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December 8-9, 2005 9 December 2005

Washington, D.C. Original: Spanish



Place: Padilha Vidal Room (GSB) Date: December 9, 2005

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Members of the CIM Executive Committee 2004-2006:

Dr. Nilcéa Freire, President (Brazil)

Ms. María José Argañade Mateu, Vice-President (Paraguay)

Ms. Silvia Merega, Minister, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Argentina

Ms. Florence Ievers, Principal Delegate (Canada)

Ms. Cecilia Pérez, Principal Delegate (Chile)

Ms. Patricia Espinoza, Principal Delegate (Mexico)

Ms. Urmila Joella-Sewnundun, Principal Delegate (Suriname)

Other Principal Delegates:

Ms. Martha Lucía Vásquez (Colombia)

Ms. Georgina Vargas (Costa Rica)

Ms. Victoria Moncayo (Ecuador)

Ms. Carmen Elena Calderón de Escalón (El Salvador)

Ms. Gabriela Núñez (Guatemala)

Ms. Adeline Chancy (Haití)

Ms. Jenny de Ramos, Delgada Titular (Honduras)

Ms. Ana María Romero-Lozada (Perú)

Ms. Joan Juille-Williams (Trinidad y Tobago)

Ms. Reina Arratia (Venezuela)


Mr. Gerardo Bompadre, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Argentina

Mr. Sebastián Molteni, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Argentina

Ms. Rosa Delia Gómez, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Argentina

Ms. Marcela Bordenave, Coordinator for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina for the Participation of Civil Society at the IV Summit of the Americas

Ms. Patricia Bozo de Durán, Alternate Delegate, Permanent Mission of Bolivia

Ms. María Cristina Pereira Da Silva, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Brasil

Ms. Suely de Oliveira, Undersecretary for Institutional Relations of the Special

Secretariat for Women of Brazil

Ms. Mandy Sheldrake, Alternate Delegate (Canada)

Ms. Jennifer Loten, Foreign Affairs, Canada, Summit of the Americas Coordinator

Mr. Rodrigo Hume, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Chile

Ms. María de la Luz Silva, Chief of International Relations of the National
Department for Women of Chile

Ms. Margarita Arango, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Colombia

Ms. Mayra Zeledón, Legal Cousel of the Ministry for Women of Costa Rica

Ms. Raquel Montas, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Dominican Republic

Mr. Santiago Noboa, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Ecuador

Amb. Abigail Castro de Pérez, Permanent Representative of El Salvador

Ms. Gabriela Sablah, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of El Salvador

Ms. Elsa Samayoa, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Guatemala

Ms. Suze Mathieu, Member of the Cabinet of the Minister for the Status

of Women and the Rights of Women of Haiti

Ms. María Guadalupe Carías, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Honduras

Ms. Patricia Wohlers, Deputy Director General of International Relations

of the National Institute for Women of México

Ms. Marcelina Y. Cruz, Alternate Delegate, Permanent Mission of México

Ms. María Ester Vanegas, Executive Director of the Women’s Institute of Nicaragua

Ms. María de Jesús Aguirre, Director of Planning and Public Policies

of the Women’s Institute of Nicaragua

Ms. Julieta Blandón, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Nicaragua

Mr. Resires Vargas, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Panamá

Ms. Serenella Dinatale, Director of International Relations of the Secretariat

for Women of Paraguay

Ms. Carla Poletti Serafíni, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Paraguay

Ms. Russela Zapata, General Director for Women, Ministry of

Women and Social Development of Peru

Ms. Ana Peña, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Peru

Ms. Mayerlin Cordero, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission

of the Dominican Republic

Ms. Cristy Rodríguez, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission

of the Dominican Republic

Amb. Izben G. Williams Permanent Representative of San Kitts y Nevis

Ms. Yasmín Solitahe Odlum, Alternate Delegate, Permanent Mission of St. Lucia

Mr. Henry Mac-Donald, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Suriname

Ms. Frances Seignoret, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Trinidad y Tobago

Mr. Stacy Williams, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of the United States

Mr. Peter Londoño, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of the United States

Ms. Elizabeth Acosta, Alternate Delegate (Venezuela)

Ms. Moira Méndez, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Venezuela


Ms. Pía de Solenni, Holy See

Specialized Agencies:

Ms. Elsa Gómez, Chief of the Gender and Health Unit, PAHO/WHO

Ms. Marijka Velzeboer-Salcedo, UNIFEM

Otros invitados:

Ms. Leila Linhares Barsted, Coordinador of the Committee of Experts of the MESECVI

Ms. Cecilia Beltrán, Andean Association of Jurists

Ms. Sheilah Jacay, Andean Association of Jurists

Permanent Secretariat of the CIM:

Ms. Carmen Lomellin, Executive Secretary

Ms. Mercedes L. Kremenetzky, Senior Specialist


Agreement No. 1 To approve the Summary Minutes of the First Regular Session of the Executive Committee, contained in document CIM/CD/doc.15/05.

Agreement No. 2 With respect to the implementation of the MESECVI:

To request the Executive Secretary to make the necessary arrangements so that the President of the CIM and the Coordinator of the CEVI can make a presentation on the MESECVI at the next session of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women ( February 27 to March 10, 2006).

To request the Executive Secretary to coordinate a meeting between the Coordinator of the CEVI and the President of the CEDAW, so that they explore possibilities for inter-institutional cooperation on the MESECVI and other common issues.

Agreement No. 3 To request the President to convey a proposal to the Coordinator of the CEVI, requesting that the deadline to submit the governments’ response to the questionnaire be extended until mid-February.


Agreement No. 4 To request the President to urge all the Delegates to promote the CIM’s participation in sub-regional inter-governmental organizations that work on women’s issues, such as REM, COMCA and CARICOM.

Agreement No. 5 To request the Executive Secretary to initiate a consultation process with the Delegates and governments, on the Agenda of the Thirty-third Assembly of Delegates of the CIM, as set forth in document CIM/CD/doc.20/05 rev. 1, which includes the modifications proposed during this session.

Agreement No. 6 To the end of presenting the coming Assembly of Delegates with a proposal for revising and updating the juridical instruments of the CIM, to request the Executive Secretary to send a note to the Principal Delegates so that they can express their opinion on the issue and propose concrete language for the articles that they consider should be modified.

Agreement No. 7 To approve the Budget Execution as of November 30, 2005, contained in document CIM/CD/doc.26/05.

