International Camporee Badges

Name: ______


Dear Cadet, you can prepare for the badge workshop by looking at page 31-35 in your RPB book. You also need to go through this package and find parts that you need to memorize or you can easily do beforehand. Please prepare or memorize these parts (marked with an ***) before the workshop.


1. You must pass the following requirements with your counsellor to earn your Totin’ Rights. You will not be permitted to carry a sheath knife, hatchet, or axe until you have done so.

Date Completed: / Passed By:

2. ***Memorize the Woodsman’s Code.

Date Completed: / Passed By:


Project Log
Project / Date / Passed By:
Merit Badge Approved by: / Merit Badge Completed on:

Camp Cooking


1. Make a chart on the five types of cooking. First, tell how it’s done. Then tell whether you would use an open fire or coals.

Types / How It’s Done / Open Fire / Coals
Date Completed: / Passed By:

2. Give examples of two types of firelays used for cooking. Tell when you would use each.

Ex 1) / Used:
Ex 2) / Used:
Date Completed: / Passed By:

3. Prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus for four people, using the following charts. Be certain to use at least two types of cooking and to use a variety of food.

Breakfast Menu / What we are having:
Utensils needed to prepare it:
Food list
Item / Amount / Item / Amount
Directions for preparing it:
Lunch Menu / What we are having:
Utensils needed to prepare it:
Food list
Item / Amount / Item / Amount
Directions for preparing it:
Dinner Menu / What we are having:
Utensils needed to prepare it:
Food list
Item / Amount / Item / Amount
Directions for preparing it:

4. List the four steps for camp cooking cleanup.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

Date Completed: / Passed By:

5. *** Memorize the best rule for clean up: Make no mess and you have no mess.

Date Completed: / Passed By:


Prepare one of the meals you have planned. This should be done on a campout, picnic, or backyard setting. It can be prepared over an open fire or on a camp stove or grill. Remember to include the clean-up steps.

Date Completed: / Passed By:
Merit Badge Approved by: / Merit Badge Completed on:



  1. ***Memorize and explain to your counsellor the four things you should know before you build a campfire.
  2. Is a campfire allowed here?
  3. Is there a plentiful supply of firewood?
  4. How badly will my fire destroy the ground cover in this area?
  5. Is it safe to build a fire here?
  1. ***Memorize and explain to your counsellor the three fire safety rules:
  2. Clear the ground.
  3. Control the fire.
  4. Put out the fire completely.

Date Completed: / Passed By:
  1. Describe the three types of fire materials and tell what each is used for:

  1. List the fire building values of the following, naming some of each.

  1. Learn how to build the following fires, and tell what each is used for.

Indian, Star, or Lazyman’s
  1. Explain how to start a fire in the wilderness after a rainstorm. ______

Date Completed: / Passed By:


  1. Demonstrate how to start a fire.

Date Completed: / Passed By:
  1. Make a supply of 20 waterproof matches.

Date Completed: / Passed By:
  1. Using actual campfire wood, demonstrate the firelays for each of the fires listed in the Learning section.

Date Completed: / Passed By:
  1. Build at least two different types of campfires without help. Then douse the fires until they are completely out.

Date Completed: / Passed By: