Spring 2012

Professor Jocelyn Gehring, MA OfficePhone 051-510-3304

Office International School, Room 804Office Hours T/TH 12:30-2:00


Course Website

Course TextbookVentures Student Book 4 (Student Book Only)

Course Practical English II will build upon the lessons learned in Practical English I

Descriptionto help you enhance your confidence and fluency in speaking English.


1. CBT 10%

2. Homework #1 10% Short Essay

3. Midterm Exam 20% Written Exam

4. Oral Presentation 20% Presentation

5. Homework #2 20% Long Essay

6. Final Exam 20% Written Exam

Final GradesA+ (85%-100%) A (70-84%) F (under 70%)

Homework and Examinations

CBT Exam (10 points) Computer Based Exam given by PNU

You MUST take 1 of the 2 official CBT exams if you want to take the makeup CBT.

Homework #1 (10 points)Write a 100-150 word essay using grammar and vocabulary from Units 1-3.

Mid-Term Exam (20 points)Written exam based on units 1-5 of the textbook.

Oral Presentation (20 points)Oral Presentation of Homework #1. Students will present their writing assignment to the class and answer impromptu questions from the instructor.

Homework #2 (20 points)Write a 200-300 word essay using vocabulary and grammar from units 6-10.

Final Exam (20 points)Written exam based on units 6-10 of the textbook.

Course Schedule

This schedule is subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and on the course web-site.


1Introductions &Syllabus OverviewNone

2 Unit 1; Begin Homework #1Homework #1

3 Unit 2Homework #1

4Unit 3Homework #1

5Unit 4, Homework #1 dueMidterm Preparation

6Unit 5 and Mid-term ReviewMidterm Preparation

7Mid-Term ExaminationNone

8Unit 6; Begin Homework #2Homework #2

9Unit 7Homework #2

10Unit 8Homework #2

11Unit 9, Homework #2 due Presentation Prep.

12Unit 10Presentation Prep.


14Review for Final ExamFinal Exam Prep.


Classroom Requirements:

  1. You must come to class prepared with your textbook, notebook and pen/pencil.
  2. Please do not be late. If you sleep in class, you will be considered absent. Five absences will result in a failing grade.
  3. Make-up homework will be accepted with an acceptable written note.
  4. Please be considerate of your fellow students during class presentations. Talking during the presentation will result in a 1% deduction from your final grade.

CBT Dates for Pusan Campus

Sign –upTest Date

1st CBTMarch 12-18March 19-30

2nd CBTApril 12-18April 30-May 11

Make-up CBTMay 29-June 3June 4-7