Instructor: Angela Minor, Room 155

Textbook: ¡En Español! Workbooks: Más Practica & Actividades Para Todos

The textbook focuses on the five goals of communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Communication is the main goal of second language learning and consists of four integral skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing with culture embedded in each skill. By studying a second language, students begin to understand and appreciate the diversity of the many cultures of people who speak the language (Cultures). Students will access information and explore issues related to many other subject areas (Connections). Studying a second language provides insight into other cultures and the nature of language (Comparisons). Finally, knowledge of a second language opens doors to a world of other multilingual communities, here and abroad (Communities).

COURSE OBJECTIVES: After completion of this course, students will be able to:

Discuss school, student life, sports, activities, social events, and pastimes.

Ask for and give directions and tell where things are located.

Extend, accept and decline invitations.

Talk on the phone.

Talk about what people know.

Speak in present, future and some past tense.

Express feelings, preferences, opinions and comparisons.

Describe weather.

Talk about shopping.

Order food.

Describe daily routine.

Give commands.

Describe a house.

Plan a party.

Describe past activities.

Describe professions.

Videos, magazines, newspapers, Internet sites, visual and audio aids, and a textbook/exercise workbook will be utilized to help students develop language skills to use in real life situations.


A notebook and folder (only for Spanish) is required for this class. In this notebook/folder students will keep bell work, notes, grammar exercises, writing samples and homework. Students will find an English/Spanish dictionary helpful in this class. Students are not to use online translators!


Grades will be based on a weighted scale in each of the following categories: tests (30%), quizzes (25%), assignments (25%, 20%), classroom participation (20%, 15%) and mid-term/final exam (10%). Group work and activities will receive a participation grade. The lowest quiz score of each quarter will be dropped.

A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-70 D = 69-60 F = 59-0

Attendance policies and school regulations are outlined in the student handbook. Class begins when the bell rings and ends when the bell rings. This class is an activity-based class and requires the active participation and daily attendance of all students. The activities lead to a more rapid acquisition of the language. Students with reoccurring absences will find it very difficult or impossible to meet the goals of this course. Therefore, if a student is absent, he/she is responsible for getting the notes and assignments. Being absentfrom class (excused or not) does not excuse the student from assignments! No credit is given for make-up work beyond one week except for special circumstance such as a prolonged illness. Do NOT interrupt my classroom to get your make-up work. Make-up work can be obtained at the end of your class period or during Study Skills. Students must make-up quizzes and exams during Study Skills not during class time.

HOMEWORK IS DUE ON ITS ASSIGNED DAY AND LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Some assignments will be graded while others will be reviewed for progress towards the objective. All in-class assignments are due during the class period assigned. A student must attempt all parts of the assignment to receive credit.

CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Do not copy or use translators to complete assignments. If you are caught copying or using a translator, you will be asked to re-do the assignment. If you are caught cheating on an assessment, both the person giving the answers and the one receiving the answers will be punished.



1. Be on time.

2. Be prepared and attentive.

3. Be courteous and respectful.


Email address:

Class website:

Phone number: (270) 842-7302 ext. 3347, cell number will be given to parents as needed

Times: before or after school, during planning period (2nd period) with an appointment

Please do not interrupt my lunch unless given permission.

**Please do not hesitate to talk to me if you have any questions or concerns about this class. I am here for you. Let’s make this a great year together!