Small Group Questions
Message: Offerings and Sacrifices
What stands out to you from the service on Sunday? What is one thing from the sermon or worship that you hope we discuss today?
According to Leviticus 1, what are the 4 different types of animals that God allows for the burnt offering? Why do you think that God allows for different offerings?
The commandment about the offering is personal. You are to “lay your hand on the offering”. You are to “slaughter the young bull”. You are to “cut it into pieces”. Why do you think God wanted the person making the offering to be personally involved? How does that apply to us today?
In Genesis 4, both Cain and Abel made sacrifices. This was before the law about sacrifices was given by Moses in Leviticus. Why do you think people made sacrifices to God before it was a commandment?
Why do you think non-believers sometimes make such sacrifices?
What should our motivation be in making a sacrifice? Is it out of Thanksgiving? Is it a “trade” with God that if we sacrifice then He will do something for us? What is your motivation?
How was the Old Testament sacrifices like Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross?
In Matthew 9:13, Jesus quotes Hosea and says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”. What does this saying mean? Why does God want mercy instead of sacrifice?
In Mark 12:33, what commandments are more important than sacrifice? Why is following these commandments more important than following the law of sacrifices?
Is it easy to make a sacrifice?
Is God’s Spirit speaking to you about a sacrifice that you need to make in your life? How can your group pray for you to help make that sacrifice?
Small Group Questions
Message: Offerings and Sacrifices
What stands out to you from the service on Sunday? What is one thing from the sermon or worship that you hope we discuss today?
According to Leviticus 1, what are the 4 different types of animals that God allows for the burnt offering? Why do you think that God allows for different offerings?
The commandment about the offering is personal. You are to “lay your hand on the offering”. You are to “slaughter the young bull”. You are to “cut it into pieces”. Why do you think God wanted the person making the offering to be personally involved? How does that apply to us today?
In Genesis 4, both Cain and Abel made sacrifices. This was before the law about sacrifices was given by Moses in Leviticus. Why do you think people made sacrifices to God before it was a commandment?
Why do you think non-believers sometimes make such sacrifices?
What should our motivation be in making a sacrifice? Is it out of Thanksgiving? Is it a “trade” with God that if we sacrifice then He will do something for us? What is your motivation?
How was the Old Testament sacrifices like Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross?
In Matthew 9:13, Jesus quotes Hosea and says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”. What does this saying mean? Why does God want mercy instead of sacrifice?
In Mark 12:33, what commandments are more important than sacrifice? Why is following these commandments more important than following the law of sacrifices?
Is it easy to make a sacrifice?
Is God’s Spirit speaking to you about a sacrifice that you need to make in your life? How can your group pray for you to help make that sacrifice?