8th March 2017, 6pm

at Framwellgate Moor Youth and Community Centre

Durham City Centre Youth Project
Meeting of the Membership

Durham City Centre Youth Project Management Committee hereby gives notice of a special meeting of the membership of the Management Committee.

The meeting is open to all members, only current members of the Management Committee will be able to vote. The meeting will be to discuss the following proposal:

“To establish a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to take on the future management of the Durham City Centre Youth Project.”

D. Jenkins, J. Bowman, K. Gates, R. Johnson, A. Smith, T. Moderate, G. Waudby, A. Taylor, A. Smith,
I. Ballard.
1 Apologies for Absence and Introductions
J. Bennett

2. Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Isla Ballard from Durham Community Action gave us an overview of Charitable Incorporated Organisation and guided us through the process of agreeing to adopt the new constitution. The Management Committee as well as Gareth Waudy, Alex Taylor and Susan Neil all agreed to be part of the new CIO. Terry Moderate proposed it and Ken Gates seconded it. Isla Ballard said the process after having submitted all documentation to the Charity Commission would take approximately 8 weeks. Once this was completed the two charities would run side by side and at a further meeting the old charity would be dissolved and the new CIO officially adopted.

3 Chairman’s Report
No Chairs report

4 Treasurers Report
JB prepared a table of running costs and budgetary forecasts from Moneymanager to enable Committee Members to see the charities financial position.
Funding applications had been submitted to Garfield Weston and Neighbourhood Budget.
Funding applications that had been declined were Tudor Trust, Esh Community Fund, High Sheriff
Successful funding applications were Wellesley Trust £9,218 and AAP Small Grants £1,000.
5 Youth Workers Report
DJ spoke about the budget forecasts presented and informed the Management Committee that jobs would be advertised and would include not only sufficient hours to run sessions but time was factored into the position to allow planning and meetings around the posts. RJ and others agreed that all posts would be subjected to a review in the future to determine if the right amount of hours had been agreed. The Management Committee supported DJ in the sessions chosen to run and the posts that needed advertised. DJ said that in order to this Policies & Procedures which were already underway had to be finished and job adverts had to be written. SN questioned as to if we had a budget for advertising posts, DJ said they would use the Job Centre, our website and VONNE as all of these were free of charge.

6 Any other Business.

7 Date of Next Meeting Extraordinary General Meeting
To be arranged.