Nova Scotia
Please note:
The 2 diskettes contain 1 directory each, namely WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows, WordPerfect 5.1 and Word for Windows with 13 documents (a:\WP61\... AND a:\Word\...) and 1 instruction document (a:\WP61\instruct, Inst_Sol.dsk (Wp5.1) AND a:\Word\instruct) each.
These documents have been prepared using the Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4Si printer.
Offices with other configurations may be able to make modifications to make the documents usable. If you cannot use the documents because of incompatibility of programs or printers, please call the support number, which is 18006656066, and indicate which program and printer(s) you use.
Technical Notes
1. Program Version and Printer:
These documents have been prepared in WP6.1, WP5.1 and Word97 for Windows using the Hewlett Packard 4Si printer.
2. No Use of Specific Directories:
You will want to copy all of the documents on the diskette into a subdirectory on your hard drive. For the sake of simplicity, none of these documents contains any coding which is dependent upon specific directories.
3. Use of CIBC Logo:
Four forms print with the CIBC logo embedded as a graphic. These forms are 1010PRV (Instructions to Solicitor General), Covenants Fixed Rate Mortgage, Covenants Variable Rate Mortgage and 1040PRV (Agreement to Assume). The printer specs for these forms have been set with Graphics Quality as "High".
Of course, this logo must not be incorporated into any other documents you create for other purposes.
4. Copyright Note:
You may copy and use this product only for preparation of mortgage and ancillary documents of CMI. You may insert appropriate data to complete the forms but you may not otherwise modify the forms. All other rights are reserved by CMI. This product is given to you free of charge and was virus free at the point of production. There are no warranties or conditions in respect of this product. Neither CMI nor anyone else involved in producing or distributing this product will be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever in respect of this product.
A limitation of this "comment" feature is that special characters like the copyright symbol (8) do not display correctly. The text should be read as if this symbol were properly displayed.
Notes on the "approach" of these documents
1. This diskette contains 14 CIBC Mortgages Inc. forms.
§ Affidavit of Execution – Individual
§ Affidavit of Spousal Status -Corporate
§ Affidavit of Spousal Status - Joint
§ Affidavit of Spousal Status – Single Married
§ Affidavit of Spousal Status – Single Unmarried
§ Agreement to Assume Mortgage
§ Covenant Fixed Rate
§ Covenant Variable Rate
§ Mortgage Fixed Rate
§ Mortgage Variable Rate
§ Solicitor’s Final Report and Certificate of Title
§ Solicitor’s Requisition for Funds and Interim Report
§ General Instructions to Solicitors
§ Instructions re: Disk Use
Three of these forms are set up for individualized input:
1053PRV - Solicitor's Interim Report/Requisition for Funds
1006PRV - Solicitor's Final Report and Certificate of Title
1040PRV - Agreement to Assume a Mortgage/Charge
2. Input method for Documents for individualized input:
In documents set up for input, each input point is marked with a # sign. The method we suggest is to use the SEARCH command to find each input point. (CTL G Select Find)
You will notice that when you print the document the information you have input will be printed in a "Arial" typeface, while the static information will be printed in a "Arial" typeface. We have done this in hopes that it will make the task of proof reading/checking easier.