Applicants are advised to read the content of the document and all the terms and conditions carefully before filling and submitting the application.
§ Chief Medical Superintendent Ambala invites Expression of interest (EOI) Reputed Private Diagnostic laboratories , imaging centres {For plain and special (contrast study)X-Rays/CT Scan, MRI,PET Scan. Ultra Sound, Colour Doppler, Echocardiography /Dental X-Ray/OPG/Mammography/Bone Densitometry} and endoscopy centres ( Having facility for Bronchoscopy, Colonoscopy ,Gastroscopy, Arthroscopy, Hysteroscopy, Cystoscopy.),having distinct legal existence and not merely general order investigation centres , for the purpose of extending cashless facilities for various investigations to Railway Beneficiaries of Ambala Division ,existing nearby /within approachable distance of Ambala ,Saharanpur , Bathinda , Kalka, Chandigarh, Shimla, Sirhind & Dhuri on 2014/current CGHS/Chandigarh rate for that city/ nearest city for which CGHS rate is available. Empanelment will be done for Two years. For detail please visit www. nr.indianrailways.gov.in Application form and terms and conditions can also be downloaded from this website.
A-For Northern Railway Divisional Hospital /Ambala-
EOI is invited from Reputed Private Diagnostic laboratories for routine and special investigation in Haematology, biochemistry, Microbiology, cytology & Histopathology, Hormonal Assey, ELISA, Culture and sensitivity and other advanced investigations , from imaging centres for plain and special (contrast study) X-Rays/CT Scan(preferably with facility of HRCT and Spiral CT), MRI, PET Scan, Ultra Sound, Colour Doppler, Echocardiography /Dental X-Ray/OPG/Mammography/Bone Densitometry and from endoscopy centres for Bronchoscopy, Colonoscopy ,Gastroscopy, Arthroscopy, Hysteroscopy and Cystoscopy.
B-For Northern Railway Sub Divisional Hospital /Saharanpur –
EOI is invited from Reputed Private Diagnostic laboratories for routine and special investigation in Haematology, biochemistry, Microbiology, Cytology & Histopathology, Hormonal Assey, ELISA, Culture and sensitivity and other advanced investigatio and from imaging centres for plain and special (contrast study) X-Rays/CT Scan ,MRI & Ultra Sound.
C-For Northern Railway Health Units Shimla, Kalka, Chandigarh, Dhuri, Bathinda &Sirhind
EOI is invited from Reputed Private Diagnostic laboratories for routine investigatin in Haematology , Microbiology , Biochemistry ,Urine examination, Stool examination, and other special investigations and from imaging centres for plain X- & Ultra Sound as per Annexure 11
Diagnostic Labs/Imaging Centres recognised by the CGHS shall be preferred.
However centres which are not recognised by CGHS may also be considered if found suitable as per the laid down minimum qualifying criteria.
(Terms and conditions for empanelment)
To be submitted with application form duly accepted and each page duly signed by the authorised signatory.
A. Any conditional offer for empanelment will summarily be rejected.
B. Applicants must give the name, address, telephone No. and fax no. of the centre along with Name,Phone/Mobile No. of the proprietor/authorised signatory and approximate distance from Divisional Hospital/Sub Divisional Hospital / Health unit, through shortest motorable route.
C. Stationery charges of Rs. 500/-in the form of A/C payee Bank Draft in F/O Sr. DFM/N.R. Ambala Cantt. payable at Ambala Cantt along with the application is to be submitted by all the applicants requesting for empanelment when the form is downloaded from the internet.
D. Stationery charges shall have to be deposited in cash, in the Railway revenue under the Allocation Head Z-650 and money receipt (MR) to be produced in case the form is to be purchased from the office of Chief Medical Superintendent/Ambala.
E. Registration fee of Rs. 2000/- for Two years to be submitted in the form of A/C payee Bank Draft in F/O Sr. DFM/N. Rly. Ambala Cantt payable at Ambala Cantt along with the application. The registration fee shall be en-cashed in case of successful empanelment .The registration fee of unsuccessful applicant shall be returned to them after finalisation of the empanelment. Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation in the value that may happen, thereto, while in their possession, not liable to pay interest thereof.
