consulting with the DTLS as appropriate
Ongoing, review yearly
4.5 / Review the examination process from start to finish, with a view to increasing operational efficiency / UIS, Board of Exams / GBEC, DTLS, Student Registry /
- Convene initial discussion to suggest process and agree timescale
- Identify areas for consideration
- Identify potential pilot projects, or operational improvements that can be made without piloting, for review by DTLS
- Continued liaison with the Examination Review to ensure ongoing review of goals and process
- Linked to work under 3.3, liaise with the pilot of computerised examinations
During Easter term 2016
During Michaelmas term 2017 and ongoing as required
4.6 / Undertake a pilot project on digital lecture capture / UIS, DTLS / CCTL /
- Identify scope of the pilot, assign project manager, and agree timescale
- Contact faculties and departments to invite participation
- Pilot runs
- Report on outcomes to DTLS
4.7 / Support faculties and departments in moving towards reducing or removing paper copies of handouts, where desirable / CCTL / UIS, GBEC /
- Provision of good practice guidelines for electronic handouts – to include clear communication to students, staff and Colleges, and consideration of reasonable adjustments for disabled students
- Continued review, via the CCTL and Advocates, of practice in this area
Ongoing; review yearly
GOAL 5: To enable and propagate innovation
Goal / Description / Primary Stakeholder(s) / Liaison / Actions / Timescale
5.1 / Encourage academics to reflect on their teaching practice, and support innovation / CCTL / DTLS, GBEC /
- Increase promotion of the Teaching & Learning Innovation Fund, and dissemination of project outcomes
- Develop case studies for the CCTL website, linked to work in 1.4 above
5.2 / Develop a clear model for the creation, implementation, and evaluation of pilot projects / UIS, CCTL, DTLS / GBEC /
- Produce draft model, including the following:
- Clear line of approach from idea to reality, including any information necessary at the time of approach (e.g., to which body/bodies, is an application form necessary, if so then what information, etc.)
- Methods for costing of projects, as well as when and where to seek financial support
- Any guidance, as relevant, as to legal or technical limitations; this should include guidance from the Legal Services Office, or requirements for integration with central systems
- Methods for liaison with CCTL and dissemination of project outcomes
5.3 / Provide infrastructure to support innovation / UIS / DTLS /
- Review current infrastructure, linking to work under 4.2 and 4.4 above and identifying any gaps which could be addressed; liaison with DTLS as appropriate
5.4 / Consider the threshold for adoption of new technologies from the local level to the University level / DTLS, UIS / GBEC, CCTL /
- To be discussed at the Michaelmas 2016 meeting, and at the joint meeting of the CCTL and DTLS
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