Please fill out this application electronically and NOT by hand!

Family name: Given name(s):

Finnish Social Security Number/Date of Birth: Citizenship:

Address at home country:

Phone number: Email:

Sending University:

Study Program/Faculty: Year of Study:

Receiving University:

Study Program/Faculty: Study Language:

Study period in abroad: from to

Bank account number in Finland (IBAN):

Place and date: Signature of the Applicant:

Confirmation of the Finnish University:

Place and date: Signature:

The University of Tampere will fill in the section below:

Ms/Mr ______will receive a grant of:

_____ months x ______euros = ______euros in total.

The full grant will be paid within 3 weeks after this application has been signed by the applicant and the Finnish University and sent to the address below.

Place and date: Signature:

Kaisa Kurki, Director of International Education Services

The filled in and signed grant application shall be returned to:

University of Tampere, Centre for International Education / Laura Lalu, FI-33014 University of Tampere, Finland.

By the end of the semester the invoice shall be sent to:

University of Tampere, Centre for International Education / Laura Lalu, FI-33014 University of Tampere, Finland.