Approved 6/13/16

Flora Public Library Board Minutes
Monday, May 9, 2016

Call to order:7:00 PM – by President Maralee Johnson

Present were Maralee Johnson, Dr. Robert Marley, Becky Stocke, Karen Briscoe, Joe McCoy, Library Director Donna Corry, Ellen Erwin, Pat Booth and Bill Atwood.

Absent: Robin Dickey

Recognition of Visitors: None noted.

Correspondence: None noted

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve May minutes by Joe McCoy, seconded by Becky Stocke. Motion approved unanimously.

Treasurer Report: Motion to approve the Treasurer report made by Bill Atwood and seconded by Karen Briscoe. Motion passed unanimously.

Library Director’s Report

-Comments on reports

-We received our last utility funds check from the city $1,250.00 for this FY.

-The health insurance amount for the library increased by 3% instead of the estimated 7%. The new premium is $1031.30 ($1018.00 for health + 13.30 for life insurance). The amount of increase per month is $36.90 per person which totals $147.20 per month. Since, we will not use the full $3,000 that we allotted for the health insurance increase, $1500 of it can be moved to another line item. The revised budget has the distribution of the $1500.00.

-We received notification that there has been a 42% cut in funding for the Illinois Heartland Library System. The SHARE automation system is a separate entity and should the system cease to exist, it will become its own 501(c)(3). For the coming year, their reserve fund will absorb the 42% cut that the system had to pass on to them. However, in subsequent fiscal years increased costs will most likely be passed on to members. They are opening membership in SHARE up to non IHLS libraries to expand the base.

-Summer Reading begins May 25. We did not go with the state IREAD theme this year. Instead the theme will be “Bee a Reader”. We have some fun programs booked and Robin Brooks from US Bank will be doing three story times in both June and July. It will end August 1.

Committee Reports: None

Payment of Bills: Motion to approve by Bill Atwood and seconded by Dr. Robert Marley. Motion passed unanimous.

Unfinished Business:

1) Roof-None noted.

2) Pendant Lights – No new action

3) Carpet Cleaning – Waiting until the book sales and rummage sale is over.

4) Other unfinished business. - Dr. Robert Marley had an opportunity to discuss reinvestment with Cole Duke of Edward Jones. The highest rate is 1.25% with the possibility the interest rate would go up to 2.0 in future. This amount is $52,000. The bond is a government agency bond. Flora Savings Bank had an offer of a four year at 1.25%. A motion to go with Edward Jones was made by Pat Booth and seconded by Bill Atwood, motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

1) FY2016-2017 -Beginning Budget – Revised was handed out. Motion to approve made by Karen Briscoe and seconded by Ellen Erwin. Motion passed unanimously.

2) F 2015-2016 Budget Amendment – update -motion to approve made by Bill Atwood, seconded by Becky Stocke. Motion passed unanimously.

3) FY2015-2016 – 4th Quarter Reports – For board member information only.

4) FY2017 OCLC Contract – Renewing contract – motion to give Library Director Donna Corry the authority to sign the renewing contract for a cost of $1169.05. Motion made by Ellen Erwin and seconded by Karen Briscoe. Motion passed unanimously.

5) Other New Business – None noted.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Wednesday May 11, Robert Hartley Book Signing. 1:00-2:00PM“Dealmakers of Downstate Illinois”

Wednesday, May 25, Summer Reading Program, “Bee a Reader” begins and it will end August 01.

Open –Nothing noted

Meeting adjourned 7:31PM