In 1981 three mining schools of Chiang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University and Prince of Songkla University worked together to arrange the mining engineering conference in Thailand. Since then the conference not only widened its topic to cover materials and petroleum engineering, but made more internationally as well. After that Hokkaido University, Kyushu University, Waseda University, University of New South Wales, etc. joined forces to cover more issues on earth resources technology. This coming ASEAN++ 2013: Moving Forward conference aims to provide an international forum for researchers, scientists, engineers as well as industrial professionals to share, discuss and disseminate their current activities and experiences related to the above-mentioned disciplines including both theories and practices. In brief, ASEAN++ 2013 conference focuses on exploring new science and technologies for Mining, Material and Petroleum Engineering as well as providing a specialized forum for discussing a sustainable development using earth resources technology.

KEY WORDS: Mining / Geology / Petroleum / Material / Coal / Fuel / Environmental

I.M. Author1*, C.O. Author2

1Chiang Mai University, Thailand

2Chulalongkorn University , Thailand

*Authors to correspondence should be addressed via email:


EGAT Mae Moh ASEAN Mining International Conference 2017 Paper Formatting Instruction: Use 16-Point Bold Time Roman Font in the Title

Papers must be written in English. The papers should describe original works which have not been published or being reviewed for other conferences. Please submit the extended abstract in the pdf format to the contacted address.

All papers will be reviewed by Organizing Committee. It is understood that paper should not be previously published elsewhere.

Length of the manuscript must not exceed 8 (A4) pages including figures, tables and references.


The paper should be written using Microsoft Word 2003 text editor (or later versions). It is recommended to use Times New Roman font.

2.1 Paper organization and type size

Please use an A4 paper (210x297 mm) and a 2-column format. Each column width is 77 mm and the space between column is 6 mm. Page margins should be set as: Top and bottom, 25 mm; left and right, 25 mm. Paragraph tab should be set at 7.5 mm. The space between lines is single-space. The paper should begin with title, in two lines at most, using capital letters only (bold, 24pt). Please allow 5 spaces (10 pt) above the title for the symposium logo, which would be inserted by organizer. Below the title, after a space, write the authors names (normal, 12 pt) and affiliation (11 pt), as it is shown in this instruction.

Abstract of the paper (italic, 10 pt) should be less than 100 words and follow by 3-5 Key Words (italic, 10 pt).

Section headings (1.INTRODUCTION) should be written with capital letters, bold, of 10 pt size. Subsection headings should be written with small letters, bold, size 10 pt. A regular 10 point size must be used throughout the context.


Figures, tables and equations must be numbered sequentially. Equation number must be right aligned as shown in the following example:


where is the viscosity, is the pressure, is the Boltzmann constant, is the temperature, and is the mass of gas molecule.

The variables in equations and in the text body should be written in italic.


Tables, figures, diagrams, block schemes and other drawings should be fitted in a column. Table captions should be left aligned above the tables.

Tab. 1 Experimental results

Figure must be clear and should be prepared with illustration softwares, e.g. Visio, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand or other drafting softwares. Figure should not be crowded with unnecessary details. Photographs must be in black and white, and is sharp and clearly seen. Figure captions should be left aligned below the figures; they should be referred to in the text as, for example, Fig. 1, or Figs. 1-3.

Fig. 5 Illustration of the ...

5. Conclusions

The manuscript should be checked by all the co-authors prior to the submission, if possible, to eliminate error(s) that may escape your review.


Example: This research was financially supported by the Thailand Research Fund, contract no. 123456789.


Reference must be cited sequentially as a number in square brackets [1]. Below are examples of a transaction paper, a conference and a book citation:

[1]C.Bunyakan, P.Tongsoi, and C.Tongurai (2001), Volatile Organic Compound Evaporation from a Simulated Water Basin with Uniform Temperature and Concentration, Songklanakrin J. Sci. Technol., 2001, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 579-592.

[2]S.Niyomwas (2005), Synthesis of Fe-TiC Composite by Carbothermal Reduction of Ilmenite, Proc. of PSU-UNS Inter. Conf. on Eng. and Envir. 2005: ICEE 2005, Novi Sad, Serbia-Montenegro, May 18-20, 2005, Paper No. T11-2.2, pp.1-4.