Upgrading from Mariadb 5.5 to Mariadb 10.0

Upgrading from Mariadb 5.5 to Mariadb 10.0

Upgrading from MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.0

What You Need to Know

There are no changes in table or index formats between MariaDB 5.5and MariaDB 10.0, so on most servers the upgrade should be painless.

How to Upgrade

For Windows, see Upgrading MariaDB on Windows instead.

For MariaDB Galera Cluster, see Upgrading from MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5 to MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0 instead.

Before you upgrade, it would be best to take a backup of your database. This is always a good idea to do before an upgrade. We would recommend Percona XtraBackup.

The suggested upgrade procedure is:

  1. Modify the repository configuration, so the system's package manager installs MariaDB 10.0. For example,
  2. On Debian, Ubuntu, and other similar Linux distributions, see Updating the MariaDB APT repository to a New Major Release for more information.
  3. On RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and other similar Linux distributions, see Updating the MariaDB YUM repository to a New Major Release for more information.
  4. On SLES, OpenSUSE, and other similar Linux distributions, see Updating the MariaDB ZYpp repository to a New Major Release for more information.
  5. Set innodb_fast_shutdown to 0. It can be changed dynamically with SET GLOBAL. For example:
    SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;
  6. Stop MariaDB.
  7. Uninstall the old version of MariaDB.
  8. On Debian, Ubuntu, and other similar Linux distributions, execute the following:
    sudo apt-get remove mariadb-server
  9. On RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and other similar Linux distributions, execute the following:
    sudo yum remove MariaDB-server
  10. On SLES, OpenSUSE, and other similar Linux distributions, execute the following:
    sudo zypper remove MariaDB-server
  11. Install the new version of MariaDB.
  12. On Debian, Ubuntu, and other similar Linux distributions, see Installing MariaDB Packages with APT for more information.
  13. On RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, and other similar Linux distributions, see Installing MariaDB Packages with YUMfor more information.
  14. On SLES, OpenSUSE, and other similar Linux distributions, see Installing MariaDB Packages with ZYpp for more information.
  15. Make any desired changes to configuration options in option files, such as my.cnf. This includes removing any options that are no longer supported.
  16. Start MariaDB.
  17. Run mysql_upgrade.
  18. mysql_upgrade does two things:
  19. Ensures that the system tables in the mysql database are fully compatible with the new version.
  20. Does a very quick check of all tables and marks them as compatible with the new version of MariaDB .

Incompatible Changes Between 5.5 and 10.0

As mentioned previously, on most servers upgrading from 5.5 should be painless. However, there are some things that have changed which could affect an upgrade:

Options That Have Changed Default Values

Most of the following options have increased a bit in value to give better performance. They should not use much additional memory, but some of them a do use a bit more disk space.

Option / Old default value / New default value
aria-sort-buffer-size / 128M / 256M
back_log / 50 / 150
innodb-buffer-pool-instances / 1 / 8 (except on 32-bit Windows)
innodb-concurrency-tickets / 500 / 5000
innodb-log-file-size / 5M / 48M
innodb-old-blocks-time / 0 / 1000
innodb-open-files / 300 / 400 [2]
innodb-purge-batch-size / 20 / 300
innodb-undo-logs / ON / 20
max-connect-errors / 10 / 100
max-relay-log-size / 0 / 1024M
myisam-sort-buffer-size / 8M / 128M
optimizer-switch / ... / Added extended_keys=on, exists_to_in=on

Options That Have Been Removed or Renamed

The following options should be removed or renamed if you use them in your config files:

Option / Reason
engine-condition-pushdown / Replaced with set optimizer_switch='engine_condition_pushdown=on'
innodb-adaptive-flushing-method / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-autoextend-increment / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-blocking-buffer-pool-restore / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-buffer-pool-pages / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-buffer-pool-pages-blob / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-buffer-pool-pages-index / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-buffer-pool-restore-at-startup / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-buffer-pool-shm-checksum / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-buffer-pool-shm-key / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-checkpoint-age-target / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-dict-size-limit / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-doublewrite-file / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-fast-checksum / Renamed to innodb-checksum-algorithm
innodb-flush-neighbor-pages / Renamed to innodb-flush-neighbors
innodb-ibuf-accel-rate / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-ibuf-active-contract / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-ibuf-max-size / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-import-table-from-xtrabackup / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-index-stats / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-lazy-drop-table / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-merge-sort-block-size / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-persistent-stats-root-page / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-read-ahead / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-recovery-stats / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-recovery-update-relay-log / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-stats-auto-update / Renamed to innodb-stats-auto-recalc
innodb-stats-update-need-lock / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-sys-stats / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-table-stats / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-thread-concurrency-timer-based / Removed by XtraDB
innodb-use-sys-stats-table / Removed by XtraDB
xtradb-admin-command / Removed by XtraDB

Reserved Words

New reserved word: RETURNING. This can no longer be used as an identifier without being quoted.


The SET OPTION syntax is deprecated in MariaDB 10.0. Use SET instead.

New Major Features To Consider

You should consider using the following new major features in MariaDB 10.0:

For Master / Slave Setups

  • Global transaction id is enabled by default. This makes it easier to change a slave to a master.
  • MariaDB 10.0 supports parallel applying of queries on slaves. You can enable this with slave-parallel-threads=#. Note that this works only if your master is MariaDB 10.0 or later.
  • Multi source replication


See Upgrading from MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5 to MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0 for more details on Galera upgrades.


  • System Variables Added in MariaDB 10.0
  • Status Variables Added in MariaDB 10.0


  1. ↑ The innodb-open-files variable defaults to the value of table-open-cache (400 is the default) if it is set to any value less than 10 so long as innodb-file-per-table is set to 1 or TRUE (the default). If innodb_file_per_table is set to 0 or FALSE and innodb-open-files is set to a value less than 10, the default is 300