UNIX Agent Registration to Portal
This guide was written as a quick reference to assist you in reregistering your agents to Portal. It contains general information and procedures for all Unix-based agents supported by your MRB service. This includes Linux, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX. If at any time you require additional information not contained in this guide we suggest you reference the full user guide for your agent version. All Evault software and documentation is available for download from the following site:
The full user guide will contain more detailed information then is discussed in this guide.
Before you can begin to use Portal to manage your agents you will need to reregister your agents to the new Portal account created for you. This process simply repoints your agents to the external Portal management servers. No data will be lost and there will be no need to reconfigure your backup jobs. Both management consoles read and edit data held by the agent. After you reregister your agent to Portal the same agent informationthat was accessed by WebCCwill now be accessed by Portal instead.
If you block outbound connections in your firewall you will need to modify your firewall rules to allow your agent to connect to the Portal server instead of the WebCC server. Both WebCC and Portal use Ports 8086 and 8087 for these connections. You will need to allow your new rules to connect to the Portal IP (evaultproxy1.hostedsolutions.com) across ports 8086 and 8087.
Reregistration Procedure
Stopping Agent Processes
Before you can reregister your agent to Portal you must first stop the agent processes. Stop and Start commands for the Agent is determined by the specific OS version that you use.
The “vvagent” script isused to start, stop or check the status of both vvagentand buagent. You must run this script with the proper command.
Linux: /etc/init.d/vvagent {start/stop/restart/status}
Solaris: /etc/init.d/vvagent {start/stop/restart/status}
AIX: /etc/rc.d/vvagent {start/stop/restart/status}
HP-UX: /sbin/init.d/vvagent {start/stop/restart/status}
In these examples, “stop”, “start”, “restart” and “status” are the available parameters.
Once you have the agent processes stopped you can proceed. More detailed information about stopping and starting agent processes can be found in the full user guide.
Registering Your Agent to Portal
Linux Agents contain a script named “register” that you will need to run to perform the agent registration to Portal. The register script can be found in the agent installation directory.
Linux: Run <Agent installation directory>/register
Solaris: Run <Agent installation directory>/register
AIX: Run <InstallationDirectory>/register
HP-UX: Run /usr/local/<Agent install directory>/register
Since your agent is already registered to a WebCC server, you will see:
Do you wish to register as a new computer?
This will invalidate your previous registration. (y/[N])
Type“y” and hit enter to proceed
What is the Web-based CentralControl address? ("-" to cancel)
Type “evaultproxy1.hostedsolutions.com” and hit enter to proceed
What is the Web-based CentralControl connection port? ("-" to cancel)
Type “8086” and hit enter to procced
What is your Web-based CentralControl username? ("-" to cancel)
Type the new Portal user name provided in your documentation and hit enter
What is your Web-based CentralControl password? ("-" to cancel)
Type the new Portal user password provided in your documentation and hit enter
Once the registration process completes you need to start the agent processes.
Starting Agent Processes
You will need to start your agent processes for your changes to be saved. You can then confirm that your agent is registered and manageable in Portal. You can use the same procedure you used to stop the agent to also start the agent (above).
You will need to repeat this procedure for each machine you have an agent installed on.
Upgrading agent after reregistration
Once your agents are registered to Portal you may update them to the latest agent version. You can find updated agent software and files at the following URL:
It is not necessary to upgrade your agents as all agent versions are supported by Portal. In some cases you may benefit from new agent features and performance enhancements should you upgrade to a more recent agent version.
Before upgrading any agent please review the release notes and ensure that agent supports your current OS version and application (SQL, Exchange etc.) version (where an application plug-in is used). Release notes and guides offer insight to new agent features, performance enhancements and bug fixes and can be reviewed to determine if you would benefit from upgrading your agent. Please reference the user guide for detailed instructions on how to upgrade your specific agent.