Course descriptions:

178C - A Study of Jonah

Instructor – Evangelist Frances Echevarria

Course Content:

Students will study about life lessons for this six weeks journey. This course will include how God has all power and control over their lives. The following topics will be covered.

1. Obedience/Disobedient

2. Failures/Successes

3. Choices-Positive/Negative

4. God’s-Love/Mercy

250 – Student Christian Independent Project

Students are encouraged to seek out and explore an independent topic that fits within the boundaries of biblical foundation of scripture II Timothy 2:15. Once your topic has been approved, the student will be assigned a teaching staff member to provide spiritual guidance on the project. Depending on the topic, the project may count as a core or an elective in the program. Instructions on project are located in the Fellowship Hall.

272C -A Study of the Epistle of 2 Corinthians Part I1

Instructor – Dr. Silas M. Townsend

The road of spiritual growth can get bumpy. From the new believer to the seasoned disciple, we all experience frustrations and setbacks in our pursuit of deeper relationships with God. In the Epistle of 2 Corinthians, Paul shares a revealing look at his own challenges, and offers a profound message of encouragement for every believer who seeks to overcome the challenges to a deeper relationship with God.

273E- Learning Spanish for Effective Ministry (Pt. II)

Instructor – Sister Kathleen Echevarria

This course will enable the student to acquire, understand, and communicate basic conservative terminology of the Spanish language. The student will become more effective in witnessing to the Spanish-speaking community

Being like JESUS through Worship WORD and Work

Mission Statement

St. John Baptist Church School of Christian Discipleship exists to equip members of the congregation to become more serious, able and faithful disciples of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, by offering a comprehensive Biblical Disciple’s Curriculum.

II Timothy 2:15

Church 2017 Theme

“Thriving In Christ”


Rev. Dr. Silas M. Townsend, Pastor

To glorify GOD by being like JESUS in every aspect of our lives through a discipleship that is loving warm and friendly



Christian discipleship

Certificate program

Fall II session 2017

Classes Starts Nov. 18, 2017

Cheryl Collier, Director

Phone #: (609) 230-8204

Lettie Hedgepeth, Asst. Director

Phone #: (856) 338-9167

Discipling Ministries (elective)

115-Women’s Fellowship-Wednesday-7:30 PM-Rev. B. J. Torres & Sis. B. Primas-Prepares women to be pleasing in the sight of GOD at all times and to love and respect each other. Titus 2:3-5

116-The Brotherhood-Wednesday-6:30 PM-Dec. D Abayomi To develop a strong relationship with GOD, share life experiences with each other and build strong disciples and spiritual warriors.

117-Adult Sunday School-Dec. Joe Robinson & Dec. Dennis Carter-Sunday 9:45 AM-Learn principles you can apply to your own life situations.

118-Men’s Bible Study-Dec. R. Rivers-Saturday 10:00 AM

Hearing the WORD of GOD and seeing HIS work throughout the WORD of GOD. John 10:27

119-The Potter’s House-Rev. J. Bailey-Moore-Thursday

7 PM-Keeping your eye fixed on JESUS in order that HE might bring restoration to the wounded by restoring their hope, healing, damaged emotions and hurting and broken hearts.

225-Sisters of Christ/SOC-Rev. M. Korden/Min.J. Cade-Thursday 7:30 PM-Teen girls, 13 – 18 years of age.

I Timothy 4:12

266-YoungBrotherhood-Bro. Brian Bailey-Thursday 7:00PM-This course is designed to teach young men to live their lives with a biblical perspective. This is done by teaching the WORD of GOD and fellowshipping with other young men.

ProgramRequirements: Complete six core and two elective course sessions. A registration form is required for all classes. At the same time; you may register for one or more courses using this form. Each class is held once weekly, Sunday-Saturday, for a period of 1½ hours for six weeks.

Fall II Courses

Course # / Course- Instructor / Day - Time
178-C / Preparing For Christ’s Return
Instructor: Evan. Frances Echevarria / Sat..
10:30-12:00 PM
Christian Youth Development Ctr.
250 / Student Christian Independent Project / Home
272-C / A Study of the Epistle of 2 Corinthians Part I1
Instructor Dr. Silas M. Townsend / Mon.
7:00-8:30 PM
Fellowship Hall
273-E / Learning Spanish for Effective Ministry Part II
Instructor – Sister Kathleen Echevarria / Sat..
10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Pegram Chapel

e = Elective; C=Core

Please complete and detach the Registration Form and give it toa member of the School of Christian Discipleship Ministry staff or take it to the church office. A total of eight courses must be completed in order to graduate6 core courses and 2 electives. A core course can be used as an elective in the program.

You may also obtain a Registration Form on our website: (

Registration Form





Course # / Course Title

Are you a member of St. John Baptist Church? Yes  No 

If No, please state church affiliation.


Are you auditing a course(s) for knowledge base and spiritual growth only? Yes  No 

Your Church

