Monthly Prayer Cycle

Our Companion Diocese of the Dominican Republic

Day Church /Organization

1San Jose (St. Joseph’s), Andres/Boca Chica, The Rev. Felix Encarnacion

2Santiago Apostol (St. James the Apostle), Angelina, The Ven. Nephtlay Desir

3San Jorge (St. George’s), Azua, The Rev. Jean Smith Milien

4Esperitu Santo (Holy Spirit), Bani, The Very Rev. Salvador Almonte; La Transfiguracion (The Transfiguration), Bani, The Very Rev. Salvador Almonte

5Jesus Peregrino (Jesus the Pilgrim), Barahona, The Rev. Jean B. Smith Milien; Mision Barahona (Mission Barahona), Barahona, The Rev. Jean B. Smith Milien

6San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist), Bonao, The Rev. Daniel Baruc

7San Antonia (St. Anthony’s), Carreton, The Very Rev. Salvador Almonte

8San Gabriel (St. Gabriel’s), Conzuelo, The Rev. Daniel Samuel

9San Miguel (St. Michael’s), Dona Ana, The Rev. Juan Antonio Rosario

10Santo Tomas (St. Thomas’), Gautier, The Rev. Felix Encarnacion; La Divina Providencia (The Divine Providence), Guerra, The Rev. Feliz Encamacion

11San Juan Evangelista (St. John the Evangelist), Haina, The Rev. Tony Garcia San Marcos (St. Mark’s), Haina, The Rev. Tony Garcia

12San Mateo (St. Matthew’s), Jalonga, The Rev. Daniel Samuel

13El Monte de la Transfiguracion (The Mount of the Transfiguration), Jarabacoa, The Rev. Daniel Baruc

14La Resurreccion (The Resurrection), La Lajita, The Rev. Daniel Samuel

15La Encarnacion (The Incarnation), La Romana, The Rev. Margarita Santana, Missionary Caroline Humphrey; Todos los Santos (All Saints), La Romana, The Rev. Margarita Santana, Missionary Caroline Humphrey

16Mision Los Cierelos, Los Cierelos, The Rev. Sandino Sanchez Santa Maria Virgen (St. Mary the Virgin), Montellano, The Rev. Sandino Sanchez

17 La Divina Gracia (The Divine Grace), Mozovi, The Rev. Sandino Sanchez

18 San Timoteo (St. Timothy’s), Nizao, The Rev. Juan Antonio Rosario

19 San Bemabe (St. Barnabus), Pizarrete, The Very Rev. Salvador Almonte

20 Cristo Rey (Christ the King?), Puerto Plata, The Rev. Sandino Sanchez

21 San Bartolome Apostol (St. Bartholomew the Apostle), San Cristobal, The Rev. Tony Garcia

22Buen Samaritano (Good Samaritan), San Francsco, The Rev. Salvador Ros; Jesus Nazareno (Jesus of Nazareth), San Francisco, The Rev. Salvador Ros

23Buen Pastor (Good Shepherd), San Pedro de Macoris, The Rev. Mercedes Julian San Esteban (St. Stephen), San Pedro de Macoris, The Rev. Mercedes Julian; Mision San Pedro de Macoris, San Pedro de Macoris, The Rev. Mercedes Julian

24Santa Cruz (Holy Cross), Santa Fe, The Ven. Nephtlay Desir

25San Matias (St. Matthias’), Santana, The Rev. Juan Antonio Rosario

26Cristo Salvador (Christ the Savior), Santiago, The Rev. Hipolito Fernandez La Anunciacion (The Annunciation), Santiago, The Rev. Rafael Antonio de la Cruz; San Lucas (St. Luke’s), Santiago, The Rev. Hipolito Fernandez

27Capilla San Juan Evangelista (Chapel of St. John the Evangelist). Santo Domingo, The Very Rev. Daniel Gonzalez; La Jglesia de Ta Epifania (The Church of the Epiphany), Santo Domingo, The Rev. J. M. Bruno, The Rev. Bob Snow

28Sagrada Familia (Holy Family), Santo Domingo, The Rev. Manuel Cruz Mendez San Andres (St. Andrew’s), Santo Domingo, The Very Rev. Moises Quezadla

29San Felipe Apostol (St. Philip the Apostle), Santo Domingo, The Very Rev. Napoleon Brito San Pedro & San Pablo (St. Peter and St. Paul’s), Santo Domingo, The Rev. Ramon Ubiera Santisima Trinidad (Most Holy Trinity), Santo Domingo, The Rev. Ramon Ubiera

30Centro de Estudios Teologicos (Center for Theological Studies), Santo Domingo, The Very Rev. Napoleon Brito; The Episcopal Schools and Preschool programs

31La Transfiguracion (Convent of the Transfiguration), San Pedro, Sister Gabriela, O.T.; Diocesan Staff, Clergy and Missionaries