Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
Name: / Pavel NejedlýPermanent Address: / Podveská 6, 624 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Temporary Address: / Pátkova 3, 182 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: / <not available in online version>
E-mail: /
1999-2005 / Master degree in Computer Science
Charles University, Prague
Jan-Jul 2006 / Special graduate non-degree student at School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA)
2005-Present / Graduate student at CharlesUniversity, Prague
(Computer Science)
Skills Summary
Programming Languages: / Java, C#, C/C++, Visual Basic.NET, PL/SQL, Perl, Unix Shell Scripting (sh, bash, awk…)
Technologies: / J2EE (EJB, Servlets, JSP, JSF, Struts Framework, Spring Framework), Microsoft .NET(including ASP.NET), Java GUI (Swing/AWT, Eclipse/SWT), Data mining/OLAP
Web Technologies: / XML/XSL, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP/ASPX, WAP/WML, JavaScript, VBScript, various DOMs (W3C, MS IE, Mozilla)
RDBMS: / Oracle9i, MS SQL,Postgre SQL, MySql, FireBird/Interbase, Sybase, MS Access
Design skills: / UML, Object Design, Database Design
Technical Experience
Employer: /
Adastra, s.r.o.
WWW: /Contact: / Benešovská 10, 101 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Position: / Software Architect, Senior Programmer, Team Leader
Duration / January 2004 - Present
Project: /
Client: /Intended for multiple uses on Adastra DW projects.
Description: / A configurable system for data cleaning, data identification, elimination/identification of duplicate or similar data and data validation against external data sources. Works either in batch (typically used in ETL processes) or online mode (for providing the functionality to primary systems)The system is used in ETL processes of many Adastra key clients in both CzechRepublic and Slovakia, several clients use the online version as well.
Technology: /
Responsibilities: /Analysis, architecture design, and development of a major part of the current code.
Duration: /January 2004 –Present (unless worked on other projects in Adastra)
Project: /Fascor II
Client: /Česká Spořitelna, a.s.
Description: /Redesign of a system (Fascor) previously developed by Cleverlance which suffered from major problems in stability and performance.
The redesigned solution was not only 50x faster (thus reducing response time from minutes to seconds), but the database size was reduced in a similar ratio (from approx. 100GB to less than 5GB) and other aspects of the application (including security and scalability) were improved as well.The same application was deployed in three more subsidiaries of Erste Bank – Slovenská Sporiteľňa (Slovakia), Erste Bank Hungary, and Erste & Steiermärkische BankCroatia.
The application itself is a web-based intranet metadata-driven system for scoring and rating of municipal clients of the bank. The system is one of the components of BASEL II implementation project in Česká Spořitelna.
Technology: /
J2EE – Servlets, JSP, Struts Framework, Oracle 9i
Responsibilities: /Investigation of the original solution, identification of performance bottlenecks in it, design of the new solution and prototype implementation, team leadership, implementation of key parts of the solution and database tuning.
Duration: /November 2004-March 2005
Employer: /Český Web, a.s.
WWW: /Contact: / Počernická 96/272, 108 03 Prague, Czech Republic
Position: / Software Architect, Senior Programmer
Duration / April 2003 – December 2003
Project: /
Capital Market Surveillance System (CaMaSS)
Client: /Czech Securities Commission (
Description: /Intranet system for monitoring of Czech capital market, including report generation and migration from multiple information sources.
Technology: /Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Active Directory
Responsibilities: /Development of ASP.NET pages and controls (C# and VB.NET), SQL tuning, integration with Active Directory
Duration: /April 2003 – Decmber 2003
Project: / GeneralizedContent Management SystemDuration: / Aug 03 –Oct 03
Description: / Object-oriented CMS implementation. Functionality: editing, workflow, templates/transformations, publishing, version control, etc.
Technology: / J2EE (Servlets, JSP, Struts Framework). The solution works with almost any database (the only requirement is the existence of a JDBC driver for it).
Responsibilities: / Analysis, design, implementation.
Used by: /
Over 20 deployments (complete list can be found on including or
Employer: /Acron Communications
WWW: /Contact: / V Tůních 10, 120 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Position: / Software Architect, Senior Programmer, Project Leader
Duration / Mar 00 – Mar 03
Project: / Simplified Content Management System
Duration: / Feb 03 - Mar 03
Description: / Base file-oriented CMS implementation, which can be customized to match different customer needs. The implementation covered common tasks - editing, workflow, templates, publishing, version control, etc.
Responsibilities: / Analysis, design, implementation, leadership and development coordination.
Project: / STRECL (
Duration: / Jun 02 – Mar 03
Description: / Set of plugins for RAD of J2EE Web Applications based on Struts Framework ( in Eclipse IDE (
Position: / Design, team leadership, implementation
Project: /
Telecom TTS
Client: / Český TelecomDuration: / Sept 02 – Dec 02
Description: / Development and implementation of a large information system for major Czech telecom operator. Project managed by Gitus (
Technology: / J2EE, Oracle 9iApplication Server and Database
Position: / J2EE Consulting, complex tasks (e.g. synchronization with other systems via e-mails and ARS Remedy gateway, JMS, EJB)
Project: /
Client: / Čekia (Duration: / Oct 02 – Nov 02
Description: / Analysis, prototype implementation and tuning of procedures for migration of large tables in Oracle database.
Project: / Internet/intranet based editorial system (
Client: / Euronews
Duration: / Jan 01 – May 02
Description: / Large web J2EE application running on Oracle database.
Responsibilities: / Design, implementation and tuning of Java Beans, servlets, JSP pages and console applications/scripts. Data loading by PERL programs.
Benchmarking and analysis of the results
Project: / SMS agent
Client: / WOW Verkobrandit
Duration: / Jun 00 – Jan 01
Description: / Sybase DB based service for delivery of HTML content through SMS technology to wireless devices in real time. Perl/C utilities for parsing HTML content, web pages in PHP.
Other projects:
Description: / Several smaller web sites for various Czech companies. Based on JSP/Struts (J2EE) with Sybase ASE or FireBird database engines.
Responsibilities: / Database design and implementation of stored procedures, Java/JSP programming, project leadership
Open Source Projects
Project: /Annotations for Swing and SWT GUI
Duration: / PresentProject: / Profile-driven optimizations for GCC (GNU C Compiler)
Duration: / Oct 01 – May 02
Personal Information
Born: / April 5, 1980Nationality: / Czech
Marital Status: / Single
/ Czech (mother tongue), English (good), German (basic knowledge)This document is updated regularly. A recent version can be obtained from