aita/iata asbl Secretariat :
E-mail: - Website:
To send back to aita/iata asbl and Mondial du Theatre in Monaco before
April, 30th 2017
CITY : Postcode : COUNTRY :
E-m@il : Tel/Fax :
Will participate asDELEGATE aita/iata asbl orOBSERVER
aita/iata asbl CENTER (Name and address) :
Will also be present to the Mondial du Theatre (August 21st to 30th 2017) from to
Air Flight n° date time Air Flight n° date time
TrainStation date time Train Station date time
Carfrom date A.M. P.M. Car date A.M. P.M.
Accommodation :Total number of persons :
Single men : Single women :
Number of couples without child : Number of couples with children : + children
Do you wish to share your room with another person ?yesno
Name of this person :
Comments :
Choice of the hotels
You will find enclosed the list of the hotels
Hotel :
Rate of the room :
Breakfast :
subject to change according to availability
Credit cardAmerican Express
Visa Master Card
Full name (as it appears on the card) :
N° :
Expiry date : /
Registration guideline
In order to participate to aita/iata asbl World Congress 2017, you need to fill out the form and send it back to the aita/iata asbl secretariat by email and to the Mondial du Theatre by email or to 1 boulevard Albert 1er - 98000 Monaco
The deadline is April, 30th 2017.
Following receipt, a confirmation will be sent you via email within 4 weeks.
Please precise us your date of arrival and your flight or train number in order to pick you up at Nice airport (France) or at the train station of Monaco or Nice.
For visas
If you need an official invitation to issue a visa, please send your request to the secretariat of the Mondial du Theatre by email .
This letter is not a commitment of the Mondial du Theatre to provide financial assistance to any participant. All expenses are at their own charge.
Reservations are taken on the first-come-first-served basis.
You will find the hotels rates, in euros, below.
You will receive your confirmation of booking by email with the confirmation of registration.
For any request received after the deadline, the secretariat of Mondial du Theatre will not be able to guarantee room availabilities.
Any change or cancellation must be applied to the secretariat of Mondial du Theatre by email .
For no-show, the rate of one night room will be charged.
“Red and White” Evening and Ending Night
The “Red and White” Evening will take place on August, Friday 25th (Dress Code: red and white + jacket for men)
The Ending Dinner will take place on August, Wednesday 30th
You will be able to directly register for those evenings at the Ticket Office of the Mondial du Theatre.
Disponibilité des hôtels / Availability of hotels / Disponibilidad de los hoteles :
HOTEL / SINGLE / DOUBLE / TRIPLE / Flats / BREAKFASTFAIRMONT – Monaco (sea view) / € 359 / € 389 / / / / / Compris/Included
FAIRMONT – Monaco (garden view) / € 299 / € 329 / / / / / Compris/Included
AMBASSADOR - Monaco / € 180 / € 200 / / / / / Compris/Included
DE FRANCE – Monaco / € 105 / € 145 / € 165 / Flat up to 5 persons € 165 / Compris/included
COLUMBUS / € 220 / € 235 / € 270 / / / Compris/Included
FORUM – Beausoleil / € 130 / € 150 / / / / / Compris/Include
Appartements avec cuisine /
Flats with kitchen / Studio up to 2/3 persons
€ 130
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / Studio up to 2/3 persons
€ 130
€ 1,5 visitor Tax / night /person / Flat up to 4 persons € 149
€ 1,5 visitor Tax / night /person / / / € 11 /
Possibilité de cuisiner / possibility of cooking
Appartements avec cuisine /
Flats with kitchen / Studio up to 2/3 persons
€ 125
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / Studio up to 2/3 persons
€ 125
€ 1,5 visitor Tax / night /person / Flat up to 5 persons
€ 145
€ 1,5 visitor Tax / night /person / € 11 /
Possibilité de cuisiner / possibility of cooking
JARDINS D’ELISA – Beausoleil
Appartements avec cuisine /
Flats with kitchen / Studio up to 2 persons (city view)
€ 135 / (sea view) € 145
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / Studio up to 2 persons (city view)
€ 135 / (sea view) € 145
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / Flat up to 4 persons € 180
€ 1,5 visitor Tax / night /person / Flat up to 6 persons €243
€ 1,5 visitor Tax / night /person / € 12 /
Possibilité de cuisiner / possibility of cooking
Appartements avec cuisine /
Flats with kitchen / Studio up to 2 persons
€ 140
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / Studio up to 2/3 persons
€ 145
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / Flat 4 persons
€ 160
€ 1,5 visitor Tax /night/person / € 12 /
Possibilité de cuisiner / possibility of cooking