F. The rates applicable will be 2014/current CGHS/Chandigarh rate at the time of submission of application. It shall continue to hold good for two years of empanelment and subsequently if the period is extended beyond two years, unless it is revised. The revised rated are to be submitted to CMS/UMB for approval.
G. The centres should be reputed and have at least two years of standing in the market.
H. The centres should submit a declaration in the form of an affidavit in Rs.100/- non judicial stamp paper that no major punitive action was taken or contemplated against them by Railways/Central Govt./State Govt. and Defence organisations and no investigation by Railways/Central Govt./State Govt. or any other statutory investigating agency is contemplated or pending against the Diagnostic lab/imaging centre and the centre has not been delisted/blacklisted by any Govt. Health authority . If any information is found incorrect, the empanelled centres can also be delisted from the empanelment list and blacklisted for a specific period of time.
I. Diagnostic Lab/imaging centre/endoscopy centre should submit a copy of legal status, place of registration if any applicable and principal place of business.
J. As a proof of their establishment, the centres have to submit either recent electricity bill or telephone bill of that centre.
K. Applicant centre must submit the list of available facilities in the centre.
L. Applicant centre must submit the list of available tests in the centre along with centre’s own rate comparing with the CGHS /Chandigarh rate in tabulated form as per Annex –10 along with application form. If CGHS/Chandigarh rate of a particular test is not available, the space should be left blank (Rates of such test to be decided as per clause “T” below).Non submission will make the application liable to be rejected.
M. In case of diagnostic laboratories, the samples should be collected by the authorised trained officials /staff of the concerned centre between 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 am. Services to be provided on all working days except in certain circumstances when the centres may be asked for such investigations, as required in absolute emergency situation, on Sunday and Holidays.
N. All the logistics/consumables required will be provided by the empanelled centres itself and nothing will be provided by the Railways. No extra charges will be given for this purpose and no extra charges will be paid for the staff commuting to and fro for collection of the samples/delivery of the reports.
O. Used lab logistics/consumables or reuse of the disposable laboratory logistics /consumables by the diagnostic labs is not permissible under any circumstances and if any incidence of this nature comes to the notice of Railway administration, the empanelment of that centre shall be cancelled without issuing a show cause notice and the centre will be blacklisted for a specified period of time.
P. There should be an arrangement of internal and external quality control. Proper supporting documents to be submitted.
Q. In case of emergency and in rare circumstances, when there is no Railway Hospital Ambulance available, the empanelled imaging centres will provide such vehicle to carry the patient to the centre for investigation and return him/her back to hospital .No extra charges will be paid to the centre for this purpose.
R. The diagnostic test results/imaging test/endoscopy test results must be delivered to the hospital within reasonable time frame as agreed between CMS/UMB and the officials of the concerned empanelled centre at the time of agreement. No extra charges will be given for this purpose.
S. In case more than one centre is empanelled, patient will be given an option to choose their preferred centre for investigation.
T. In case CGHS rate/Chandigarh for a particular investigation is not available then CGHS rate /Delhi will be applicable and if that too is not available then AIIMS/New Delhi rate or any other Local Government Hospital rate whichever is lower shall be applicable. In case no government rate is available then reasonable rates as per mutual agreement between CMS/Ambala and the centre shall be payable.
U. Application for empanelment in the official pad of the Diagnostic lab/imaging centres/endoscopy centre along with stationery charges of Rs. 500/- , registration charges of Rs.2000/- for two years ,with self and notary attested copies of all the required /relevant documents, registration certificate of the centre (if any applicable )PAN/TAN/TIN /ST/VAT/NABL Accreditation certificate if any /CGHS empanelment proof if any, Relevant ISO certificate(if any applicable),other qualification and experience certificates and credentials , should be submitted in the office of CMS/Ambala on or before the prescribed last date and time, in a sealed envelope with a superscription of “Empanelment of Diagnostic laboratories” or “ Empanelment of imaging centres for CT or MRI etc.----” for the concerned Northern Railway Divisional Hospital Ambala , Northern Railway Sub. Divisional Hospital Saharanpur or Northern Railway Health unit (eg.Empanelment of Diagnostic Lab for Northern Railway Health Unit Bathinda or Empanelment of Imaging centre for CT Scan for Northern Railway Divisional Hospital Ambala).
V. In case signing/executing the empanelment bid application, all documents whatsoever and agreement /bond and signing and receiving of all legal documents/letter regarding empanelment bid, is to be done by an authorised nominated person other than the proprietor/s of the Diagnostic lab/imaging centre/endoscopy centre, OR in case of partnership firm/centre, by one of the partners, a special power of attorney as per Annexure 6 in a non judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- is to be submitted along with the application.
W. Applicant centres must submit a Certificate of undertaking as per Annex 5 on Rs. 100/- non judicial stamp paper.
X. Applicant centres must submit a partnership deed (if any applicable) as per Annex 8 in a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-.
Y. Applicant centres must submit notary certified audited balance sheet of last two years as a proof of their standing in the market as well as their financial status.
Z. The office of CMS/NR/Ambala will not take any responsibility for any loss or delay by post or other reason whatsoever.
AA. Any other terms and conditions as introduced from time to time shall be binding upon the empanelling /empanelled centres.
BB. Railway administration /CMS Ambala reserve the right to terminate the empanelment any time without assigning any reason to the centre.
CC. Incomplete application or application without required documents and fee will not be considered and will liable to be rejected.
DD. For any dispute, the decision of CMS/NR/Ambala will be final and shall be binding upon the empanelling /empanelled centres.
EE. Payment will be made on submission of bills on monthly basis through Sr. DFM/NR/Ambala by electronic fund transfer and centres will have to furnish their bank details, complete in all respect as required for EFT and for this the centres will have to give their mandate in the required performa as per Annexure 3.
FF. Railway shall not be responsible for any delay in the payment of bills whatsoever, in case there is paucity /non availability of funds ,not will be liable to pay interest thereof.
GG. Diagnostic Lab/imaging centres/endoscopy centre must submit an affidavit in a non judicial stamp of Rs. 100/-regarding giving uninterrupted services in case of breakdown /failure of the machine being used for conducting the test/investigation as per Annexure 9
HH. Empanelment will be done for Two years with periodic assessment of performance. Extension beyond 2 years will be considered on performance basis on same rates and conditions for six months or till the finalisation of the next empanelment procedure whichever is earlier.
2- Desirable conditions and general instructions to the empanelling centres
A- General Desirable conditions
a) It is emphasized that the applicant must read all the terms and conditions of the empanelment. Application, terms and conditions and eligibility criteria and all documents, certificates credentials and list of available tests with centre’s own rate comparing with 2014/current CGHS /Chandigarh rate etc. must be signed at the end of each page by the proprietor or authorised official on behalf of the centre. Non compliance will make the application liable to be turned down.
b) Suo-moto correspondence in post tender stage will not be entertained and accepted
c) No post tender correspondence will be done with the applicants unless it is considered imminent and absolutely necessary by the medical committee and that too with the approval of CMS/Ambala, for finalisation of the empanelment.
d) Centres, located in the city in which the Hospital or Health unit is situated itself or located in nearby approachable city/ approachable location, will be preferred.
e) Applicant should submit a copy of the certificate or memo, if any, of Railways/Central Govt/State Govt. or Defence organisation health authority, recognising the centre and taking/taken services from them with a comment on the performance of the centre.
f) All the documents and/or credentials submitted should be self as well as notary attested.
g) Successful centres will be asked to supply the printed requisition forms, in required bulk, to be used by the concerned hospital for referral of the case for investigation/procedure as per Annexure 7 with a map of the route from hospital to centre on the back side.
B- Specific desirable conditions (Eligibility criteria) for diagnostic laboratories and imaging centres-
a-Eligibility criteria for Diagnostic laboratories
I. Diagnostic lab centres should have facility for routine investigation in Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology ,Cytology & Histopathology, Hormonal Assay, ELISA, Culture and sensitivity and other special/advanced investigations ( Diagnostic lab applying for giving services to Health units should have facility for investigation as per Annexure 11)
II. Lab having a Qualified Pathologist with PG Degree from a recognised institution with minimum 3 years post degree experience for conduction of investigation under his/her supervision, its interpretation and signing the report, would be preferred however a qualified pathologist with PG diploma from a recognised institution with 5 years of post diploma experience for conduction of investigation under his/her supervision, its interpretation and signing the report may also be considered for the same.
Self attested copy of detailed qualifications with experience must be submitted along with the application.